Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/475

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • phìⁿ758636
  • The leaf of a door, and hence used as a classifier of shutters and windows.
nŏ̤ phìⁿ mn̂g kueⁿ miⁿ-miⁿ;
shut both leaves of the door tightly.
cí kúi phìⁿ síam-mn̂g cò̤ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?;
How much did you pay for these folding doors?
  • phīⁿ6772090
  • The nose.
i kâi phīⁿ sòng-sòng;
he has a very prominent nose.
phīⁿ tōa li pó mâk thap;
the size of the nose makes up for the hollowness of the eyes.
gû phīⁿ tú tîeh châk chíu;
the ox laid his nose against the thief's hand and followed him off.
phīⁿ kau-kau;
a hooked nose.
phīⁿ-lêng-kut lāi-lāi;
a thin nose.
phīⁿ ciam-ciam;
a sharp nose.
phīⁿ bih-bih;
a flat nose.
phīⁿ chúa;
a crooked nose.
the ridge of the nose.
phīⁿ-khang; phīⁿ-khang-kńg;
the nostrils.
mucous from the nose.
phīⁿ uaⁿ;
bridge of the nose.
phīⁿ cún;
the end of the nose.
cîah phīⁿ-hun; hngk phīⁿ-hun;
to take snuff.
sàng phīⁿ;
blow the nose.
hngk phīⁿ;
expel or inhale the air forcibly through the nose.
cía cū sǐ hì-pêⁿ-téng kâi ūe-pêh-phīⁿ kâi;
this is the buffoon in the theatre (and has his nose painted white).
úai phīⁿ-khang môⁿ;
scrape the hair from the nostrils.
thâp phīⁿ;
without a nose.
phīⁿ sak;
the nose stopped up; snuffles.
chùi hâp bûa, cang phīⁿ-khang tháu-khùi;
shut your mouth and breathe through your nose.
  • phīⁿ2113010
  • To smell; to scent.
phīⁿ tîeh;
phīⁿ thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;
smell it and see whether it is good.
phīⁿ tîeh chàu;
smelled a bad odor.
phīⁿ tîeh phang cǎi;
smelled very fragrant.
i hn̆g-hn̆g to phīⁿ tit kàu;
he can smell at a great distance.
úa phīⁿ m̄ tîeh, i cò̤-nî cū phīⁿ-kìⁿ?;
I cannot smell it, how is it that he can?
phīⁿ tîeh kòng-kòng phang;
smells very odorous.
phīⁿ m̄ chut;
cannot discover by the sense of smell.
jîeh hn̆g to phīⁿ-kìⁿ;
scents it from afar.
cē phīⁿ tîeh cū hîn;
if you smell it, it will make you dizzy.
  • 貔貅phīⁿ-hiuⁿ211
  • A ferocious beast fabled to devour tigers; the term is applied to a valiant general.


  • phiaⁿ666644
  • To fling or throw down with force.
i cē khì khîeh khí lâi cū phiaⁿ tīo;
when angry he took it up and flung it down and broke it.
phiaⁿ lôh khṳ̀̀ chap-chap-chùi;
dashed it down and broke it in little pieces.
phiaⁿ kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤ khṳ̀;
flung it far away.

  • phiaⁿ1951306
  • The flanks, the sides; the space below the arms.
phiaⁿ-lî kut;
phiaⁿ nêk; tu kâi phîaⁿ nêk;
a side of pork.
phîaⁿ-lî thìaⁿ;
a pain in the side.
  • phìaⁿ7021287
  • A dower; a portion; the betrothal presents.
phìaⁿ-kim jîeh cōi?;
How much is paid by the groom's father to the bride's parents?
ngí tīaⁿ, nô̤ kò̤ phìaⁿ;
it is fixed at twice ten taels.
sàng phìaⁿ a būe?;
Are the betrothal gifts presented yet?
bô̤ tham i kâi kāu phìaⁿ;
do not covet a large dower.
  • phîaⁿ701325
  • A flat; a level area.
hái phîaⁿ;
flats, covered at high tide with salt water.
thūn hái phîaⁿ;
fill in the salt meadows; made land on the sea-shore.
suaⁿ phîaⁿ;
a plateau.
  • phîaⁿ680328
  • A classifier of jobs.
phîaⁿ sṳ̄, lóng-cóng pàng úa sin tèng;
leave the whole affair to me.
cí cêk phîaⁿ lóng-cóng àiⁿ i lí, bô̤ kùe i kang-khó;
wants him to attend to the whole job, and has no regard to the hardship he undergoes.


  • phiah69410413
  • A propensity; partiality; a whim or prejudice.
kak nâng kak nâng ŭ cêk kâi phiah pēⁿ;
each has some unsatisfied desire.
i kâi sèⁿ phiah;
his disposition is morbid.
cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ cip phiah;
do not act from private prejudice.
i kâi phiah pēⁿ m̄-hō̤;
he has vicious propensities.
i kâi sèⁿ-chêng kuai-phiah;
he has a suspicious disposition.
cí īeⁿ îeh hó̤ tī thâm phiah;
this medicine corrects the desire to expectorate constantly.
  • phiah694913
  • Secluded, private; mean, lowlive, base.
phiah-cèⁿ kâi tī-hng;
a secluded spot.
phiah-phiah siah-siah kâi hāng;
an unfrequented lane.
phiah-siah kâi îeh, hâng ēng;
a remedy little known and seldom used.
  • phîah694913
  • Private; disused.
síam-phîah kâi tī-hng;
a neglected, unfrequented spot.
khah phîah kâi îeh, cíe nâng pat;
a medicine very seldom used, and few people know what it is.


  • phîak887648
  • To whisk sidewise; to flop.
khṳt i kâi búe cē phîak, uâng cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
one blow from his tail