Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/573

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

properly so.

tī-tîang tó̤ tng thâu?
Who takes the lead in it?
tng tīn phah sí;
killed instantly, as by a blow.
tng tîeⁿ, būe ŏi sí;
received a fatal blow, but did not die instantly.
i sĭ tng láu-kṳ́ kâi nâng, m̄ sĭ cìaⁿ-keng nâng;
she is a prostitute, not a decent woman.
  • tńg11715911
  • To return; to turn.
i būe tńg lâi;
he has not yet returned.
khîeh tńg hâiⁿ i;
give it back to him.
hûe-tńg thâu; ut-tńg thâu;
to turn the head.
i hûe-tńg sin;
he turned.
hûe sim tńg ì;
changed his mind.
kîaⁿ tò̤ tńg;
turned back.
i tńg lâi ŭ jîeh kú?
How long since he came back?
tńg wn câh kak;
winding back and forth; serpentine.
tàⁿ tńg;
recur to the subject.
sĭeⁿ tńg;
altered his mind.
póiⁿ tńg;
to turn over sidewise.
hui tńg;
turn it around sidewise.
pàng tò̤ tńg;
reverse it, turning the other end toward you.
ūn tńg hó̤ lío;
the luck has changed for the better.
  • tńg1271624
  • To go back, or to come back; to return.
tńg khṳ̀ chù;
go home.
thâu tńg chù;
the first visit paid after marriage by a bride to her mother's house.
kui tńg i ka-kī;
it reverts to himself.
bŏi tit tńg lâi;
cannot return.
kŭa nâng cò̤-pû tńg;
join others in returning.
  • tńg261313{{{5}}}
  • Times; to turn back.
cêk tńg nŏ tńg;
once or twice.
khṳ̀ kuí tńg;
went several times.
tńg-tńg lâi lṳ́ kò̤;
came where you were repeatedly.
cêk tńg tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
only once.
tńg kàu chṳ̀ cìaⁿ cai;
first knew it after returning home.
cṳ-nîe hùe kè ău, thâu hûe tńg lâi pĕ bó̤ kâi chṳ̀, kìe-cò̤ thâu tńg chù;
after a lady is married, the first time she returns to the house of her parents is called the first return home.
ún àiⁿ tńg lâi khṳ̀;
we are going back.
lâu nín chíaⁿ būe tńg khṳ̀;
withold you from going back as yet; do stay a little longer.
  • tǹg8571028
  • To pawn; to pledge; to consider as; reputed or looked upon as; to serve an and; instead of; as for; to suit with; favorable; safely; properly.
tǹg phò̤;
a pawn shop.
kio nâng tǹg kò̤ châng;
took a field in pledge.
cí koiⁿ chù sĭ kio i tǹg kâi a kio i sùe kâi?
Have you taken this house on mortgage, or have you hired it from him?
tǹg khṳt i a sĭ sùe khṳt i?
Did you pawn it to him, or rent it to him?
tǹg hui; tǹg phìe;
pawn ticket.
tǹg ku-ā kâi gûeh cìaⁿ khṳ̀ chíu;
left it in pawn for some months and then went
and redeemed it.
i kâi sĭ hìang-tǹg a sĭ hō̤-tǹg?
Is his a licensed or an unlicensed pawn-shop?
uń-tǹg; ún-ún tǹg-tǹg;
tōa mûeh tǹg cò̤ sòi mûeh ēng;
use a valuable article when a cheap one would do as well.
cêk kâi tǹg câp kâi;
one of these is equal to ten of those.
cêk nâng tǹg ku-ā nâng;
he alone is a match for all of them.
i soiⁿ sî cêng tó̤ tǹg nâng;
he used to kidnap people and hold them for ransom.
liah i khṳ̀ tǹg;
seize him and keep him for ransom.
cò̤ tǹg-phò lāi seⁿ lṳ́;
will let you have it at the same rate of interest as that taken by pawnbrokers.
tǹg i jîeh kú?
For how long a time have you pledged it to him?
tek teǹg;
proper; right.
sṳ̄ cò̤ kàu tek-tǹg tek-tǹg;
the business is all properly attended to.
tek-tǹg sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is properly so.
  • tǹg8911575
  • To fall down; to slip.
léng kàu i tǹg cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
pushed him so that he fell down into a sitting posture.
cē liu cū tǹg cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
slipped and fell into a sitting posture.
  • tǹg9281814
  • A meal, or the time for a meal.
cêk jît cîah saⁿ tǹg;
eat three meals a day.
ún cîah nŏ̤ tǹg pn̄g, tǹg mûeⁿ;
we eat two meals of rice and one of congee.
tǹg cá mûeⁿ, tǹg mêⁿ mûeⁿ, lóng-cóng ngŏ tǹg;
that, with the dish of congee taken on rising and the one taken just before going to bed, makes five meals in all.
saⁿ tǹg tōa tǹg nŏ̤ tǹg tíam-sim;
three full meals and two luncheons.
nŏ̤ tǹg cò̤ cêk tǹg cîah;
eat two meals at once.
i cêk tǹg kâi bí khṳt nâng cîah cò̤ cêk jît;
the rice he uses for one meal would supply another person for a whole day.
tǹg-tǹg àiⁿ cîah cíu;
wants to drink wine at every meal.
cīeⁿ tǹg kàu ĕ tǹg, mûeh cū sit bī;
the food loses its flavor between one meal and the next.
tǹg tǹg chiⁿ;
fresh food every meal.
saⁿ tǹg cîah hṳ́ kâi, ùi căi;
having eaten that at three successive meals, am sick of it.
  • tn̂g271309
  • The intestines; gut.
the intestines of a fowl.
koi tn̂g hún;
a vermicelli made from bean flour.
chá tṳ-tn̂g;
fried sausages.
kẁn tn̂g;
to stuff sausages.
tn̂g tŏ;
the inwards.
tṳ-tn̂g tîeh lō̤ cheng-khih;
the pigs' gut must be soaked and scraped clean.
hó̤ sim-tn̂g;
kindly disposed.
sim-tn̂g m̄-hó̤;
not well disposed.
ká tn̂g sua;
cramp in the bowels.
thut tn̂g thâu;
a prolapsus of the rectum.