Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/60

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

this and a bed of that.

lâi cêk hăng tīaⁿ;
came only once.
phah i cêk ē;
struck him once.
chēng cêk têng pò;
wore only one thickness of clothing.
cêk ē cêk ē;
stroke by stroke.
khṳ̀ cêk cūa tīaⁿ;
went only once.
thiaⁿ cêk kùe;
heard it once.
íⁿ-keng thóiⁿ cêk kùe lío;
have already seen it once.
khṳ̀ cêk hûe;
go once.
khṳ̀ cêk tńg tīaⁿ;
go only once.
cêk sî sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;
cannot just now think of it.
cêk sî cêk khek to m̄ ôiⁿ;
have not a moment's leisure.
khṳ̀ kàu cêk nî;
was there a year.
cêk kâi gûeh khṳ̀ sì hăng;
goes four times a month.
lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ cêk piⁿ lí, úa cò̤ úa cêk piⁿ lí;
you attend to your affairs, and I will attend to mine.
khĭa tŏ̤ cêk piⁿ;
stand on one side.
cêk chīu sin seⁿ cĕng-cĕng ko-sîn;
the trunk of the tree is all covered with mould flies.
pàng cò̤ cêk tît;
put them down so as to make a straight row.
cêk tît cáu;
ran straight on.
cêk tît tńg lâi;
came straight back.
ke cêk khùn-kíaⁿ;
a little while longer.
cêk mâk nih;
in just a second.
ŭ cêk khùn;
quite a long while.
cêk siap-sî;
a little while.
cêk tńg sin cĭu lâi;
will be here in the time it takes to turn around.
hui cêk hui;
turn around once.
cêk thìo cĭu khí khṳ̀;
went up at one jump.
niap cêk kâi kóiⁿ;
lay a plait.
cêk kâi cuh, cêk kâi cuh;
cêk hù to̤ che;
a set of knives and forks.
cêk koiⁿ cêk keh khuah căi;
taking all the rooms together, it is very spacious.
cêk chù cêk chù m̄ sie tâng;
it is different in different places.
cêk kâi khang, cêk kâi khang;
interstices at regular intervals.
cêk kṳn;
one catty.
cêk níe;
one ounce.
cêk khẃn;
of one kind.
cêk lūi nâng;
one class of people.
cêk sut-kíaⁿ hô-cie;
a little pepper.
lô̤h cêk cho̤h kíaⁿ sī-îu;
put in a little soy.
tih cêk nih-kíaⁿ chò lô̤h-khṳ̀;
drop in a very little vinegar.
cêk sut-kíaⁿ-nîh; cêk sut-kíaⁿ-ni;
just the least bit.
cêk thúi tṳ-nêk;
a leg of pork.
cêk thúi koi;
a quarter of a fowl.
cêk îaⁿ, cêk îaⁿ;
encampments at short distances from each other, extending over a considerable space.
cêk tūi cêk tūi;
in companies, stationed a little distance apart.
ŭ cêk kâi cĭu ŏi cò̤ tit;
if I had one only, I could get along.
ŭ ke cêk kâi cĭu hó̤;
if there were one more it would be enough.
cêk jît tàⁿ ūe bô̤ hiah;
talked the whole day without stopping.
cêk mêⁿ bô̤ ût;
did not sleep any all night.
cúi phùn cêk koiⁿ;
the water spattered all around.
cêk nî bô̤ sói;
did not wash it during an entire year.
cêk mêⁿ tó̤ phûeh ūe;
talked through the entire night.
cêk sì nâng;
all his lifetime.
mīn tèng cêk tah o-o;
a black spot on his face.
cêk kâi cháu-cáng;
a rick of straw.
cêk khṳ̂n cháu;
make a hay stack.
cù-chang cù-chang chin-chĭeⁿ cí cêk kò̤ cúi-phûeh;
porous like this sponge.
cêk chiet kâi sṳ̄ to sĭ úa lí;
the whole affair was managed by me.
from that time on; during the whole time; from then till now continuously; at one stretch.
cêk-ki-līu sĭ ēng i;
has employed him from the beginning.
cêk-ki-līu tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ khĭa-khí;
have lived here all the time.
  • cêk9588513
  • Humid; enriched; redolent.
tek cêk;
rich in virtues.
ṳn cêk;
rich in mercy.
kong cêk;
rich in merit.
jŭn cêk;
rich in moisture.
hŏ cêk;
moistened with showers.
cêk kip ău sì;
benefit after ages.
cêk kip tī ĕ;
to enrich the whole earth.


  • ceng1061679
  • A small cup.
cíu ceng;
a wine cup.
tê ceng;
a tea cup.
tê ceng pûaⁿ;
a saucer.
  • ceng10616712
  • A bell with flaring mouth.
phah ceng;
ring a bell.
ceng híang a būe?
Has the bell rung yet?
a clock.
a belfry.
a clock shelf.
a clock that stands on a broad base.
cêk tíam ceng;
one o'clock.
saⁿ tíam pùaⁿ ceng;
half past three o'clock.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sî-ceng kṳ́i tíam;
look at the clock and see what time it is.
khà ceng;
ring a bell by beating upon it.
khio ceng lûi kó;
ring bells and sound drums.
cŭang bâk ceng;
ring a wooden bell; to intrust business to a fool.
ceng híang m̄ tùi sî;
the bell rang out of time.
siu-sîp ceng pie kâi nâng;
one who repairs clocks and watches.
ceng būe híang i soiⁿ lâi;
he came before the bell rang.
  • ceng1151345
  • To pound with a pounder, held vertically.
ceng bí;
to pound rice.
ceng chîeⁿ;
to pound up a wall.
ceng thô;
to pound up clay.
ceng chòi;
to pound rice flour.
ceng thâng-îu-hue;
to make putty.
ceng îeh-îⁿ;
make pills.
ceng cî cò̤ kúe;
make dough for cakes.
lṳ́ lâi ceng, úa lâi thai;
you pound and I will sift.
m̄-hó̤ ceng tîeh i kâi chíu;
do not pound her hand.
ceng kàu chùi-chùi;
pound it up into small fragments.
ceng kàu hu-hu;
pulverize it finely.
  • ceng7846411
  • To batter; to knock about; to run against.
ceng mn̂g ceng hŏ;
batter down doors.
ceng úaⁿ, tǹg tîh;
smash the dishes.
ceng pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
knocked down by being run against.