Page:Discourses of Epictetus volume 1 Oldfather 1925.djvu/42

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D. S. Sharp, Epictetus and the New Testament. London, 1914.

Rt. Rev. J. L. Spalding, Glimpses of Truth, with essays on Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. Chicago, 1903. Third edition, 1913.

L. Stein, Die Psychologie der Stoa. Berlin, 1886, 1888.

J. Stuhrmann, De vocabulis notionum philosophicarum in Epicteti libris. Neustadt, 1885.

K. Vorlander, "Christliche Gedanken eines heidnischen Philosophen," Preuss. Jahrb., 1897, pp. 89, 193-222.

Louis Weber, "La morale d'Épictète et les besoins présents de l'enseignement moral," Rev. de Metaph. et de Moral, six articles, 1905-1909.

U. von Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, "Die griechische Literatur des Altertums," in Kultur der Gegenwart³, I. 8 (Leipzig and Berlin, 1912), 244. Compare also the admirable statement in his Griechisches Lesebuch, I. (Berlin, 1902), pp. 230-1.

Th. Zahn, Der Stoiker Epiktet und sein Verhältnis zum Christentum. Erlangen, 1894. Second edition, Leipzig, 1895. The thesis, that Epictetus was acquainted with the New Testament, has been very generally rejected, but the address has value apart from that contention.

L. Zanta, La renaissance du stoicisme au xvie siecle. Paris, 1914. La traduction française du Manuel d'Épictète d'André de Rivaudeau, etc. Paris, 1914.

E. Zeller, Die Philosophie der Griechen⁴, III. 1 (Leipzig, 1909), 765-81; III. 2 (1902), 910-14.

There have been three notable translations into
