Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/537

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • sût3641706
  • To swoop, dart, or pitch downward.
ciah eng sṳ̂t lô̤h lâi tìo koi-kínⁿ;
a hawk swooped down and carried off a chicken.
i tŏ̤ hṳ́ téng thóiⁿ tíaⁿ-tīaⁿ cū sût lô̤h lâi;
he fixes his gaze on it from above and then darts down.
i tin-tò̤ thâu sût lô̤h khṳ̀;
he pitched down head foremost.


scholarly, courteous, polished, elegant.
sṳ-sṳ bûn-bûn kâi nâng;
a very scholarly man.
sṳ-bûn sâu tī;
put scholarship to ignoble uses.
  • sṳ834615
  • To think, to reflect, to consider; to wish; the thought of the heart.
to reflect upon.
to think about, to recollect kindly.
su ke;
có̤ sṳ ĭu sĭeⁿ;
consider all sides of the question.
jît sṳ, mêⁿ sĭeⁿ;
think of it day and night.
màiⁿ khṳ̀ sṳ-sĭeⁿ i;
do not think about it.
cong-kú sṳ-lĭam tîeh i;
always hold him in kind remembrance.
i kâi sim-sṳ hó̤ căi;
her intentions are excellent.
sṳ côiⁿ, lĭam ău;
recall the past, and meditate on the future.
toaⁿ sṳ pēⁿ;
heartsick through unrequited love.
siang sṳ pēⁿ;
sick through unsatisfied affection; lovesick.
  • sṳ739808
  • To adjust by conversation.
to bargain; to talk over and fix the price.
bô̤ sṳ-nîe;
no chaffering.
màiⁿ sṳ-nîe;
do not haggle about the price.
úa hṳ́ cêk jît kāng lṳ́ soiⁿ sṳ-nîe kùe;
I on that day settled with you beforehand the question as to what the price should be.
sṳ-nîe in̄ tn̄g kè, thó cîⁿ àiⁿ sie mēⁿ;
when the price is not fixed by previous arrangement, there is a quarrel when payday comes.
cîⁿ sṳ-nîe m̄ tīaⁿ-tîeh;
the price was not agreed upon.
  • sṳ758507
  • A legion or brigade of 2500 men; part of an army; troops; a master, a professor; a patron; a sage; a pattern to the world.
tô̤h jît chut sṳ;
choose a lucky day for marching out the troops.
pang sṳ;
recall the army from foreign service.
cúi sṳ;
khṳ̀ kìⁿ láu-sṳ;
visit a learned scholar.
thài sṳ, sío sṳ; thài-cṳ́ sṳ hù;
the two high officers who have nominal charge of the education of the prince.
a strategist who advises the general in an army.
  • sṳ8351152
  • Private, personal, selfish, partial.
úa chŵn bô̤ sṳ-sim;
I have no partiality.
kong tang châng sṳ;
conceal private interests under public ones.
bô̤ sṳ-phiⁿ; bô̤ sṳ bô̤ phiⁿ;
have no selfish ends in view.
chŵn bô̤ pùaⁿ tíam sûn-sṳ;
do not in the least consider how it affects myself.
  • sṳ́760802
  • Annals; chronicles; acts; a register.
cò̤ kùe gṳ̄-sṳ́ kâi nâng;
a historiographer.
kok sṳ́;
records of the state.
kak chîo tō̤ to ŭ sṳ́-kuaⁿ;
every dynasty has an annalist appointed.
a Hanlin graduate.
câp-jí sṳ́;
the twenty-two histories of the Chinese dynasties.
  • sṳ̀8381548
  • To confer; to bestow on an inferior; imperial grants or favors; a benefit; used by supliants when asking favors.
khim sṳ̀;
imperial favors.
sṳ̀ khṳt i;
bestow it upon him.
i-hôk sṳ̀-pun i chēng;
gave him clothes to wear.
thiⁿ sṳ̀ kâi;
bestowed by heaven.
hûang-tì sṳ̀ kâi;
conferred by the emperor.
sṳ̀ pêh;
send a scarf for an officer to strangle himself with it.
to reward.
cía sĭ chîo-thêng só̤ sṳ̀ kâi;
this was conferred by the government.
sṳ̀ ṳ̆ téng-tài;
gave him permission to wear a button; rewarded him by giving him rank without office.
sĭu kùe hṳ̂ang-sĭang kâi ṳn-sṳ̀;
have experienced the kindness of the emperor.
  • sṳ̀834615
  • Thoughts; emotions; wishes;
meaning, design, idea, intention.
m̄-hó ì-sṳ̀;
vile, disreputable, indecent.
m̄ cài i sĭm-mih ì-sṳ̀;
do not know what his idea is.
i hó̤ ì-sṳ̀ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
wonder why he thinks it well to do thus.
bô̤ ì bô̤ sṳ̀;
without meaning; nonsensical; absurd.
disorderly; impudent; profligate.
  • sṳ̂103316012
  • In grammar, an expression, word or particle; words; a plea; an argument.
hṳ sṳ̂;
a false statement.
úa thóiⁿ chut i sĭ sek sṳ̂ kâi;
I discovered that his plea was specious.
líang nâng kak cip cêk sṳ̂;
each held to his own argument.
i sĭ kía sṳ̂ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
in so saying he is falsifying for the sake of making a point.
a defense or accusation in court.
sṳ̂ put tâk ì;
the statement does not fully convey the idea.
the plea that is entered in defense.
sṳ̂-kù tàⁿ-lái hó̤ thiaⁿ;
the summing up was very well