Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/63

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
a bŏi?
Is leprosy contagious?
nín màiⁿ kiaⁿ, cí kâi pēⁿ cèng bŏi ùe nâng;
you need not fear, this disease is not infectious.
m̄ hó̤ khṳ̀ khṳt i kâi khì chong tîeh: cí īeⁿ cèng sĭ lĭ-hāi;
you should not breath in the exhalations from his person and bedding: this disease is of a malignant type.
khî cēng; kùai cèng;
rare and strange diseases.
pĭen cèng;
to explain the nature of a disease.
pìen cèng;
to change the nature of a disease.
saⁿ-câp-lâk cèng;
the thirty-six varieties of disease.
tîeh cèng;
sí cèng;
a deadly disease.
ngĕ cèng;
past all help by medicine.
mn̄g cèng hwt îeh;
attend upon and prescribe for.
hng m̄ tùi cèng;
this prescription is not applicable to that disease.
mêh m̄ kah cèng;
the pulse is not such as accords with the symptoms of that disease.
  • cèng1081096
  • All; a concourse.
cèng nâng;
every one.
cèng ūi;
all of you gentlemen.
kong cèng;
the public in general.
tăi cèng;
the whole concourse.
cèng mâk só̤ sĭ; cèng mâk cio-cio;
every eye saw it.
tăi cèng ke;
all of you.
cèng nâng, cèng sṳ̄;
mankind and the affairs of mankind.
sĭm sĭ hâh cèng;
very agreeable to all concerned.
cí kâi nâng m̄ hâh cèng;
this person is unpopular.
kúaⁿ put têk cèng;
one is no match for many.
cèng hieⁿ-lí;
all the villages.
cèng hiaⁿ-tĭ;
all the brethren.
chut cèng;
above the common.
nâng châi chut cèng;
more talented than ordinary people.
pún-nía chut cèng;
excels others in ability.
koi cèng;
the many in the streets.
po cèng;
those ordinarily in the market places.
cèng phò hŏ;
all the shops.
hâng cèng;
those in the warehouses.
cèng kheh-siang;
all the merchants.
cèng cûn ciah;
all the boats.
cèng hâng-kháu;
all the warehouses.
  • cèng7614912
  • To testify; to substantiate; to prove.
to witness.
cò̤ kang cèng kâi nâng;
cò̤ cèng-kìⁿ;
be a witness.
ŭ nâng hó̤ cò̤ kìⁿ-cèng;
there are those who will testify to it.
ŭ cèng ŭ kṳ̆;
there is proof of it.
cieh cèng;
visible proof; circumstantial evidence.
cò̤ cèng;
use as evidence.
cèng sît cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̆;
adequate proof of this.
  • cèng1071159
  • To plant; to cultivate; to beget.
cèng hue, cèng chài, cèng chīu;
to plant flowers, vegetables, and trees.
cèng cúi-cháu;
plant bulrushes.
cèng kúe-cí;
plant fruit trees.
cí kò̤ châng pheⁿ-phah àiⁿ cèng
cò̤ tĭu hó̤, a sĭ àiⁿ cèng cò̤ cìa hó̤, a sĭ àiⁿ cèng cò̤ hun-kuah hó̤?
Have you decided that it is best to plant this ground to flax, to sugarcane, or to potatoes?
cí kò̤ tī, hó̤ cèng ŭ kúi táu céng?
How many pecks of seeds should be put into this lot?
côiⁿ nâng cèng chīu, ău nâng cia im;
the pioneers plant trees and their successors enjoy the shade.
cèng co̤h;
to till the soil.
cèng îeⁿ-tāu;
to vaccinate.
  • cèng76664
  • Politics; government; the departments or measures of a government; laws.
cèng sṳ̄;
cèng lĕng;
governmental orders.
cèng kà;
official admonitions.
jîu cèng, ngîak cèng;
mild or harsh government.
sĭen cèng;
a righteous government.
chit cèng;
the sun, moon, and five planets.
péng cèng;
cip cèng; to hold authority.
a counselor of state.
cham ngí cèng-sṳ̄;
a council of state.
lŭn cèng;
discuss politics.
pù-cèng-si; pù-cèng-sài;
the commissioner of revenue.
hŏng cèng tăi hu;
a government officer.
  • cèng9051492
  • To arrange satisfactorily; to settle terms; to adjust; to equalize; to fix on; to criticise; to compare; to collate; to edit.
cèng khî, cèng tīaⁿ-tîeh lío;
a set time has been agreed upon.
cèng mêng;
to arrange an armistice; to make peace.
cí pang cṳ íⁿ-keng chíaⁿ tōa mîaⁿ-sek kâi nâng cèng-cìaⁿ kùe;
have already invited a celebrated personage to revise these books.
  • cêng273011
  • Denotes time past; usually; ever.
būe cêng;
has not yet had.
úa m̄ cêng;
I never did.
cêng a m̄ cêng?
Has it ever yet been?
hô̤ cêng m̄ sĭ?
How is it that there has never been any?
i m̄ cêng cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he has never been thus.
būe cêng ŭ;
has never yet had.
cí kâi cêng, cí kâi m̄ cêng;
this one has, but the other one has not.
cêng khṳ̀ a būe?
Has he ever been yet?
cêng cîah a būe?
Have you ever eaten any before?
cêng lâi mē?
Has he come?
cêng cò̤ hó̤ a būe?
Is it finished yet?
i būe cêng ŭ;
he has not yet had any.
i m̄ cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
she has had no children.
i būe cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
she has not yet had any children.
cêng sîeⁿ kùe a m̄ cêng?
Have you tested it?
i m̄ cêng khîeh lâi;
he has not brought it.
i m̄ cêng khṳ̀;
he has not gone.
i m̄ cêng cò̤;
he has not made any.
úa m̄ cêng thiaⁿ;
I have not heard.
khá cêng cò̤ chin a bŭe?
Has he yet engaged a wife?
cêng tàⁿ kùe;
I have said so already.