Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/491

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

his own progenitors, how can he show consideration for other people?

i seⁿ khṳ̀ ko̤h īeⁿ căi;
he is very much deformed.
i kâi thâu-khak seⁿ lâm-sap;
lie has sores on his head, arising from neglect.
seⁿ jûah-pauh;
has a cold-sore.
seⁿ thûe;
has boils.
seⁿ cîⁿ;
borrow money on interest.
i côiⁿ seⁿ côiⁿ sì sĭ cò̤ cek ak;
his sins in a former life were numerous.
young; in the vigor of youth.
àiⁿ cai côiⁿ-seⁿ sṳ̄, kim-seⁿ sĭu-cía sĭ;
would you know what were the events in your former state of existence, you have but to consider what your present state of existence has been made.
tek seⁿ;
seⁿ súaⁿ;
hûeⁿ seⁿ;
a cross presentation at childbirth.
tò̤ seⁿ;
presentation of the feet first in childbirth.
chui seⁿ hû;
a charm to produce easy parturition.
chui seⁿ lô̤;
a spiral shell, supposed to hasten parturition.
kin-nî kâi tāu seⁿ cōi căi, kū-nî cn̂g kâi bŏⁿ seⁿ;
the peas are very productive this year, last year they did not bear at all.
seⁿ thâng;
have worms on them.
seⁿ tŏa;
have grubs in them.
màiⁿ seⁿ kîeⁿ kùe seⁿ;
it would have been better not to have begotten you.
màiⁿ seⁿ kîeⁿ pak îeh;
prevention is better than cure.
seⁿ tâk mûeh;
have a malignant ulcer.
i m̄ hio seⁿ sí mn̂g;
he does not know in which way safety lies.
ŭ-cîⁿ-cía seⁿ, bô̤-cîⁿ-cía sí;
the moneyed ones live, the moneyless die.
a parasite; lichens.
seⁿ sek;
the income from money lent.
to̤ seⁿ, cíe íang;
bear many and rear few.
seⁿ tau-kíaⁿ;
bear a son.
seⁿ cáu-kíaⁿ;
bear a daughter.
seⁿ sṳ̄;
lead to a disturbance.
seⁿ ūe;
give rise to an altercation.
ngw̆n seⁿ ngw̆n sí;
willing to stake his life on it.
tham seⁿ phàⁿ sí;
long for life and dread death.
sí seⁿ ŭ mīaⁿ;
life and death are as fate decrees; no man can die till his time comes.
i seⁿ gūa sṳ̄;
he indulges in pleasures which are not domestic.
cṳ̆ íu seⁿ íⁿ-lâi m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
I never saw such a thing in all my life.
thiⁿ seⁿ cṳ̄-jîen;
a natural production.
tâu seⁿ, bô̤ tâu sí;
one gives himself up that he may live, not that he may die.
seⁿ tâk;
to become poisonous.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ îong-seⁿ;
no means of getting a living.
seⁿ khùn tó kâi kíaⁿ;
have a son that is of no use.
cêk seⁿ nâng;
all my life.
seⁿ i tit phû;
can surpass her in bearing children.
tîeh i ka-kī tó lâi ŏi seⁿ pìen;
he must be able to think it out for himself.
cía sĭ i tó̤ seⁿ ko peh-lêh kâi;
this is prevarication on his part.
  • seⁿ10737511
  • Manner; method; style; way.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤, a hìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤?
Is this or is that the better way?
căi-seⁿ? căi-
What sort of thing is it?
cū sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the way it is; nothing more need be said about it.
  • seⁿ8091675
  • Cast iron.
sĭ thih kâi a sĭ seⁿ kâi?
Is it of wrought iron or of cast iron?
seⁿ ue;
a cast iron pot.
lâm seⁿ;
pour out melted iron.
  • seⁿ8091309
  • Raw, minced flesh.
hṳ̂ seⁿ;
boned fish.
hṳ̂ seⁿ chò;
the vinegar for boned fish.
  • séⁿ7431094
  • A province of the empire; to save, to spare, to diminish; to examine, to inspect; watchful; to awaken.
séⁿ cîⁿ;
lessen the expense.
séⁿ sṳ̄;
makes less trouble.
séⁿ kíam;
to reduce the outlay.
séⁿ-seⁿ nē;
very sparing.
câp-poih séⁿ;
the eighteen provinces.
séⁿ sîaⁿ; séⁿ hŭe;
the provincial capital.
hun-hwt séⁿ-hun;
sent him to a post in the provinces.
séⁿ so̤-hùi;
save expense.
hùi-ēng lîah séⁿ cē cū kàu;
if the outlays are frugally made, there will be enough.
séⁿ-chak mêng-pêh;
investigate thoroughly.
ău-lâi cìaⁿ séⁿ-ngŏ̤;
was afterward roused to a sense of his danger.
hûe ke séⁿ chin;
return home and look after his own affairs.
cía sĭ séⁿ-úi kâi, m̄ sĭ kiaⁿ-pàng;
this one is a deputy sent from the provincial capital, not a commissioner sent from Peking.
lô̤h séⁿ; cìn séⁿ, jîp séⁿ; kàu séⁿ;
to go to the provincial city.
chut séⁿ;
leave the province.
kòi séⁿ;
convoy a criminal to Canton.
keh séⁿ;
the adjacent province.
pńg séⁿ;
our own province.
  • sèⁿ809615
  • Natural disposition; temper, spirit; a quality; a property; faculty; naturally, unconstrainedly.
the life; one's existence.
i ngĕ sèⁿ căi;
she is very set in her way.
sèⁿ ngĕ căi;
obstinate, mulish.
sèⁿ màiⁿ khah kip;
do not be too impatient.
i kâi sèⁿ sĭang kín, cí kâi sèⁿ cū māng;
his is an impetuous nature, the other is more moderate.
sèⁿ-chêng khwn-hûa;
an easy temper.
ŭ hueh sèⁿ kâi nâng;
a person who is quick to feel, and earnest in doing.
i ío hío îeh sèⁿ;
he better understands the nature of the remedies.
cí īeⁿ îeh kâi sèⁿ hâng-lîang;
this is a cooling medicine.
i kâi sèⁿ-chêng căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
What sort of a disposition has she?
sèⁿ tîeh khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ íang;
the right spirit must gradually be developed.
i kâi sèⁿ tōa căi;
she has a high temper.
húe sèⁿ;
fiery; hot tempered.
húe-sèⁿ phû;
his temper was roused.
sèⁿ chàu-pău;
has a violent temper.
pău sèⁿ căi;
very cruel.
sèⁿ un-jîu;
has a gentle disposition.
bô̤ sèⁿ;
mild, amiable.