Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/470

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

ment by bambooing; to act on, to operate on, to perform; an auxiliary verb denoting action.

lîah i khṳ̀ phah;
seize him and beat him.
phah i cáu;
drive him off by beating him.
nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sie phah;
the two are fighting with each other.
i phah úa;
he struck me.
phah thóiⁿ tī-tîang îaⁿ;
wrestle and see who is the stronger.
ŏi khṳt i phah tîeh a bŏi?
Did it hit you?
phah khûn-thâu;
to box.
sĭu i phah;
was beaten by him.
saⁿ jît phah sì tńg;
beaten four times in three days.
phah kuaⁿ-si;
bring a suit against.
phah thih kâi nâng;
a blacksmith.
i būe sĭ thih phah kâi;
he has not yet hardened his muscles by hard work.
phah siah;
work in pewter.
phah cîeh;
stone cutting.
phah chèng;
fire a gun.
i būe pat khṳt nâng phah mâk;
he ought to be knocked down for such insolence.
phah tùi i kâi phiaⁿ-lî;
struck him in the side.
phah cîh i kâi kha;
broke his leg.
phah ang-chun;
to fight quails.
phah cío;
to shoot birds.
phah ìn;
play shuttle-cock.
phah pa-cíeⁿ;
strike on the palm.
toah phah;
scold and pound.
phah n̆ng;
beat up eggs.
i tó̤ phah kang;
they are at work.
phah m̄ lô̤h chíu;
could not strike him.
hàm kâi lâi tûi ie phah phôk;
call somebody to manipulate the back, beating it lightly.
phah sèng-cĭang;
gain a battle.
phah pāi cĭang;
lost the battle.
phah tieⁿ toaⁿ;
write out a permit.
phah bé-kíaⁿ;
to set down figures.
phah îu;
to express oil.


  • phái671305
  • The noise made in spitting or hooting; to snort at.
to flout; to scoff at; to hoot at; to treat with contumely.
i phái-phái-kìe, li-li mēⁿ;
he snorted at and kept on reviling her.
  • phái844780
  • Bad, evil.
phái kíaⁿ;
a bad fellow.
phái nâng cò̤ phái sṳ̄;
the evil do evil.
  • phài650856
  • To branch, as a stream; to ramify, as a family; a rill; to appoint to a post; to distribute to each person; a tribe; all; a lot; the whole company; a classifier.
a tribe, clan, or branch.
cí kâi jī sĭ sĭm-mih phài?
What is the name given to these, to distinguish them from others of the same surname?
kio i tâng phài;
am of the same family branch as he.
cêk phài to sĭ suaⁿ;
the whole of it is mountainous.
cí cêk phài tī-hng kâi cúi lâu tŏ̤ tī-kò̤ khṳ̀?
Where does the water of this region flow to?
phài i khṳ̀;
send him to his post.
ēng phài kúi nâng khṳ̀?
How many persons must we depute?
phài tīaⁿ-tîeh a būe?
Are the places to which each is to go exactly assigned yet?
cía sĭ i kâi tek-phài;
this is the offspring of his chief wife.
cí kâi nâng cìaⁿ-phài căi;
this man is very upright.
cèng nâng lâi phài cîⁿ;
they all came and contributed their quota of cash.
cìe châng-bó khue phài;
fix each person's quota in accordance with the extent of his arable land.
hó̤ phài-thâu;
of a good stock.
sî-phài kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
what is now all the rage.
chut lâi bô̤ phài bô̤ thâu;
has no style about it.


  • phang1561427
  • Insects of the family Vespidæ.
the honey-bee.
the humble-bee.
the sphex.
a hornet.
hóⁿ-thâu phang;
a wasp.
màiⁿ sîp tîeh hóⁿ-thâu-phang;
do not trouble a wasp.
a beehive.
cí tû phang kuah ŭ jîeh cōi bît?
How much honey did you get from this swarm?
phang cōi cū kuah cōi, phang cíe cū kuah cíe;
if the swarm is large you get more, and if it is small you get less.
phang hío kun-chîn;
the swarm knows its ruler.
cêk ē chut sin phang-ûang cū tîeh pun tû;
as soon as a new queen is developed, the swarm must be divided.
phang īa sĭ khṳ̀ chái ŭ hó̤ bît cū tîeh khîeh tńg lâi cìn-kong phang-ûang;
if the bees gather good honey they must bring it as tribute to the queen.
bît phìen;
a comb of honey.
cêk kóng bît;
a cell in honey-comb.
a wasp's nest.
phang chì;
the sting of a bee.
khṳt phang tàng tîeh;
stung by a bee.
sí phang, ûah chì;
a dead bee has a live sting.
bô̤-chì-phang m̄ tit nâng ùi;
no one fears a stingless bee.
  • phang6536415
  • To pull toward one; to engage one to do something.
phang i chut lâi tàⁿ ūe;
get him to come forward and speak.
i lâi phang úa khṳ̀ tâng lí;
he came to get me to go and help him attend to it.
phang-tâng tăi-ke lâi ngí sṳ̄;
would get you all to come and deliberate upon this affair.
m̄ káⁿ kau phang;
dare not venture to engage in it.
  • phang1881860
  • Fragrant; sweet-smelling.
phīⁿ sat, m̄ cai phang chàu;
nose stopped up so as to be unable to tell the difference between a perfume and a stench.
bī phang căi;
it has a very sweet savour.
phang kùe lêng-hieⁿ;
sweeter than bergamot.
lêng-hieⁿ kùe hái phang;
bergamot is odorous even after crossing the sea.
phīⁿ tîeh phang;
it smells sweet.
ûn hieⁿ-châ lâi phīⁿ phang;