Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/528

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 778538
  • A multitude; the mass, the herd; a concubine; in this wise; so, about.
sù ki lío;
is not far from; almost there; probably.
sù chut kâi; sù cṳ́;
a concubine's son.
sù mîn ke;
the masses; the people.
hâng-lîm-īⁿ sù kit sṳ̆;
a graduate of the National Academy.
sù jîn;
a commoner.
tek sù;
the wife and the concubine.
  • 7578511
  • To rinse the mouth.
a certain kind of mug, commonly used for rinsing the mouth.
  • 叨絮sù-tau819
  • To reiterate; verbose.
ūe tàⁿ lío sù-sù tau-tau, tàⁿ bŏi tit hiah;
she keeps up a perpetual clack.
  • 8191209
  • The clue or end of a ball of thread or of a cocoon; the beginning; a guide to what follows; a hint.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ bô̤ thâu bô̤ sû, cò̤-nî lí;
there is nothing to guide one to an understanding of what is to be done in this affair, and so how can it be managed?
tàⁿ khṳ̀ íⁿ-keng ŭ thâu-sû lío;
have already a clue to what follows in what has been said.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng cĭu sû lío;
this business has already approached a beginning; this is likely to be effected.
  • 776786
  • Really.
sû-sôk khó̤-lîen;
is truly lamentable.
sû put cai i io sĭ m̄ tŏ̤;
really did not know he was not at home.
  • 819667
  • To arrange in order; to put in proper place; to discourse or argue upon; to converse.
úa būe cêng kio i sŭ kùe;
I have not yet made arrangements with him.
lâi kàu cū khṳ̀ i kò̤ sŭ kū;
on arriving went to his house to talk over old times with him.
kuaⁿ cò̤ khṳ̀ hó̤ cū àiⁿ ngí sŭ, cò̤ khṳ̀ m-hó̤ cū àiⁿ ngí chú;
if an officer does well he will be offered for promotion, if he does badly he will be delivered to the proper Board for punishment.
sŭ sût;
to narrate in chronological order.
  • 819534
  • Order; precedence, as in age; series; a preface or argument to a book, in which its subjects are stated in order.
cí kò̤ sŭ sĭ tī-tîang cò̤ kâi?
Who wrote this preface?
the preface.
kìⁿ tù cṳ to cò̤ ŭ cêk phien sŭ tŏ̤ hṳ́ thâu;
every edition of a book has a preface.
ŭ chṳ̀ ŭ sŭ;
has a regular sequence; seriatim.
bô̤ chṳ̀ sŭ;
has no regular order.
  • 7781229
  • Acting in the place of; temporarily.
cí kâi kuaⁿ sĭ lâi sŭ sṳ̄ kâi;
this official is one who is acting temporarily.
pàng tī-tîang lâi sŭ?
Who is to act in his place?
pàng i khṳ̀ sŭ khueh;
appoint him to fill the vacancy temporarily.
sŭ jim lío cū pó sît khueh;
after acting temporarily, he was appointed to fill the post permanently.
sŭ úa bô̤ kú;
took my post but a little while.
  • 7771179
  • To erect; to set up; to plant on its base.
sŭ thĭo;
to rear a pillar.
sŭ cêk ki kî-kuaⁿ;
set up a flag staff.


  • 失散sua-îa724
  • To spill, to scatter about.
cía bí tâng hṳ́-kò̤ sua-îa kàu cí-kò̤ lâi;
the rice has been scattered all the way from there here.
put hó̤, màiⁿ sua-îa cêk koiⁿ;
take it up carefully and do not let it drop through your hands and scatter around.
sua-îa ŵn khṳ̀;
all spilled oat.
khîeh kâi mûeh khṳ̀ chō̤, cìaⁿ bŏi sua-sua îa-îa;
take something to hold it, then it will not be scattered around.
  • sua730854
  • Sand, gravel, pebbles, shingle; reefs, banks; granulated, as sugar; gritty; broken fine; friable and mealy, as fruit; frequenting sand banks and beaches; a sandy, brown, or gray color.
chiah sua thn̂g;
coarse dry brown sugar.
a grub.
i kâi mīn pōiⁿ kàu cū sĭ sua-thâng khòi;
his face is as spotted as if it had been nibbled by grubs.
tōa lîap kâi sua-bó̤;
large pebbles.
àiⁿ kap jîeh cōi sua lô̤h khṳ̀?
How much sand should be mixed in?
cía bí seⁿ sua;
this rice is gritty.
tôa tīo sua;
rinse out the sand.
sua-thô̤ eng cêk koiⁿ;
there is earth scattered all over the place.
mâk eng tîeh sua;
have got some sand in my eyes.
cang sua lâi chìu;
scour it with sand.
sand banks.
cîah tîeh sua nē;
it tastes very mealy.
a spit of sand.
sua tî; sua céⁿ;
a pool with a sandy bottom.
cia cúi nah-sap; tîeh cang sua lâi tè kùe;
this water is dirty, and it must be filtered through sand.
fine sand.
sua ue;
an unglazed earthen pot.
i tó̤ līen-phah sua-pau;
he is practicing boxing upon sand bags.
tōa sua-bô̤-thâu;
large smooth pebbles.
sua-iu kâi tī;
sandy land.
chio sua;
mix in sand.
cang sua lâi ìm;
cover it over with sand.
emery powder.
seⁿ sua êng;
it is dusty.
cí bó châng teh sua.
teh jîeh clim;
this field is covered with sand