Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/37

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that all that is within the line coloured yellow, is to be imagined to be mayne land or Iland: and all without the sayde line so coloured to bee Sea: whereby it is easie and light to know it. Albeit in this little roome any other description would rather haue made it obscure then cleere. Also the sayd coasts of the Sea are all set iustly after the manner & forme as they lye, as the nauigation approueth thẽ throughout all the carde, saue onely the coastes and Iles of the spicerie of y͏ͤ Emperour which is from ouer against the 160. to the 215. degrees of Longitude. For these coastes & situations of the Ilands euery of the Cosmographers and pilots of Portingall and Spayne doe set after their purpose. The Spaniards more towards the Orient, because they should appeare to appertaine to the Emperour: and the Portingalles more toward the Occident, for that they should fall within their iurisdiction. So that the Pilots & nauigants thither, which in such cases should declare y͏ͤ truth, by their industrie doe set thẽ falsely euery one to fauour his prince. And for this cause can be no certaine situatiõ of y͏ͤ coast & Ilands, til this difference betwixte them be verified. Nowe to come to the purpose of your Lordshippes demaunde touching the difference betweene the Emperour and the king of Portingall, to vnderstãd it better, I must declare y͏ͤ beginning of this discouering. Though peraduẽture your Lordship may say yͭ in that I haue writtẽ oght of purpose I fall in the Prouerbe, A gemino ouo bellum: But your Lordship commaunded me to be large, & I take licence to be prolixouse, & shal be peraduenture tedious, but your Lordship knoweth that nihil ignorantia verbosius. In the yeere 1484. the king of Portingal minded to arme certaine caruelles to discouer this spicery. Then forasmuch as he feared that being discouered euerie other prince would send & trade thither for y͏ͤ cost & peril of discouering should be his, & the profite common: wherefore first he gaue knowledge of this his mynd to al princes christened, saying yͭ he would seeke amõgst y͏ͤ infidels newe possessiõs of regions, & therfore would make a certain army: & yͭ if any of thẽ would help in y͏ͤ cost of y͏ͤ said army, he shouldenioy