Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/575

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

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hía thóiⁿ-tîeh tn̂gn tn̆g;
that is heart-rending.
huang-khîm tn̆g sùaⁿ;
the kite has broken its string.
ka tn̆g tòa;
cut the the girdle.
cí tîo lō m̄ tn̆g nâng;
on this road you are not cut off from mankind, in that one you are isolated both from travellers and dwellings.
i ku-ā jît tn̆g cúi pn̄g;
he has ceased to eat and drink during several days.
pàng-tn̆g, bô̤ khṳ̀;
has discontinued going.
  • tn̆g85910812
  • To rinse.
tn̆g chùi;
to wash the mouth.
úaⁿ khṳ̀ tn̆g cheng-khih;
take the bowls and rinse them clean.
pâi mêⁿ īa bô̤ sói bô̤ tn̆g cū khṳ̀ ût;
goes to bed every night without wash-ing or bathing at all.
īu àiⁿ kio tōa kâi sòi kâi sói-sói tn̆g-tn̆g;
and has besides to bathe the children large and small.
  • tn̆g2512
  • A measure of length.
câp chieh cêk tn̆g;
ten feet make an ell.
cêk tn̆g kûiⁿ káu chieh bô̤ ēng;
for reaching ten feet a nine foot pole is useless.
spotless, pure, clean.
immaculately clean.
cêk koiⁿ ta-tn̆g ta-tn̆g;
the whole place is exquisitely neat.
  • tn̄g937795
  • A section; a piece; a classifier of sections, pieces, stories, stages, or portions.
cêk tn̄g ho̤h tn̂g;
a very long piece.
i īa tàⁿ chut cêk tn̄g tŏ̤-lí;
he also set forth a doctrine.
cí tîo khoi pun-cò̤ kúi tn̄g?
How many reaches is this river divided into?
cí cêk cieⁿ cṳ cò̤ saⁿ tn̄g lâi thóiⁿ;
we will consider this chapter in three portions.
thâu tn̄g, tìn-tang tn̄g, búe tn̄g;
the first, the middle, and the concluding section.
cía sĭ i cêk tn̄g hó̤ sim;
this is like his kindness.
chûn cêk kò̤ m̄ cîaⁿ phìen tn̄g;
have a little remaining that is not enough to reckon as of any consequence.
  • tn̄g119911
  • Histories; chronicles; biographies.
ancient histories.
cí chut hì sĭ cìe kó-tn̄g cŏ̤ kâi;
this play is compiled from ancient histories.
cí pang kó-tn̄g sî tī-tîang cŏ̤ kâi?
Who composed this chronicle?
  • tn̄g11281629
  • To meet; to come unexpectedly upon one.
tn̄g tîeh i;
met him.
tn̄g m̄ tîeh;
did not meet him.
khṳ̀ ku-ā hûe, bô̤ cêk tńg tn̄g tit tîeh;
went several times, and never once found him there.
tŏ̤ lō sie tn̄g tîeh;
met each other in the road.
tîu tn̄g phò;
a silk shop.
ŭ hue kâi tn̄g;
flowered satin.
poih si tn̄g;
glossy plain satin.
kòng tn̄g;
the best quality of satin.
kĕk tn̄g;
satin brocade.
hàng hú tn̄g;
thick fine satin.
  • tn̄g8571028
  • To meet or occur; at the time of; when.
i thàu-tn̄g pêh-jît cū káⁿ chut lâi;
he ventures out in open day.


  • to9161639
  • The place of the palace or imperial ancestral temple; the capital or metropolis; all, altogether, in general; probably.
kiaⁿ to;
the capital.
to sîaⁿ;
the capital city.
tì-to kâi tī-hng;
the region in which the capital of the country is located.
to-sîaⁿ kĭen tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where is the capital?
to-khún; to-hú; to-si;
a major in the army, or a commander in the navy; (there is one in each prefecture).
the Censorate.
to-gṳ̄-sṳ́, hù to-gṳ̄-sṳ́;
the President and Vice President of the Censorate.
hieⁿ to;
feudal villages.
úa to m̄ khṳ̀;
I do not go there.
i to àiⁿ;
he wants it.
náng to m̄ cêng;
we have not.
hùaⁿ nâng to m̄ hàuⁿ;
they are all averse to it.
peh-sèⁿ hùe to kèng i;
the common people revere him.
  • 9171303
  • The belly; the stomach; a bellyful; a great deal; the temper or mind.
tó khùn;
tó pá;
appetite satisfied.
tó thìaⁿ;
cīeⁿ tó, ĕ tó;
the upper and lower portions of the belly.
the navel.
to pak;
the paunch.
the sides of the belly.
tó phîaⁿ;
the portions of the belly near the navel.
thiaⁿ tîeh tn̂g-tó tĭⁿ;
have heard quite as much as I wish to of that.
i bô̤ tó-lĭang;
he is nrrow minded.
ŭ tó-lĭang;
liberal minded.
pâk tó-phè;
put on an apron.
the calf of the leg.
tó tói ŭ mûeh;
has something in his stomach or his mind.
to tói ŭ mûeh cū cò̤ ŭ lâi;
if there is anything in him he will be able to do it.
bô̤ ke kâi tó lâi cîah;
am unable to eat any more.
tó lăi thong-thong;
is very clear-headed.
hṳ́ kâi nâng cn̂g kâi bô̤ tó lăi;
that fellow is wholly destitute of mental ability.
i lêh to khṳ̀ tùi i sí;
he cut open his bowels and killed himself in order to call down vengeance on another.
thiaⁿ lío khì kàu cêk tó húe;
on hearing it, was filled with burning rage.
cîah kàu tó kuai-kuai;
eats till he can hold no more.
tó lak-lak;
pot bellied.
i kâi sái-tó phû cheⁿ-kṳn;
he has varicose veins on his