Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/66

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


îang-îang tit cì;
evidently succeeded in his purpose.
cì-khì bŏi tŭi;
don't be discouraged.
bô̤ cì kâi nâng;
an irresolute person.
lîp cì;
fix the resolve.
ŭ cì kèng sêng;
determination overcomes.
ŭ tăi cì;
has high purposes.
tōa cì-khì kâi nâng;
one with high resolves.
lṳ́ kang-khó tîeh jû-kèng kĭang-khí cì;
if in difficulty, you must be the more determined.
  • 591458
  • To compound, as medicines.
huap cì;
rules for compounding.
hó̤ cì-huap;
a good recipe.
tîeh cì káu hûe;
must compound it nine times over.
cì îeh tîeh cì tîeh hó̤;
in compounding medicines care must be taken to do it accurately.
the manufacture of medicines.
pû cì;
decoct by boiling.
lûi-kong pû-cì;
concocted by the god of medicine.
  • 9641814
  • A dose; a prescription.
cêk cì îeh;
a course of medicine.
nŏ̤ cì îeh;
the medicine taken in two doses.
cí hôk îeh tōa cì;
this prescription is for a large dose of medicine.
to arbitrate between.
  • 96517011
  • A limit; a line of juncture.
chṳ́ cì;
this occasion.
cêk mō̤ⁿ bô̤ cì;
a boundless view.
bô̤ hăng, bô̤ cì;
an epitaph.
phûn-piⁿ ŭ kò̤ mŏ̤ⁿ-cì-mêng;
there was an eulogy on the tombstone.
  • 7611354
  • To lick with the tongue.
cĭ thóiⁿ sĭm-mih bī-sò;
lick it and see how it tastes.
lău gû cĭ tôk;
the old cow licks the calf; the old love children.
ngio-bo̤ cĭ ngio-kíaⁿ;
the cat licks the kitten.
  • 838490
  • The sixth of the twelve branches.
cĭ sî;
from 9 to 11 o'clock A. M.
i sĭ it-cĭ nî seⁿ kâi;
he was born in the year which is second in the cycle of ten, and sixth in the cycle of twelve.


  • ciⁿ43825
  • Felt; rough and nappy fabrics.
ciⁿ bō̤;
a felt hat.
ciⁿ tîo;
a rug.
ciⁿ tói;
felt soles.
thó ciⁿ;
shoddy; felt made from cotton.
îu ciⁿ;
oiled felt.
mô̤ⁿ ciⁿ;
sai ciⁿ;
foreign carpeting.
jû cŏ̤ cam ciⁿ;
like sitting on needles.
pho ciⁿ kak chái;
carpeted and curtained.
îeⁿ ciⁿ;
foreign blanketing.
  • ciⁿ551304
  • The limbs.
sì ciⁿ;
the four limbs.
the body.
  • ciⁿ54650
  • A branch or tribe; to advance money.
the twelve branches.
ciⁿ ēng;
to pay out.
ciⁿ kang-ngṳ̂n;
to give out the wages.
a tribe or clan.
ciⁿ cîⁿ lâi ēng;
advances the money to be spent.
hûeⁿ ciⁿ;
a collateral branch of the same family.
ciⁿ cieh;
to advance the outlay.
ciⁿ sio;
lăm ciⁿ;
wastefully expend.
ciⁿ lî, irrelevant;
ciⁿ cṳ́;
a child of.
to make a protégé of.
tâng sòi ciⁿ-thî kàu tōa;
brought him up from infancy.
sĭ i tó̤ ciⁿ-thî;
it is she who pays his expenses.
bô̤ nâng ciⁿ-thî;
no one looks after him.
  • ciⁿ9641548
  • To take in both hands and offer respectfully; to send, as a dispatch; to give, as a present.
ciⁿ-sàng bṳ̂n-cṳ khṳ̀ tău-thâi kò̤ tâu;
handed in a dispatch to be delivered to the Intendant of Circuit.
  • ciⁿ977423
  • Wedge-like; tapering.
the toe.
i ēng kha-ciⁿ khṳ̀ nek i;
he gave it a shove with his toe.
khṳt i kâi kha-ciⁿ thak khṳ̀ kàu cū sí khṳ̀;
on being kicked by him, it died.
  • ciⁿ551306
  • Unctuous.
unctuous matter.
peh-sèⁿ hùe kâi ciⁿ-ko̤;
the fat of the people, (their money).
mîn ko̤ mîn ciⁿ;
the fat of the land.
cîeh ciⁿ;
unctuous earths, used in ointments.
  • cíⁿ601158
  • Immature; young.
cíⁿ cṳ́;
a young child.
young and small.
hŵn-lío ío cíⁿ;
is still rather immature.
cíⁿ-kó̤, cíⁿ-kó̤;
fresh and fair.
thóiⁿ tîeh hŵn-lío ap-ap-cíⁿ;
I see that you still look blooming.
mûeh khah cíⁿ;
things that are unripe.
cíⁿ-cíⁿ nē;
very youthful.
cíⁿ hîeh;
young and tender leaves.
cíⁿ-cṳ́ kâi sim;
youthful in heart.
  • cìⁿ9781189
  • An arrow; an archer.
sīa cìⁿ;
to shoot arrows.
keng cìⁿ;
bows and arrows.
keng-cìⁿ kẃn sĭ tó̤ kà keng-cìⁿ kâi tī-hng;
a shooting gallery is a place where archery is taught.
lṳ́ sĭ cîah pâi-to̤, a sĭ cîah keng-cìⁿ?
Do you get your living as a swordsman or as a bowman?
húe cìⁿ;
a rocket.
tieⁿ năuⁿ-cìⁿ sīa hóⁿ;
sent an arrow from his crossbow and hit the tiger.