Page:Diplomacy and the War (Andrassy 1921).djvu/252

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propaganda increased the fomenting power of these theories. The ex-officio revolutionary element increased in power because the Monarchy, having recognized the necessity of peace and the power of the above-mentioned tendencies, attempted to bring about the peace conditions by exploiting the jargon of the Socialists internationally. The Government, however, made a serious mistake, because it was not the Government that availed itself of social democracy for the preparations of peace, but, on the contrary, it was the International which availed itself of the Government for spreading the revolutionary spirit. What enormous strengthening it meant to social democracy that, at a time when the whole world naturally and rightly longed for the blessings of peace, the Governments themselves expected the solution from social democracy! What an extraordinary situation, that, while German and French citizens were murdering each other, French and German Socialists were exchanging handshakes. The leading circles placed themselves in a false position because they availed themselves of the battle-cries of the Socialists and pursued their military policy at the same time in the spirit of Ludendorff. The question was asked: How is it possible to combine the hard fight against universal suffrage with the part played by Dr. Adler and Dr. Renner in the question of universal peace during the conference at Stockholm? If only the Socialists can bring about the peace, must the power not be given to them, and in such a case are not they alone worthy of this power?