Page:Discourses of Epictetus volume 1 Oldfather 1925.djvu/479

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a rational soul, and that like the beam[† 1] of a balance it will incline,[1][† 2] whether you wish or no. Point out to the rational governing faculty a contradiction and it will desist; but if you do not point it out, blame yourself rather than the man who will not be persuaded.

  1. The text is very uncertain (see critical note). The general idea, however, is pretty clearly that expressed by Cicero, Acad. Pri. II. 38; Ut enim necesse est lancem in libra ponderibus impositis deprimi, sic animum perspicuis cedere.
  1. ὁμοίως. Added by Schweighäuser.
  2. ἐπιρρέψει Schenkl: ἐπιθρέψει or ἐπειθρέψει S. Many conjectural restorations have been proposed.