Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/448

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
their meaning.
sía cêk kâi pêh cúi jī àiⁿ phah cêk ē chíu tói;
for each letter you write by its sound, I shall ferule you one stroke.
thâk pêh bûn;
read the simple text.
cí kâi nâng sĭ pêh sin;
this is a commoner.
úang lâi bô̤ pêh teng;
among those who went and came there were no commoners, all were people of rank.
âng sṳ̄, pêh sṳ̄;
a happy affair or a grevious affair; a marriage or a funeral.
tng mīn chíeⁿ pêh;
I got the better of him in that argument.
pêh cîah pêh tàⁿ;
gasconade; bragging.
pêh ok chut kong kheng;
a plain family has produced a great statesman.
tàⁿ ūe kàu mêng-mêng pêh-hêh;
speaks very plainly.
i tó lăi mêng-pêh; i sim lăi mêng-pêh;
he is well informed.
úa thiaⁿ m̄ mêng-pêh;
I do not understand clearly what is said.
pío pêh chut lâi;
clearly set forth.
sueh pêh;
explain clearly.
a counter snatcher.
  • 謊唐pèh-cíaⁿ253
  • ; pêh-cíaⁿ; pêh-lô̤h;
to tell falsehoods.
i tŏ̤ pêh-lô̤h, màiⁿ thiaⁿ;
he is telling what is untrue, pay no hoed to him.
i tó̤ tōa pêh-cíaⁿ;
he is telling lies.
  • pêh707505
  • Plain white silk; taffety; wealth; property; a present of silk.
pò pêh;
silken fabrics.
the god of wealth.
pâk pêh;
wear a white silk badge of mourning.


  • pek692619
  • An earnest, resolute feeling; oppressed; borne down with.
sim pek;
oppressed in mind by the consideration of it.
sim lăi pek căi;
the feelings greatly interested.
thiaⁿ tíeh i kâi ūe, sît-căi pek;
on hearing what he said, she became deeply distressed about it.
  • pek707755
  • An earl.
pek ciah;
the rank of an earl.
  • pek708755
  • The cedar.
bark of the Pterocarpus flavus*, used in medicine, and for dyeing silks yellow.
jumper seeds.
  • pek6921629
  • To insist upon; to urge; to crowd; to harass; to reduce to straits; urgent; imperious.
pressing; urgent.
kip pek;
requiring haste.
ui si so pek;
driven by circumstances.
cia si pek i bo nai kai;
this is crowding him beyond what he can endure.
pek tho
sìo bâk;
urgently demand payment of a bill.
pek lîah;
seize with haste.
pek kàu i sí khṳ̀;
kill by hard usage.
pek tó̤ nâng mīaⁿ;
harass to death.
pek i sía tīo;
compel him to cast it away.
pek i kói-kè;
force a wife to marry another man.
sṳ̄ khah pek, lí m̄ chut;
the business is too urgent, I cannot attend to it.
jît-cí pek;
the time is close at hand.
very pressing.
pek khṳ̀ kín căi;
driven to great straits.
browbeat one into.
pek kàu hṳ́ piⁿ-piⁿ;
drove him on to the border.
ke-húe cheⁿ-pek bûa khṳ̀;
the armed men rushed upon.
pek kàu i cĭeⁿ thiⁿ bo̤ lō, ló̤h tī bô̤ mn̂g;
drove him to desperation.


  • péng6991153
  • To hold in the hand; to uphold; to maintain; to have power.
sĭ i tó̤ péng khŵn;
it is he who holds the power.
péng kong phōiⁿ sṳ̄;
adjudicate matters in an equitable way.
  • péng6901876
  • Union between things naturally separate.
péng cóiⁿ;
a double finger, two of the fingers grown together.
péng khî;
two teeth united so as to form one.
péng hîap;
ribs joined as to have no interstice between the two.
  • pêng7026112
  • To trust to; confiding in; according to, as; proof, evidence; that which can be proven.
pêng tong bói-kàn móng nâng kâi châng;
depend on a middleman to buy a field from a certain man.
jĭm pêng i cò̤-nî īeⁿ;
in any way he pleases.
cía sĭ ŭ pêng ŭ kṳ̆ kâi;
this is something for which there is proof.
bô̤ pêng-kṳ̆;
without proof.
kháu sueh, bô̤ pêng;
words will not serve for proof.
cang sĭm-mûeh ûi pêng?;
What evidence is there for it?
cía sĭ pêng i tàⁿ kâi;
this verifies what he said.
pêng toaⁿ;
a receipt or order.
pêng-toaⁿ chú ngṳ̂n cêk choiⁿ níe;
the draft calls for a thousand taels.
  • pĕng70017
  • Two standing or going together; a dual arrangement; a copulative particle; altogether; both, with, and, also, moreover, unitedly, at once; used before a negative it enforces it.
pĕng bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is not so at all.
pĕng hut;
by no means.
pĕng hui ŭ ì;
quite unintentional.
nŏ̤ nâng pĕng cŏ̤;
both sat down.
pĕng m̄ sĭ;
not so at all.
pĕng ĭong, jîeh cōi cîⁿ?;
How much was it, including commission?