Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/110

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uens neere, the length of the straites, & all other such circũstaunces are to be set downe for many purposes: And all the Mariners in y͏ͤ voyage are to be sworne to keepe close al such thinges, that other Princes preuent vs not of the same, after our returne vpon the disclosing of the mariners, if any suche thing should happe.

Which way the Sauage may be made able to purchase our cloth and other their wantes.

IF you finde any Iland or mayne lande populous, and that the same people hath neede of cloth: Then are you to deuise what commodities they haue to purchase the same withall.

If they be poore, then are you to consider of the soyle, and how by any possibilitie the same may be made to enrich thẽ, that hereafter they may haue somthing to purchase the cloth withall.

If you enter into any mayne by portable riuer and shall finde any great woods, you are to note what kynd of timber they be of: That we may know whether they are for pitche, tarre, mastes, deleborde, clapborde, or for buylding of ships or houses, for so if the people haue no vse of them they maye be brought perhaps to vse.

Not to venture the losse of any one man.

YOu must haue great care to preserue your people, since your number is so small, and not to venture any one man in any wise.

To bring home besides marchandize certaine trifles.

BRing home with you (if you may) from Cambalu, or other ciuill place, one or other young man, although you leaue one for him.

Also the fruites of the countries, if they will not of thẽselues dure, drie them, and so preserue them.

And bring with you the Curnelles of peres, & apples, and the stones of such stone fruites as you shall finde there.