Page:Discourses of Epictetus volume 1 Oldfather 1925.djvu/485

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Music, 7, 9, 201, 299, 307

Naso, 307, 310
Natural, the, 245
Nature, (including man's nature), 79, 81, 93, 101, 141, 147, 163, 167, 175, 191, 375; will of, 117, 119. See also Harmony with Nature.
Necklace, 403
Nero, 13, 19, 163; baths of, 331
Newman, Cardinal, 418
Nicopolis, 70, 137, 163, 169, 253, 389
Nike, 265
Nose, running, how to treat it, 47, 325
Nurse, 83, 331

Obedience, 251
Obstinacy, 315 ff.
Odysseus, 91, 429
Odyssey, The, 181
Oedipus, 35, 157
Oedipus, The, of Sophocles, 187
Offences against society, 385
Olympia, 45 47, 127, 197
Olympic games, 21, 151, 355
Opinion, 87, 121, 123, 253, 271, 287
Orator, 323
Orestes, 375
Owe, one's, 155, 157, 159, 249, 329
Ox, 413

Paean, 253
Pancratiasts, 355
Panthoides, 361
Pantry, 271
Parents, 95, 97, 167
Particular instances. See Application of preconceptions.
Patroclus, 87, 185
Peace, 95
Peace of mind, 239, 337
Peevishness, 95
Pelf, 279, 281
Perception, 175
Peripatetics, 367
Peroration, 229
Petrifaction of intellect, 39
Pheidias, 45, 263, 367
Philip, 305
Philosopher and philosophers, 13, 21, 23, 27, 63, 73, 75, 77, 85, 121, 139, 149, 165, 167, 189, 193, 213, 221, 223, 267 ff., 271, 273, 275, 281, 303. 307, 309, 313, 315, 333, 337, 347, 351, 377, 379, 387, 423, 431
Philosophy, 107, 149, 169, 283, 309, 425
Phoenix, 429
Phoenix, The, at Euripides (of Sophocles), 187
Physical trainer, 151
Physician, 63, 301, 313, 319, 339
Physics, The, by Epicurus, 411
Piety, 377, 379
Pity, 123, 179, 385
Plato, 63, 179, 339, 341, 347, 353, 405
Pleasure, 289
Pluto, 381
Politics, 131
Polyneices, 397
Poseidonius, 65
Poultices, 391
Practice, 221, 321 ff., 327, 329
Praefectus annonae, 75
Praetor, 221
Praise, 323, 325. See also Applause.
Praise, hymn of, 113
Preconceptions, 143 ff., 173, 185, 283, 285, 337, 339, 341
Priam, 33, 361, 363
Primary importance, being of, 261, 275
Principal faculty, 141
Principles, philosophic, 389, 391
Prison, 95, 187, 193, 253
Procrustes, 335
Profession, various kinds of, 267
Profitable, the, 179
Progress, 27 ff., 283
Providence, 41 ff., 101, 109, 309
Pyrrho, 171, 175
Pythian priestess, 379

Quibbles, 201
Quiescent, The, 355

Rational, the, 15 ff., 433, 435; animal (= man), 43
Reasoning, art of, 113 ff.
Reason, or the reasoning faculty, 9, 25, 59 ff., 97, 137 ff., 193
Recommendation, 231, 233
Red stripe in toga praetexta, 19, 21, 155
Refusal, 11, 31
Religion, origin of, 379
Renunciation, 155, 163, 329, 331, 343
Responsibility for self, 73, 87, 119, 180, 181, 183, 187, 3u3, 343
Reticence, 195, 203
Reviling, 165

Revolution of universe, 219