Page:Distinguished Churchmen.djvu/171

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over the Church in purely spiritual matters. It has, in fact, utterly discredited the reputation of the Privy Council. Then, again, although the energetic action taken by the Union at the time of the passing of the Clergy Discipline (Immorality) Bill was not successful in its immediate object, yet it has been universally recognised that the principle for which the Union contended will be acted upon in future, viz., that in matters affecting the Church canonical action must precede Parliamentary legislation. Further, there can be no doubt that the E.C.U. has leavened the whole Church. The extreme men of to-day are the moderate men of to-morrow. Or, put it thus—as the skirmishers and firing line advance, the 'moderate' supports follow, and occupy the ridges we have carried. They express themselves shocked at our rashness and temerity, but they follow close on our heels, while in the rear, far away, you see the Evangelicals coming up at the double.

"The E.C.U. has also won for the Church a recognition by those in authority of its right to practise certain Catholic ceremonial, such as the eastward position, lighted candles during divine service, Eucharistic vestments, the mixed chalice, and wafer-bread."

"But what about incense?"

"Oh! that will come in time. The 'Opinions' of the Archbishops have been pulverised by lawyers no less than by canonists. Our victories on the