Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/102

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The discouery

the Pepper yet greene, and not ready to bee gathered: Also the best water of the world, and so many sortes of fishes that yee may take them without net or angle so many as ye will. Also an innumerable sort of wilde foule of all sortes, and in little Ilandes at the entrie of this hauen, on the East Northeast side, there is so great number of Egrepes that the busshes bee all white and couered with them, so that one may take of the young ones with his hande as many as hee will carry away. There bee also a number of other foules, as Hernes, Bitters, Curlues. And to bee short, there is so many small byrdes that it is a strange thing to bee seene. Wee founde the Indians there more doubtfull and fearefull then the others before: Yet after we had been in their houses, and congregated with them, and shewed curtesie to those that we founde to haue abandoned there through boats meale, victuall, and small housholde stuffe, and both in not taking awaye or touching any part thereof, and in leauing in that place where they dressed their meate, Kniues, Looking glasses, little Beades of glasse,A speciall note. which they loue and esteeme aboue golde and pearles, for to hang them at their eares and neck, and to giue them to their wiues and children: they were somewhat emboldened.

For some of them came to our boates, of the which wee carried two goodly and strong aboorde our shippes, clothing and vsing them as gently as it was possible. But they ceased not day nor nyght to lament, and at length they escaped away. Wherefore albeit, I was willing (according to your commaundementA commandement. and memoriall) to bring away some of them with vs, on the Princes behalfe and yours, I forbare to doe so for many considerations and reasons that they told mee, and for that we were in doubt that (leauing some of our men there to inhabite) all the Countrie, men, women, and children, woulde not haue ceased to pursue them for to haue theirs againe: seeing they bee not able to consider and way to what extent wee shoulde haue carried them away: & this may bee better doone to their contentation, when they haue better acquaintance of vs, and know that there is no suchecrueltie