Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/122

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for our state of clothing. This Cochenile is naturall in the west Indies in that firme.

Or if you haue hides of beastes fit for sole Lether, & c. It wilbe a marchandize right good, and the sauages there yet can not tanne Lether after our kinde, yet excellently after their owne maner.

Or if the soyle shall yeelde Figges, Almondes, Sugar Canes, Quinces, Orenges, Lemons, Potatos, & c. there may arise some trade and trafficke, by figges, almonds, sugar, marmelade, Sucket & c.

Or if great woods bee founde, if they be of Cypres, chests may bee made, if they bee of some kinde of trees, pitche and tarre may be made, if they bee of some other then they may yeelde Rosin, Turpentine, & c. and al for trade and trafficke, and Caskes for wine and oyle may be made: likewise ships and houses, & c.

And because trafficke is a thing so materiall, I wish that great obseruation be taken what euery soyle yeeldeth naturally, in what commoditie soeuer, and what it may be made to yeeld by indeuour, and to send vs notice home, that therevppon wee may deuise what meanes may be thought of to rayse trades.

Nowe admit that we might not be suffered by the sauages to enioy any whole countrey or any more thẽ the scope of a Citie, yet if wee might enioy trafficke and be assured of the same, wee might bee much inriched, our Nauie might be increased, & a place of safetie might there be found, if change of religion or ciuill warres shoulde happen in this realme, which are thinges of great benefite. But if we may inioy any large Territorie of apt soyle, we might so vse the matter, as we should not depende vpon Spaine for oyles, sacks, resinges, orenges, lemons, Spanish skinnes, & c. Nor vppon Fraunce for woad, baysalt, and gascoyne wines, nor on Estlande for flaxe, pitch, tarre, mastes, & c. So we shoulde not so exhaust our treasure, and so exceedingly inriche our doubtfull friendes, as we doe, but shoulde purchasse the commodities that we want for halfe the treasure that now we do: butshould