Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/453

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
repeat his words to me as nearly as you can.
cêk kù cêk kù pîaⁿ mēng-pêh;
state it plainly word for word.
cē píaⁿ cū bô̤ saⁿ sîaⁿ;
in relating it he told less than three tenths of the story.


  • piah6913213
  • A partition wall; the wall of a house; a screen; a defense or obstruction; a dividing cliff or water-shed.
pàng tŏ̤ piah kha piⁿ;
set it down close to the wall.
tah piah teng;
a wall lamp.
ceng kò̤ cìe-piah;
make a wall that will be a screen.
sì-chù cŭang tîeh, to sĭ̆ tâng-chîeⁿ thih-piah;
no opening for exit in any direction.
kĭa kùe piah;
steeper than a wall.
peh tŏ̤ kò̤ cîeh-piah téng;
has climbed up on the stone wall.
sì piah sio jîen;
reduced to four bare walls; very poor indeed.
sie keh piah;
living on opposite sides of the same wall; only a wall between.
keh piah phò;
adjoining shops.
keh piah chîeⁿ;
a dividing wall.
keh cêk têng piah tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
separated only by a wall.
  • piah6919613
  • A princely gem, an ancient jade badge of office, made with a round hole in it, and held in the hands at court; to decline.
ngŵn piah kui tĭe;
the original gem will be returned; the debt will be repaid.
ngŵn mûeh piah sīa;
return the gift as a present to the donor.
piah hûe khṳ̀ hâiⁿ i;
send it back to him.
siu to̤h-teng âng-cek, ṳ̂ tien piah sīa;
return with thanks to the donor all the valuables except the table-lamp and red candles.


  • piak711645
  • To throb; to beat.
kiaⁿ kàu i sim-kuaⁿ-thân piak-piak-tōaⁿ;
so frightened that his heart throbbed violently.
úa mông thóiⁿ lṳ́ kâi sim-kuaⁿ-thâu ŏi piak-piak-phah a bŏi;
I will lay my hand on your heart and see whether it beats violently.
khṳt ngio kiaⁿ kàu sim-kuaⁿ piak-cē-cĭeⁿ piak-cē-lô̤h;
was so startled by the cat that my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth.
  • pîak569554
  • To manipulate; to work at.
táng i ka-kī khṳ̀ pîak;
wait till he himself goes and sets it to rights.
úa kio lṳ́ pîak cū hó̤;
I will set it up for yon.
úa pa-pîak ŭ pùaⁿ mêⁿ kú, hŵn-lío pa-pîak būe hó̤;
I worked at it half the night and have not yet got it in order.


  • piang679644
  • To cuff, to slap.
piang i kâi kih-kau;
slapped her on the cheek.

  • piàng711645
  • To slap; to pound; to rap.
khì kàu pìang chn̂g pìang íⁿ;
so angry that he pounded the tables and chairs.
hía chn̂g pìang kàu lîh;
pounded the table till it split.
kuaⁿ thiaⁿ tîeh, kâi pău li-li pìang, tó̤ hàm nâng phah i;
when the magistrate heard it he kept rapping with his mace, and calling some one to beat her.


  • pie6817511
  • A banner; a flag or streamer used as a marking-flag; a ticket or card.
chah ki pie;
insert a flag as a mark.
i tó̤ khîa tōa pie;
he is carrying the chief flag.
cêng sàng pie a būe?;
Have banners been presented yet?
kin-nî sĭ úa kâi cío khìa cong-chun-pie;
this year it was my quail that was the champion.
kìm phah pie kâi sṳ̄;
forbid the sale of lottery tickets.
pêh-kap pie;
Cantonese lottery tickets.
lṳ̆-sòng pie;
Manilla lottery tickets.
tô̤h pie;
get the highest prize.
chíeⁿ pie;
snatch the prize; emulate.
chíaⁿ nâng lâi pie hŭe;
ask people to form a loan-association.
cí kâi gûeh kâi hŭe khṳt tī-tîang pie tîeh?;
Which member of the loan association has this month bid highest for the sum of the loans?
  • pie68213015
  • Corpulent; fat; stout.
i cí hûe pie căi;
he is now very stout.
tăi tó̤ pie kâi sî-hāu;
is growing fat.
pêh phìen pie-nêk;
sliced fat meat.
layers of fat in meat.
a watch.
sî-pie m̄ kîaⁿ;
this watch does not run.
sî-pie thêng khṳ̀;
the watch bas stopped.
a hunting watch.
kim-khak kâi sî-pie;
a watch with a gold case.
sî-pie līen;
sî-pie cam;
the hands of a watch.
sî-pie kâi ke-sāi;
the machinery of a watch.
cí kâi sî-pie kâi huap-tîo sĭ tn̆g khṳ̀;
the main spring of this watch is broken.
sî-pie thàu;
a watch stand.
ká sì-pie;
wind a watch.
sî-pie kâi só̤-sî;
  • pie68316711
  • A sharp pointed spear; to spear.
níoⁿ-chṳ́ pie;
a spear for spearing rats.
pie níoⁿ-chṳ́;
to spear rats.
khṳt i ēng hûe-bé-pie, pie sí khṳ̀;
was killed by a backward thrust of his spear.
  • píe6821453
  • A statement presented to the emperor; exterior; outer.
relatives of a different surname.
píe hiaⁿ-tĭ;
second cousins.
lău píe chin;
a second or third cousin.
ko-píe hiaⁿ-tĭ;
father's sister's