Page:Dictionary of typography and its accessory arts - Southward - 1875.djvu/11

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  • International Exhibition of 1862. Reports of Juries, London, 1863.
  • Jackson & Chatto's Treatise on Wood Engraving.
  • Johnson's Introduction to Logography, 1783.
  • Johnson's Typographia, 1824.
  • Knight's Caxton, 1844.
  • Knight's Old Printer and the Modern Press, 1854.
  • Linde's Haarlem Legend, 1871.
  • London Encyclopædia, 1829. Printing—vol xiii, p. 84.
  • MacKellar's American Printer.
  • Mason's Practical Lithographer, 1852.
  • Maverick's Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press.
  • McCreery's Press, a Poem, 1803.
  • Morgan's Dictionary of Terms used in Printing, 1863.
  • Moxon's Mechanick Exercises, 1677-83; Regulæ Trium Ordinum Literarum Typographicarum, 1676.
  • Munsell's History and Chronology of Paper and Paper Making. National Cyclopædia, 1850. Printing—vol. ix, p. 847. Printing Press—vol. ix, p. 849. Printing Machine—vol. ix, p. 851.
  • New American Cyclopædia, 1863. Printing—vol. xiii, p. 585. Type Founding—vol. xv, p. 688. Newspapers—vol xii, 306.
  • Newspaper Press Directory, 1846 to 1875.
  • Nicholl's Literary Anecdotes of the Eigthteenth Century.
  • Nicholson's Manual of the Art of Bookbinding.
  • Noveau Manuel complet de l'Imprimeur Lithographe.
  • Paper Mills Directory.
  • Penny Cyclopædia, 1841. Printing—vol. xix, p. 14.
  • Renouard's Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aldes.
  • Ree's Cyclopoedia. Art. Printing.
  • Revista Bibliographica, Madrid.
  • Ringwalt's American Encyclopædia of Printing, 1871.
  • Ruse & Straker's Printing and its Accessories, 1860.
  • Savage's Account of the London Daily Newspapers, 1811.
  • Savage's Dictionary of the Art of Printing. 1841.
  • Savage's Decorative Printing, 1822.
  • Savage on Printing Ink, 1832.
  • Senefelder's L'Art de la Lithographie Munich, 1819.
  • Specimen des Caractères Typographiques (or Specimens of Old Printing Types in the possession of John Enschedé & Sons, Haarlem), 4to, 1789.
  • Specimen of the various sorts of Printing Types belonging to the University of Oxford, at the Clarendon Printing House, 1786.
  • Stower's Printers' Grammar.
  • Stower's Printers' Price Book, 1814.
  • The Stationer's Handbook.
  • Timperley's Encyclopædia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote.
  • Timperley's Printers' Manual, 1839.
  • Tomlinson's Cyclopædia, 1866.
  • Trübner's Guide to American Literature.
  • Typographia Espanola.
  • Vita del Cavalier Giambattista Bodoni, Tipografo.
  • Vocabulaire des Termes usués dans l'Imprimerie.
  • Walter's Address to the Public, showing the great Improvement he has made in the Art of Printing by Logographic Arrangements.
  • Walter's Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, intended as a Specimen of the Types at the Logographic Printing Office.
  • Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824.
  • Wilson's Treatise on English Punctuation.