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Distinguished Churchment

Bishop of St David's. Then followed the Rev. G. H. Wilkinson, destined to take the place of the new Archbishop at Truro as second Bishop of that interesting Diocese, and the Rev. Fox-Sandford, who appeared in obedience to the summons to the Bishopric of Tasmania. There was an immense congregation, and, with regard to the home Bishops at least, there was discernible an endeavour to divide the opportunities of the occasion. For instance, the offertory was devoted to the fund for the erection of Truro Cathedral, the foundation stone of which had been well and truly laid a few years before by His Majesty the King in the dual capacity of Prince of Wales and (mark the appropriateness) Duke of Cornwall. Then, again, the special preacher was the Rev. Francis John Jayne, M.A., Principal of St David's College, Lampeter. Principal Jayne is, of course, better known to us to-day as Dr Jayne, the popular Bishop of Chester.

After paying homage to Queen Victoria at Osborne, the new Bishop in the following May was duly enthroned by the Suffragan Bishop of Dover and Archdeacon of Canterbury in the beautifully-restored parish church of St. Peter and St. Paul—Llandaff Cathedral, which cosily nestles in one of the prettiest of Welsh valleys. At the luncheon afterwards the Bishop happily inaugurated his reign over the See with this significant observation—“My prayer is that we