Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/39

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that which the pope had decreed, he would giue him the said Ilands of the Indies. Now for as much as it was decreed betwixt y͏ͤ said kings, yͭ none should receiue y͏ͤ others subiects fugitiues, nor their goodes, therefore the king of Portingale should pay and returne to the king of Spaine a million of Golde or more, that the Iewes had carried out of Spaine to Portingale; and that so doing he would giue these Ilandes and desist from any more discouering. And not fulfilling this he would not onely not giue these Ilands, but procure to discouer more where him thought best. It seemeth that the king of Portingale would not or could not with his ease pay this mony. And so not paying that he coulde not let the king of Spaine to discouer: so that hee enterprised not toward the Orient where he had begun and found the spicery. And consented to the king of Spaine that touching this discouering they should deuide the worlde betweene them two. And that all that should be discouered frõ Capo verde, where this carde beginneth to be counted in the degrees of longitude, to 180. of the sayde scale of longitude, which is halfe the worlde toward the Orient, and finisheth in this carde right ouer against a little crosse made at the sayde 180. degrees, to be the king of Portingalles. And all the lande from the sayde Crosse towarde the Occident, vntill it ioyneth with the other Crosse in the Orient, which conteineth the other hundreth and eightie degrees, that is the other halfe of the worlde, to bee the king of Spaynes. So that from the lande ouer against the sayde hundreth and eightie degrees vntill it finish in the three hundred and sixtie on both the endes of the carde, is the iurisdiction of the king of Spaine. So after this manner they deuided the worlde betweene them. Nowe for that these Ilandes of spicerie fall neere the terme and lymites betweene these Princes (for as by the sayde carde you maye see they beginne from one hundred and sixtie degrees of Longitude, and ende in 215.) it seemeth all that falleth from 160. to 180. degrees, shoulde bee of Portingall:and