Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/541

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • 839642
  • To operate; to act on; to do; to perform.
tá thèng thóiⁿ sṳ̄ chêng cò̤-nî;
informing himself in regard to the circumstances.
i sĭ lâi tá-thàm kun-chêng kâi kang-sòi;
he has come to spy out the details in our military affairs.
m̄ tá kín kâi sṳ̄;
an unimportant matter.
cía bô̤ mih tá kín;
this is not very important.
lîah úa m̄ tá kín;
held me in contempt.
lîah m̄ tá kín;
consider as of no account.
make one's toilet; the costume.
lṳ́ tá-pàng kàu cìeⁿ ngía sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where are you going in such beautiful attire?
tá-pàng kàu iap-iap thiap-thiap;
very neatly dressed.
chit hun tá-pàng, saⁿ hun nâng;
seven parts dress, and three parts person; the beauty is in the costume rather than in the wearer.
tá cang;
to arrange the coiffure.
láu mô̤ⁿ, tá cang;
to let the hair grow long and dress it in the style of married women.
cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ tá nŏ̤ kâi kak cang, chù-bī căi;
this child has its hair done up in two little queues on the sides of its head, and looks very funny.
taⁿ sî-hêng tá sĭm-mih cang?
What style of coiffure is now fashionable?
tá cang-kíaⁿ-lô̤;
do up the hair in a coil at the back of the head.
cía bô̤ tá bô̤ pàng cṳ̆ tī ngía kâi;
this unadorned beauty is handsomest of all.
kìⁿ tîeh cū lô̤h khṳ̀ tá-chiam;
bowed low as soon as he saw him.
i sĭ lâi tá chíu huang kâi;
he has come to raise the wind.
tá cêk kâi khak;
make a knot in it.
tá cĭang;
give battle.
i mîaⁿ-ke tá-cĭang;
he is a great fighter.
  • 700166
  • To lean, resting the hands upon something.
tà tŏ̤ kau-íⁿ-phîn tèng;
leaning on the back of a chair for support.
tà tŏ̤ lâu-téng kò̤ íam nâng;
in the upper storey, leaning on her hands, peeping out at people.
tà tŏ̤ i koiⁿ-thâu;
leaned on another person's shoulder.
tà lío pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
leaned on it for support and fell down.
  • 60814010
  • To cover; to pull over one.
tà thâu-pò;
a scarf used as a head covering.
thâu-khak tà kò̤ o kṳn;
a black scarf on her head.
tà kò̤ muaⁿ tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu;
had a shawl over her shoulders.
tà hŏ-i;
throw on a rain cloak.
tà a-no-kíaⁿ;
cover the baby with it.
bé-phŭe tà pàng bé sin tèng;
throw the horse cloth over the horse.
  • 2541150
  • Growing grain; crops.
tĭu tâ phò̤ căi;
the crops are very fine.
cí khí thâng sĭ cîah tĭu-tâ kâi;
this sort of grub eats grain.
  • 839370
  • Large; plump; sizable.
phêng kau phêng tă;
of the same size.
keh bô̤ nŏ̤ nî cū cìeⁿ kau tă!
During an interval of barely two years he has grown so large!
seⁿ lâi kau-chîang tă-hàng;
is of large stature.


  • taⁿ8506413
  • To carry at the two ends of a pole over the shoulder; to bear, to sustain, to undertake, to be responsible for.
i taⁿ mûeh khṳ̀;
he has gone to carry some things.
khin kâi tàⁿ i taⁿ tit phû, tăng kâi tàⁿ i taⁿ m̄ phû;
he can carry a light burden, but not a heavy one.
phoi-taⁿ taⁿ kàu îo-îo;
the carrying-pole has been used till it is very flexible.
taⁿ khṳ̀ tăng thâu áu;
does not balance the pole on the shoulder so as to keep it level when carrying the loads.
taⁿ tăng tàⁿ;
bear heavy burdens.
tàⁿ-thâu hìeⁿ tăng, bô̤ pún-nía hùe m̄ káⁿ lâi taⁿ cía tàⁿ;
the burden is so heavy that no one who is not strong would dare undertake to carry it.
lṳ́ taⁿ tit khí mē?
Can you carry it?
i taⁿ cĭeⁿ koiⁿ li-li cáu;
he hoisted it on to his shoulder and ran off with it.
khîeh pùn-ki khṳ̀ taⁿ thô;
take rubbish baskets and go and bring earth.
khṳ̀ taⁿ hue lâi chio;
go and bring the lime and mix it in.
taⁿ tng m̄ khí;
am not adequate to it.
a red carrying-pole, used in carrying wedding presents.
  • taⁿ39892
  • Now; at this time.
bói kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú?
How long since you bought it?
taⁿ bô̤ hìeⁿ cōi kâi;
at present there are not so many.
taⁿ m̄ sĭ cìen-seⁿ;
it is not now so.
  • táⁿ85113013
  • The gall; the gall-bladder; courage, bravery, because it is supposed to be connected with this organ; fortitude; endurance.
ŭ táⁿ;
bô̤ táⁿ;
cí kâi táⁿ tōa căi;
this one is very brave.
ŭ táⁿ-lĭang kâi nâng cū káⁿ cò̤;
a person of great courage would dare do it.
bô̤ táⁿ-lĭang, căi tit káⁿ cìn-côiⁿ?
Without courage, how could he venture forward?
sim hṳ, táⁿ cìen;
cowed and craven.
kiaⁿ kàu i mâng hûn sàng táⁿ;
so scared that he lost all wit and courage.
the bile.
kiaⁿ phùa taⁿ;
dreadfully frightened.
pau thiⁿ taⁿ; i kâi táⁿ tōa kàu pau thiⁿ;
he is afraid of nothing under the heavens.
i taⁿ-khì tōa căi;
he is very valiant.
i ŭ táⁿ-khì;
he has moral courage.
a bitter plant, used in rheumatism.
very bitter herbs.
khó kùe tṳ-táⁿ;
more bitter