Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/477

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • phìen6911879
  • To take an unfair advantage ; to cheat, to deceive, to delude, to lie.
úa bô̤ phìen lṳ́ kâi;
I am not deceiving you in regard to it.
khṳt i phìen khṳ̀;
was cheated by him.
ŭ phìen a bô̤?
Is there any imposition about it?
to befool.
a plan for swindling.
to cheat out of; to impose upon.
  • phìen6529714
  • The carpels of oranges and similar fruits.
peh nŏ̤ phìen kaⁿ;
took off two sections from the orange.
peh phìen īu pun i;
broke off a section of the pumelo and gave it to her.
sǹg phìen;
the scales from a bulb of garlic.


  • 砒礵phin-sng679
  • The red sulphuret of arsenic.
tâk kùe phin-sng;
more poisonous than arsenic.
  • phín697306
  • Series, rank, grade, order.
kĕ phín;
of a low grade.
hĭa phín;
mean; of low rank.
kêk phín;
the highest rank.
tng chîo it phín;
holds the highest rank under government.
  • phín6881545
  • To censure; to disparage; to dismiss; to cashier.
i pĭ phín tńg khṳ̀;
he was cashiered and sent home.
phín chut lâi cò̤ ti-kūiⁿ;
degraded in office and transferred to a district-magistracy.
phín lô̤h né-keng;
dismissed to the palace for discarded concubines.
  • phîn702448
  • A self-supporting, upright screen.
phîn tìeⁿ;
the cloth or paper covering a screen.
úa tŏ̤ kau-íⁿ phîn kò̤;
leaning on the back of a chair.
pái cêk hù cé-kang, kìaⁿ-phîn;
set out a pair of ornaments consisting of a vase and a pier-glass.
ûi phîn;
enclose with a folding screen.
removable, folding doors.
pâk kâi ie-phîn;
tie on a loin-cloth.
chíaⁿ nâng cò̤ kò̤ phîn bûn;
invite some one to compose stanzas, suitable to write on a screen.
  • phîn3956413
  • To impinge; to throw against and hit.
i kâi tăng-kíaⁿ àiⁿ khṳ̀ phîn i kâi o-kng;
the little thin pickle pot is going to cast itself against the big black water-jar.
phîn cúi-nî;
to skip stones along the surface of the water.
khì khí lâi cū kâi i phîn phîn tīo;
if he gets wrathy he will dash himself upon it and smash it in pieces.
khîeh kò̤ cng-kŏ̤ khṳ̀ phîn i;
took a brickbat, and hit him with it.
cía sĭ cang ˘nng khṳ̀ phîn cîeh-thâu;
this is pitting an egg against a stone.

  • phîn6977516
  • A fragrant fruit, the Sterculia balangas.
phîn kúaiⁿ;
the apple is sometimes thus called.
  • phîn6971544
  • Poor; destitute; impoverished.
phîn-khîong nâng;
poor people.
kun-cṳ́ kâi nâng uaⁿ phîn;
the princely man is content even in poverty.
ke phîn, chin lău;
poor, and with aged parents.
phîn-cūaⁿ cṳ kau put khó̤ bûang;
those who were our companions when we were in poverty, should not be forgotten.
cêk phîn jû sói;
destitute as if everything had been washed away.


  • phio6817511
  • The signal flag or banner used as a marking flag; the troops under one banner; a corps; a sign- board; a ticket or card; a warrant; to make a signal; to put up a notice; to inscribe.
úa thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kâi phio-thâu;
I saw the notice that he had put up.
i kâi îeh-phio cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What does the advertisement, stuck up to lead people to buy his medicine, say about it?
put-lŭn bōi sĭm-mûeh to chut ŭ phio;
whatever sort of thing is sold, there is the shop-mark set upon it.
i seⁿ lâi phio-tì;
she is very pretty.
i phio ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi îaⁿ?
How many brigades are there under that flag.
i sĭ cò̤ tok-phio kâi kuaⁿ a cò̤ bú-phio kâi kuaⁿ?
Is he a governor or a lieutenant governor?
cí kâi sĭ tŏ̤ tìn-phio kò̤, hṳ́ kâi sĭ tŏ̤ thî-phio kò̤;
this one is with the brigadier-general, that one is with the major-general.
sĭ i phio ĕ kâi piaⁿ;
they are troops that belong under his banner.
  • phio1681374
  • To sail; to travel by water.
i sĭ tùi lăi lō khṳ̀ a sĭ phio hái khṳ̀?
Did he go by land or by sea?
phio hái ío méⁿ kàu;
by going by sea he will arrive sooner.
  • phio68318211
  • Swayed by the wind.
of no great weight.
i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ khah khin-phio;
his conduct is marked by too great levity.
khîeh tîeh khin-phio khin-phio nē;
take hold of it very lightly indeed.
  • phio6838511
  • To drift; to float about.
tŏ̤ hái tèng phio;
drift about at sea.
sì-chù phio-lîu;
roam about everywhere, as a vagabond might.
phio kùe îeⁿ;
roam abroad across the seas.
  • phîo6834811
  • Wanton; lewd.
i kâi sĭ tōa phîo kheh;
he is one who spends much in lewdness.
i m̄ cṳ̆