Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/612

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

wrote out two hundred notices of the funeral.

cía ēng chŵn-thiap a míen?
Should this note be a formal one of five folds or not?
cíu thiap;
a billet, an informal note.
pài thiap;
a visiting card.
kŭ mûeh kâi thiap;
a card sent with a gift.
hue-âng thiap;
pale red cards.
bâk-âng thiap;
deep red cards.
kim-hue thiap;
an note of invitation to one who has just taken his degree.
a card-case.
síeⁿ thiap;
a notice of reward offered.
thiap nêk, thiap thàu;
the note itself and the envelope enclosing it.
thiap mīn, thiam chiam;
the outside of the note and the address thereon.
chut cie-thiap, cie nâng cò̤ kang;
issue a notice that laborers are wanted.
pàng thiap;
send out invitations.
khîeh thîap;
received written invitations.
  • thîap8926422
  • To lay up in a pile; to stack on.
chin-chĭeⁿ tó̤ thîap châ kho pé;
like laying up bundles of fire-wood.
cih lío thîap khí;
after folding them up, lay them in a pile.
thîap sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
pile them up evenly.
thîap khah kûiⁿ;
stacked too high.


  • thie887646
  • To pick out, up, or at; to provoke; to stir up; to select.
lṳ́ kio úa thie ki chuaⁿ;
you pick out this sliver for me.
ēng cam lâi thie phùa;
pick it open with a needle.
thie lô̤h khṳ̀ ŏi huehlâu a bŏi?
Does it bleed when you pick into it?
teng-sim thie khui cē;
pick up the wick of the lamp a little.
cū sĭ i tó̤ thie-so cìaⁿ tì-kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is through his mischief-making that this has come to pass.
i thie tîeh kuaⁿ;
he has been chosen for office.
thie-sẃn hó̤ kâi;
pick out a good one.
thie tit tîeh, a thie m̄ tîeh?
Did she pick it out, or did she fail to do so?
thie keng-ńng;
to select Manchu girls for the harem.
tōa kâi i soiⁿ thie khí;
the large ones have already been picked out by him.
to cavil.
i ŏi thie hue chiah sìu;
she can do various sorts of fancy work.
i ŏi thie siah-pô̤h;
she can separate the sheets of tin-foil.
  • thìe89011919
  • To sell grain; to dispose of breadstuffs.
thìe bí;
to sell rice.
khui chng phêng thìe;
open the granaries and dispose of the contents at a fair price.


  • thien898371
  • The highest of things, heaven both physically and divinely; the ether, the sky, the firmament; Nature; Providence; celestial.
a dark glossy gray, or purple.
the emprror.
thien kang;
the cycle of ten.
thien hūn;
natural endowments; native ability.
thien-seⁿ cṳ̆-jîen kâi;
what is natural.
i kâi thien-cṳ cū sĭ sĭang hó̤ kâi;
his natural gifts are of the highest order.
nâng tàⁿ i sĭ tit tîeh thien-cṳ cìaⁿ ŏi;
people say that he has received books from celestial regions and is therefore thus gifted.
mīn côiⁿ ŭ kâi thien-bé-ùaⁿ;
in front there is natural mound, shaped like a saddle laid on its side.
  • thîen8983210
  • To supply a deficiency.
thîen mîaⁿ;
to add the name to something in which it is lacking.
thîen cheh;
to supply something in a book.
thîen pó;
to supply enough.
thîen hâiⁿ;
to pay the remainder of a debt.
thîen kàu lío;
supplied the full amount.
thîen lí-lêh;
fill in the details of age parentage and residence.
thîen jît-cí;
write in the date.
tò̤ thîen nî-gûeh;
to antedate.
thîen kàu múaⁿ-múaⁿ;
fully supply the deficiency.
thîen chut jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
How much did he pay to make up the amount?
  • thîen86514911
  • To make a clean copy; to transcribe.
a copyist.
íⁿ-keng thien sía cheng-chó̤ lío;
is already copied out fairly.


  • thiet426412
  • To remove from or to one; to send off; to recall; to set aside; to reject.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ ci ki kun àiⁿ thiet, sĭ mē?
I hear that this regiment is to be recalled is it so?
cí nŏ̤ īeⁿ chài lâi thiet;
remove these two dishes from the course.
thiet hûe khṳ̀;
has been recalled.
thiet jīm, tńg khṳ̀;
left his post and returned home.
cīeⁿ-si thiet i kâi úi;
his superior in office has withdrawn his appointment.
thiet tīo cí nŏ̤ náng lío àiⁿ lêng-ūaⁿ ēng nâng mē?
After having rejected these two men, do you wish to employ others?
  • thiet426012
  • Perspicacious; discerning; pervious; to penetrate; to go through.
i kâi tó lâi thong-thiet căi;
he is very discerning.
put lŭn sĭ cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭ tàⁿ ūe to sĭ thong-thong thiet-thiet;
whether in action or in speech he is very sure to get at the underlying motives and facts.
i sui-sĭ chó̤-lîak ŏi thong, thong lâi m̄ thiet;
although he understands this to some extent, he does not understand it thoroughly.
cí cak cṳ kâi tŏ̤-lí sueh lâi thàu-thiet căi;
the doctrine contained in this passage was very thoroughly explained.
cêk jī cêk kù to sueh kàu thàu-thàu thiet-thiet;