Page:Distinguished Churchmen.djvu/242

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for the most part, Mongolians. Their heads and their features he describes as just like those of the "Japs," save that they are larger and, taken as a whole, better looking, and they share the same aptitude for progress. He suspects that they must have been driven to seek fresh settlements as the result of war ; at any rate, they evince the liveliest satisfaction over their choice of British Columbia.

" My Diocese," said the Bishop, "contains about 160,000 square miles. There are to-day thirteen English but no native clergy. There is, however, a large staff of native teachers and of lay white workers. When I went out in 1879 there were but three steamers that came up to Metlakathla during the year. For eight months we were with out a mail, and you will imagine how great was the change when I tell you that we had enjoyed thirteen postal deliveries a day at Huddersfield. Christianity, I found, had taken root at two places along the coast at Metlakathla and at Kincolith and the people have been gradually brought into the Church, until those associated with the two places named have been entirely won over to Christianity. From those points of vantage we have gone on extending the evangelisation of the heathen. About British Columbia there are a number of islands, so to speak, and the great rivers constitute the highways. There are no roads from the sea to the interior for a thousand

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