Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/425

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
when he heard it, he thought he would rather die.
ka-kī cṳ̆ ngw̆n cò̤;
did it of his own free will.
jû ā sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, úa kâi ngw̆n cū cok;
if that is the way it is to be, my desires are satisfied.
sĭ úa ngw̆n kâi;
it is what I desired.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ chêng, m̄ ngw̆n;
he does it very unwillingly.
bô̤ cêk nâng ngw̆n;
no one was willing.
sĭ i kâi sim só̤ ngw̆n;
it is what his heart desires.
ngŵn kio i tam-sêng;
is willing to guarantee it.
  • ngw̄n11376110
  • A vow.
hwt ngw̄n; hĕ ngw̄n;
make a vow.
hòiⁿ ngw̄n;
pay a vow.
būe cêng kói ngw̄n;
not yet free from his vow.


  • ni610646
  • To take, to get; to bring or carry in the hand.
ni lâi khṳt úa;
bring it to me.
lóng-cóng ni khṳ̀;
take them all along.
màiⁿ thau ni thau nueh;
do not pilfer any of it.
khòi m̄ cêng ni lâi;
the deed has not been brought.
  • ni29857
  • Milk.
ni-bó̤; a foster mother.
cow's milk.
chī ni;
to rear on milk.
cí hûe ni cūn lâi;
the milk has just come in her breast.
lût gû-ni;
to milk a cow.
i seⁿ ni iong, tîeh ēng sĭm-mih îeh lâi ui?
She has a broken breast, what should be used as a remedy?
i kâi ni-cap khah cheng;
her milk is too thin.
i kâi ni-cap lông;
her milk is rich.
  • 彌縫ní-phông589
  • To set right; to patch up; to help along; to supplement the efforts of another.
thĕng úa lâi kio lṳ́ ní-phông kàu ŵn-chŵn;
wait until I take hold along with you and set it completely right.
cía sĭ cèng nâng kio i ní-phông kâi;
this was done in his behalf by all unitedly.
jw̆n ní-phông, ní-phông m bûa;
however much we try to reconcile the difficulty, there seems to be no way of compassing it.
tăi-ke phêng-íu hùe cài lâi kâi i ní-phông, bú-pit àiⁿ ní-phông kàu sêng;
let all his friends again take hold and help him, and they will surely bring it to pass this time.
sie-hŭ ní-phông;
help rectify the blunder.
  • 286755
  • To dye; to color.
ní phò;
a dyer's shop.
àiⁿ ní cò̤ kang-cheⁿ kâi;
wish to have it dyed brown.
i tó̤ khui ní pâng;
he has a dyeing establishment.
ní kàu bŏi thò̤ sek;
dyed a fast color.
ní kang hó̤ căi, ní lío bŏi pìen sek;
the dyeing is well done and the colors will not change.

  • 7909614
  • The royal signet.
the great seal.
i tit tîeh thŵn kok kâi gêk-ní;
he received the state seal.
gêk-ní khṳt i pì cáu;
the great seal was carried off by him on his back.
  • 630855
  • Mud; soil; mire.
thô nî ;
clay, mud, soil.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ thoa nî thoa cúi;
he does a thing as if he were being dragged to it through mud and water.
nî-cúi chīeⁿ;
a mason.
  • 551806
  • Viscid juice or dried gum.
buah in-nî;
use cosmetics.
chīu nî;
the juices of a tree.
chêng chīu nî;
the sap of the banyan.
in-nî hún;
white cosmetic.
nî lâu-lâu;
the juice flows.
  • 630805
  • Woolen cloth; broadcloth.
nî pò;
lâm nî;
blue flannel.
o nî;
black broadcloth.
nî kah-kíaⁿ;
a sleeveless jacket of broadcloth.
nî bé-kùa;
a cloth riding jacket.
why, how, what.
i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What did he say?
tîeh cò̤-nî cò̤ cìaⁿ hó̤?
What is the best thing to be done?
lṳ́ cò̤-nî tàⁿ cía ūe?
Why do you speak thus?
a Buddhist nun.
nî-ko am;
a nunnery.
  • 634518
  • A year, a revolution of the seasons; the years one has reached.
kim nî; kin nî;
this year.
kū nî;
last year.
mêⁿ nî;
next year.
ău nî;
year after next; in after years.
tōa ău nî;
the year after year-after-next.
côiⁿ nî;
year before last, or in former years, (according to the emphasis, whether placed or the first or the second syllable).
tōa côiⁿ nî;
the year before year-before-last.
kṳ̆n nî; hīn nî;
of late years.
kú nî;
many years ago.
soiⁿ nî;
in former years.
cīeⁿ nî;
in other years.
kó-cá nî;
in olden times.
ĕ nî;
in coming years.
lâng nî;
a few years.
kúi nî;
several years.
choiⁿ nî peh nî to m̄ lâi;
has not been here for ages.
i jîeh cōi nî-khí?
Of what age is he?
ŭ nî-hùe kâi nâng;
one advanced in years.
i kâi nî-hùe khin;
he is not advanced in years.
sìo nî nâng;
a young person.
cheⁿ nî chut sṳ̆, lău nî cìaⁿ cò̤ kuaⁿ;
if one takes degrees in youth, he fills office in old age.
i kim nî jîeh cōi hùe?
What is his age this year?
íen nî;
long years ago.
hn̆g nî kâi sṳ̄;
what occurred many years since.