Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/632

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • ūe2401496
  • Words; discourse; speech; conversation; language.
tàⁿ ūe;
to talk.
i tó̤ tàⁿ mih ūe?
What language is he speaking?
i m̄ pat ūe;
he does not understand the language.
àiⁿ ó̤h pńg-tī ūe;
is going to learn the vernacular.
chíaⁿ nâng lâi kà ūe;
invite some one to give intruction in the language.
hàm i màiⁿ cōi ūe;
tell her not to be loquacious.
i ciu-jît to̤ ūe căi;
she talks the whole day long.
ūe m̄ tâu ki pùaⁿ kù to̤;
of unwelcome words half a sentence is too much.
tàⁿ tōa ūe;
to bluster.
m̄ hó̤ thiaⁿ kâi ūe;
indecent language.
thó ūe;
the local dialect.
kuaⁿ ūe;
the mandarin or court dialect.
pêh ūe;
the language spoken in this department.
kheh ūe;
the Hakka tongue.
sôk ūe;
common mode of speech.
cêk kù ūe;
one sentence.
cêk kù ūe thîh-thîh-kìe;
stammer out a phrase.
chìe ūe;
a funny annecdote.
i hàuⁿ ô̤h ūe;
she likes to learn languages, hwn ùe; foreign tongues.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ ĕ jît khṳt nâng khîeh khí lâi cò̤ ūe pèⁿ;
this will hereafter be a subject for people to talk about.


  • ueh11313018
  • To retch.
áu ueh;
to retch and gag.
ueh-ueh thò;
retch and vomit.
cē phīⁿ tieh cū áu-ueh;
the smell of it makes me gag.
cē thóiⁿ to̤ áu-ueh le;
it is perfectly sickening.
  • ûeh2411027
  • A mark, a line, a stroke; to divide by lines; to amrk off; to lay a plan; to devise.
cêk ûeh cêh phuah;
a line and a downward stroke curving to the left.
cí kâi jī jîeh cōi ûeh?
How many strokes are there in this Chinese character?
chíaⁿ i tó̤ mông ûeh kòi cheh;
ask him to devise a plan.
ûeh cò̤ hō̤;
make a mark as a sign.
i kâi pit ûeh sìu-jŭn căi;
the strokes made by his pen are very fine and clear.
sĭ tît ûeh a sĭ hûeⁿ ûeh?
Is it a perpendicular or a horizontal line?
kîaⁿ tńg kha, nâng tó̤ ûeh i kâi ka-ciah;
as soon as he turns his back people point at him.
the perch.
the common perch.
  • ûeh2571812
  • To mark off.
ûeh cêk cūe cò̤ hō̤;
draw a line as a mark.
ûeh cò̤ tī-kài;
marked off the boundary.
khṳt i kâi to̤ ûeh tîeh;
marked by his knife.
cang cńg-kah ûeh cêk ē;
marked it off with his thumb nail.


  • ui27216411
  • To heal, to cure; a physician; healing; medical.
cía pēⁿ o̤h ui;
this disease is hard to cure.
ui-kuaⁿ jûah kùe pēⁿ-nâng;
the doctor is more feverish than the patient.
sît-căi sĭ sîu ui;
is really a skillful physician.
sî ĕ kâi ui-seng cíe ŏi kâi;
fashionable doctors are rarely competent ones.
pau ui;
guarantee a cure.
úa káⁿ kio lṳ́ pau ui;
I will warrant a cure for you.
múeⁿ jît ui îeh kâi só̤-hùi tîeh ho̤h cōi cîⁿ;
the daily expenditure for medicines is very large.
(illegible text)ong-ui suah nâng;
charlatans kill people.
thài ui īⁿ;
the Medical Board.
thài ui;
the court physician.
cía tîeh cò̤-nî ni-tî cìaⁿ hó̤?
What is the proper method of treatment in this case?
i tó kîaⁿ ui;
he is practising medicine.
a hospital.
khui kâi ui-kêk tó̤ si ui;
open a dispensary and give medical treatment to the poor.
cía pēⁿ lṳ́ thóiⁿ ui tit hó̤ mē?
Do you think this disease curable?
mîaⁿ ui;
a renowned doctor.
i ŏi ui gû ui bé;
he is a veterinary doctor.
bô̤ îeh ui;
nothing will cure it.
sĭ ui lăi khue, a ui gūa khue?
Does he treat internal or external ailments?
lîang ui put lêng cṳ̆ tī;
a wise doctor cannot treat himself.
ŏi ui pât nâng bŏi ui ka-kī;
can heal others, but cannot cure himself.
tńg khṳ̀ i chù thîo-ui;
has returned home for medical treatment.
medical books.
ui huap;
method of treatment.
ui sieⁿ-kháu;
to dress wounds.
i cìeⁿ seⁿ bô̤ ui;
there is no help for it.
  • ui1046386
  • The stern composure suitable to an officer's dignity; majesty, pomp; august, imposing, solemn, lordly; grave, awful, intimidating.
kuaⁿ ā sĭ bô̤ kuaⁿ-ui cū m̄ tit nâng ùi;
if a magistrate has not magisterial dignity, no one is awed by him.
i ŭ ui-khŵn tit nâng ùi;
he has an authoritative air which intimidates people.
i kâi ui-sì tōa căi;
he has great authority.
dignity of demeanor; majesty.
i kâi ui-ngî hó̤;
he dignity is imposing.
majestic; grand and threatening.
ui-hong lím-lím;
an awful majesty.
ui ngîam;
stern and imposing.
i tó̤ tăi hwt ui;
he is assuming a threatening aspect.
chin-chĭeⁿ nĭoⁿ hóⁿ tó̤ tíen ui;
like a tiger exhibiting his majesty.
a medicinal root, sweetish and white like iris-root.
a decotion, used as a remedy for boils and ulcers.