Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/494

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

made himself very much at home.

not at all diffident; unabashed.
sêk sêk nē, màiⁿ cṳ̆-sòi;
being well acquainted, do not take thought about it.
cía sĭ ún chī sêk kâi;
this is one we have tamed.
ēng sêk-lôi khṳ̀ ín cheⁿ-lôi lâi;
employ a half-civilized one to go and bring one of the aborigines.
cí tîo lō lìu kàu sêk;
have travelled this road till I know it well.
cĭu sêk lō kîaⁿ;
go by a well known road.
cíeⁿ pn̄g bŏi sêk;
the watched pot never boils.
tah i bói kâi sêk-tâng-só̤;
commission him to buy a wrought brass lock.
sêk thn̂g;
to make sugar.
àiⁿ ka cò̤ cheⁿ si, a sĭ sêk si?
Do you wish to buy a piece of stiff silk, or of pliable silk?
sêk nêk;
cooked meat.
sêk hṳ̂;
cooked fish.
sêk châk;
a thief who is acquainted with the premises.
sêk mīn, sêk mīn;
a very familiar face.
soiⁿ càⁿ sêk;
first scald it in hot water till it is done.
sêk îeh phò;
a shop where prepared drugs are sold.


  • seng771242
  • A Chinese quart, dry or liquid; to complete or bring about; the 46th diagram denoting advancement; to advance; to rise, as in office.
nŏ̤ tâng sĭ cêk seng, câp seng cū cò̤ cêk táu, câp táu cò̤ cêk cîeh;
two pints make a quart, ten quarts make a pock, and ten pecks make a chaldron.
cêk seng bí;
a quart of rice.
nŏ̤ seng cíu;
two quarts of wine.
kuaⁿ chut lâi seng tn̂g;
the magistrate has come out and opened court.
cí-hûe híang seng-tn̂g-phàu;
the cannon announcing the opening of the court has just been fired.
to̤h jît seng êⁿ;
choose a lucky day for raising the roof beams.
seng kî;
raise a flag.
seng pín;
promotion in rank.
to ascend.
jît seng khí lâi, gûeh tîm lô̤h khṳ̀;
as the sun rises the moon sets.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh ío ŭ seng kàng;
thus there appears to be more ups and downs.
àiⁿ seng phû kúi chieh?
How many feet should it be raised?
seng kûiⁿ saⁿ chieh cū hó̤;
to raise it three feet more will be sufficient.
  • seng7421007
  • Relatives of other surnames; the sons of a sister.
gūa seng sun sài;
a sister's son's daughter's husband.
  • seng7711707
  • To rise, as in office.
seng kuaⁿ;
promoted to office.
seng kuaⁿ, kàng gê-mn̂g;
promotion in rank with diminution of power.
cí jît kau seng;
may you soon be promoted.
seng jīm;
obtain a post.
  • seng7421185
  • An instrument of the organ kind, a Pandean pipe, composed of thirteen dissimilar reeds inserted in a gourd-bulb, with a bent blow-pipe; the music is made by inhaling the air through the reeds.
kuh seng;
to play the Pandean pipe.
  • seng7421000
  • Life; the living; means of living.
disciple, pupil.
an adherent.
cṳ seng;
a scholar.
a physician.
an astrologer.
seng tòaⁿ;
actors, taking male and female parts.
bú-seng; bú-seng-ŵn;
military men.
cìaⁿ seng;
lău seng;
an old man.
trade, commercial transactions.
cò̤ seng-lí nâng;
those engaged in trade.
hó̤ seng-lí;
a profitable business.
  • seng809949
  • An ape, described as having yellow hair, sharp ears, and a human face. Strange stories are told of its ability to speak, wear shoes, drink wine, and go in companies.
nâng tàⁿ seng ŏi tàⁿ ūe, sĭ mē?
People say the yellow ape can talk, is it so?
  • seng993707
  • A banner.
chíaⁿ seng pío;
request that a worthy person may be honored with a scroll.
seng pío cak hàu;
a testimonial to filial piety.
  • seng724756
  • The mulberry tree.
seng-sûi châ;
mulberry wood.
seng-sûi cí;
  • sèng7711910
  • To conquer; to get the victory; to excel.
i kâi nâng hàuⁿ sèng;
he loves to be first.
sèng kùe pât nâng;
surpasses other people.
phah sèng cĭang;
win a battle.
tit sèng tńg lâi;
returned victorious.
i nŏ̤ nâng cìen khṳ̀ m̄ hun sèng-hŭ;
neither of the two got the advantage of the other in the fight.
cìen sèng;
to overcome in battle.
cō̤ sèng sì;
on the winning side.
hûa-kî, âng sèng;
the red wins (in the game of chess).
  • sêng781497
  • Guileless; sinceire; real; unalloyed; really; verily; in fact.
pure-minded reverence.
tâu sêng;
return to allegiance.
ci sêng cū ŏi kám-tŏng sîn-mêng;
entire sincerity will move the gods.
  • sêng11477510
  • The bastard banyan.
sêng chīu;
the banyan tree.
ciaⁿ gûeh cèng tek, jî gûeh cèng sêng;
in the first month plant bamboos, in the second month banyans.