Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/451

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
what other people are doing.
the change of life.
obstruction of the menses.
ŭ cêk īeⁿ cie kìe cò̤ pĭ-kháu-cie, ŏi cîah sí nâng;
there is a kind of pepper called "shut-mouth" that kills those who eat it.
  • 675668
  • Unworthy, vile, abject; a demeaning respectful term for my or mine.
pĭ-tong m̄ tŏ̤;
my humble master is not at home.
pĭ hieⁿ lî cí kò̤ hn̆g;
my poor village is far from here.
tŏ̤ ún pĭ tī tīu jîeh kú?;
How long have you lived in our unworthy country?
pĭ tìam cí khí hùe bōi ŵn lío;
these goods are all sold off, at our poor stall.
pĭ chin cêng khṳ̀ kìⁿ lṳ́ mē?;
Did my relative pay you a visit?
  • 6691455
  • A sign of the passive voice, showing that what follows was suffered or done.
pĭ úa thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
was seen by me.
i pĭ i hāi-sí;
he was killed by her.
pĭ nâng mēⁿ;
reviled by people.
pĭ nín hah;
beaten by you.
  • 675388
  • A maid-servant; unmarried female slaves.
a slave girl.
female slaves.
pĭ pôk hùe;
servants, male and female.
i tâng sò̤i bōi khṳt nâng ûi pĭ;
she was sold as a slave in early childhood.
  • 6771707
  • To ascend high places; ascent to a palace or court.
i cĭeⁿ kiaⁿ khṳ̀ pĭ-kìⁿ;
he has gone to Peking to have an audience with the Emperor.
cheng hûang-tì cò̤ pĭ-ĕ;
the Emperor is addressed as Your Majesty.
  • 67714012
  • To shade; to screen; obscured.
to hide from observation.
seng kî pĭ jît;
raise flags enough to obscure the sun.
lâng míen ŭ pĭ hîen kâi cŭe;
it is not easy to overlook the sin of keeping the worthy in obscurity.
  • 67714012
  • Trouble, mischief.
cêk huap lîp, cêk pī seⁿ, àiⁿ siet-lîp kàu bô̤ pī sĭ kang-khó;
whatever way of doing it you may fix upon, that way will have difficulties arising in it; to arrange matters so that no mischief will come of it is hard.
cí kâi huap hó̤ căi, kîaⁿ kàu cìeⁿ kú hŵn-lío bô̤ pĭ-pēⁿ;
this method is excellent, we have followed it ever so long and it still works without a hitch.
sĭ i tó̤ bú pī;
it is he who is working in an underhand way to produce trouble.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi pī-pēⁿ sĭ tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?;
Where do you think the trouble lies?
jît kú cū pī-seⁿ;
awhile mischief arises.
cí khí sṳ̄ kâi chéng-pī cōi căi;
there are many difficulties in this business.
mih īeⁿ lĭ-pī i to pat;
ho is up to all sorts of tricks.
cía bô̤ pī bô̤ pēⁿ;
there is no trouble about this.
  • 6765512
  • To flee from, to escape, to avoid, to shun, to dodge, to retire, to stand aside, to abscond, to hide away.
i sĭ cáu khṳ̀ hṳ́ kò̤ pī cè;
he fled thither to avoid his creditors.
pī lāng;
to avoid trouble.
cí kâi jī pī-hùi;
this letter is one to be avoided (as if it were one used in the Emperor's name).
pī tăng cĭu khin;
shirk the hard work and take the easy.
i m̄ pī hîam-gî;
he does not avoid the appearance of evil.
pī kùe cêk tńg;
escaped once.
pī sú;
to avoid hot weather, (as by going into the country).
síam-pī put-kîp;
to shun it is impracticable.
tô̤-pī kàu nĕ hn̆g-hn̆g;
fled far away.
ngŏ̤ tîeh i cū tîeh hûe-pī;
if you meet him you must withdraw.
pī sùe hìang;
avoid paying duty on goods.
pī bûa;
stand aside; draw back.
àiⁿ pī, pī m̄ khṳ̀;
wish to shun it but cannot.
cí kâi jît sĭ pī tîeh sĭm-mih seⁿ-sìeⁿ?;
What hours of this day must be shunned by people born in certain years?


  • piⁿ6871779
  • A whip; a lash; to lash.
a horsewhip.
i pun i piⁿ-phah cèk peh ē;
he received a hundred lashes from him.
phûe piⁿ;
a leathern whip.
sái sang piⁿ;
wield a pair of bludgeons.
  • piⁿ68616215
  • On the border or side; the margin.
lâi cŏ̤ pàng úa sin-piⁿ;
come and sit beside me.
châng piⁿ châng, chù piⁿ chù;
their fields and houses adjoin.
cêk piⁿ co̤h chîeⁿ nŏ̤ piⁿ kng;
the party who builds the partition wall, makes both sides of it smooth.
i cò̤-nî jĭm hàm m̄ bûa piⁿ?;
Why does he not come when he is called?
tŏ̤ hìeⁿ pôiⁿ piⁿ;
on the other side.
kàu cìeⁿ pôiⁿ piⁿ;
has reached this side.
hue piⁿ ngṳ̂n;
the milled dollar.
hût piⁿ ngṳ̂n;
dollars having a head on one side.
tói piⁿ;
the inner face.
gūa piⁿ;
the outer face.
i chùi piⁿ seⁿ lîap kì;
he has a mole on the side of his mouth.
cí kâi sĭ i sin-piⁿ kâi nâng;
this is his companion or concubine.
  • piⁿ68912014
  • The queue.
pĭⁿ piⁿ;
plait the queue.
i kâi piⁿ ŭ ciap cáng a bô̤?;
Does he wear false hair in his queue?
i cang piⁿ hiuh i;
he struck her with his queue.
cáng i kâi piⁿ;
clutched his queue.
cêk nâng túi piⁿ, cêk nâng peⁿ kha;
one dragged him by the queue