Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/511

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

real cause of complaint.

sím khṳ̀ tī-tîang ŭ chêng-lí?
Upon judicial examination, who was shown to be in the right?
  • sím7383815
  • A father's younger brother's wife.
a-sím bó̤;
my aunt.
a respectable middle aged woman; a nurse; a woman of all work; used in addressing a woman of the middle class.
  • sĭm738994
  • Extremely; to the utmost.
sĭm hó̤;
the best.
sĭm tōa;
the very largest.
sĭm ngía;
exceedingly beautiful.
sĭm tn̂g;
excessively lengthy.
khi-hŭ nâng thài sĭm;
impose upon people overmuch.
sĭm sī ŏi;
is remarkably able.
cìeⁿ-se hŵn-lío bŏi sĭm, ío cò̤-nî cìaⁿ kìe cò̤ sĭm?
Since that is not the utmost limit, why call it excessive?
sîm huaⁿ-hí;
greatly delighted.
thiaⁿ tîeh sĭm m̄ hàuⁿ;
was much displeased when he heard it.
sĭ sĭm-mih sṳ̄?
What is the matter?
i kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mih mîaⁿ?
What is his name?
i khì sĭm-mih sṳ̄?
What is she vexed about?
i khṳ̀ sĭm-mih tī-hng?
To what place has he gone?
  • sīm4266414
  • To put down; to delay; to hesitate.
i kâi pit sīm cêk kùa, sĭeⁿ bô̤ lâi;
he laid down his pen for half a day, being unable to think what to write.
pit buah khí lâi, chŵn mín sīm, li-li lô̤h;
having rubbed his pen in the ink, he had no need of delaying at all to use it, but wrote on at once.


  • sin7351580
  • The body, the trunk, the main part of a thing; the hull; one's self; personal; the presence; one's character or duty.
pńg sin;
my body; I myself.
i pńg-sin sĭ gūa-chù nâng;
he himself is an alien.
chiah sin lò thói;
stark naked.
sin-thói; sin châi;
the (human) body.
cīeⁿ sin tn̂g, ĕ sin tó̤;
the upper half of his body is longer than the lower half.
chut sin;
to enter on office; the origin or early life of a person.
i sĭ chông thâk-cṳ chut sin;
he came from literary occupations into office.
cong sin kâi kak-kêk sĭ cò̤-nî?
What is the outcome of his life?
lâu sin;
I, an old woman.
i ka-kī chut sin lí sṳ̄;
he himself takes the lead in the management of affairs.
sin kûi;
is tall.
sin-hàng tōa;
is above the average size.
i kùe sin khṳ̀ lío;
he is dead.
i sĭ ŭ sin ke kâi nâng;
he is a man of some property.
put lêng hun sin;
I have no time to leave this and attend to that; can't
be in two places at once.
phah m̄ khui sin;
cannot get away; cannot attend to more than I now have on hand.
khí sin; tŏng sin;
to start on a journey.
kiaⁿ kàu ciu sin kâi nêk tó̤ tùn;
so frightened that my flesh quaked all over me.
i chin sin khṳ̀;
he went himself.
bōi sin;
sell one's self.
sin âu kâi sṳ̄ tho̤h i lí;
committed to him the arrangement of her obsequies.
màiⁿ khah hó̤ sin hūn;
do not love ease too dearly.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tŏ̤ úa sin cīeⁿ;
this devolves upon me.
hwn sin;
to turn over when lying down.
hui-tńg sin; ût-tńg sin;
to turn around when standing.
i-hôk m̄ kah sin;
his clothes do not fit him.
i kâi sin tèng chēng sĭm-mih hôk-sek?
What garments did she wear?
tîⁿ kín sin;
entangled so that she cannot get away.
sin tói saⁿ;
underclothing; garments worn next the person.
i ciu sin tîeh khṳ̀ sìeⁿ thih-pô̤h;
he should go and have his whole body plated with iron.
sin tèng chēng thih-kah;
he wears armor.
cêk sin cĕng-cĕng kut;
he is nothing but skin and bone.
khṳt hŏ phuah kàu thong sin lok-lok;
drenched with rain till there is not a dry thread on my body.
màiⁿ gō i kâi cong sin;
do not make his whole life miserable.
cn̂g sin khṳt thâng cù tīo;
the whole of it is riddled by insects.
hăm sim o;
is black all over.
mak kàu sin tâm sin tih;
daubed so as to drip with it.
chīu sin;
the trunk of a tree.
cíu-pâng sin;
the body of the wine pitcher.
peh cĭeⁿ bé sin téng;
mount a horse.
i kâi sin-ui tōa;
it is large in girth.
bói kúi sin thô ang-kíaⁿ;
buy a few clay dolls.
jṳ̂ sin;
take a sponge bath.
sûi kín sin piⁿ;
keep close to him.
cŏ̤ tŏ̤ úa sin piⁿ;
sit close beside me.
tùe kín sin;
to stick close to one; to adhere tightly to a person.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ uaⁿ sin;
have no place where I can be comfortable.
i hīn-khek tŏ̤ tī kò̤ châng sin?
Where does he now conceal himself?
i in-ŭi hṳ́ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tì-kàu sin sí;
it was in that way that he came to lose his life.
i sĭang ŏi kù sin-hūn;
he takes the greatest care of his health.
i bô̤ mûeh hó̤ cia sin;
he has no means of screening himself.
i sin kṳ tău-thâi cò̤ ŭ jw̆n cò̤?
Being a prefect, how can he act without regard to rules?
sái kàu i bô̤ îong sin cṳ tī;
left him no means of getting a living.
the hull of the boat.
cng kim sin kâi sîn;
gilded idols.
cúaⁿ-íaⁿ-sin tàu tāⁿ thâu;
the puppet has had the wrong head put on it.
tōa chù-sin-téng bŏi lāu;
the main roof does not leak.
ūe pùaⁿ sin tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
paint a half length portrait only.
uē cn̂g sin;
draw a full length portrait.
phah kàu thong sin tâk-cek o-cheⁿ;
beat him till he is bruised black and blue from head to foot.
seⁿ kàu cêk