Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/13

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well as my selfe, First therefore it is not to bee forgotten, that Sebastian Gabot wrote to master Baptista Ramusius, that he veryly beleeued that all the North part of America is diuided into Ilandes. Secondly that master Iohn Verarzanus, which had been thrise on that coast, in an olde excellent mappe, which he gaue to king Henrie the eight, and is yet in the custodie of master Locke, doth so lay it out, as is to bee seene in the mappe annexed to the end of this boke, beeing made according to Verarzanus plat. Thirdly the story of Gil Gonsalua recorded by Franciscus Lopes de Gomara, which is saide to haue sought a passage by the Northwest, seemeth to argue and proue the same. Fourthly, in the second relation of Iaques Cartier the 12. Chapter the people of Saguinay doe testifie that vpon their coastes Westwarde there is a sea the ende whereof is vnknowne vnto them. Fiftly, in the end of that discourse is added this, as a special remembrance, to wit, that they of Canada say that it is a monethes space to saile to a lande where cinamon and cloues are growing. Sixtly, the people of Florida signified vnto Iohn Ribault (as it is expressed in his discourse heerewithall imprinted) that they might saile from the Riuer of May vnto Ceuola and the south sea through their countrie within twentie dayes. Seuenthly, the experience of captaine Frobisher on the hyther side, and Sir Fraunces Drake on the backe side of America, with the testimonie of Nicolaus and Anthonius Zeni, that Estotilanda is an Ilande, doth yeelde no small hope thereof. Lastly, the iudgement of the excellent Geographer Gerardus Mercator, which his sonne Rumold Mercator my friende shewed mee in his letters, & drewe out for mee in writing, is not of wise men lightly to bee regarded. His words are these. The iudgement of Gerardus Mercator of a passage by the Northwest.Magna tamet si pauca de noua Frobisheri nauigatione scribis, quam miror ante multos annos nǒ fuisse attentatam. Non enim dubium est, quin recta & breuis via pateat in occidentem Cathaium vsq;. In quod regnữ, si recte nauigationem instituant, nobilissimas totius mundi merces colligent, & multis Gentibus adhuc idololatris Christi nomen communicabunt. You write (saith hee to his sonne) great matters though very briefly of the newe discouerieof