Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/47

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derstande it, which nowe with it also cannot bee excused, it is so grossely done. But I knewe you looked for no curious things of mee, and therefore I trust your Lordshippe will accept this, and holde mee for excused. In other mens letters that they write they craue pardon that at this present they write no larger: but I must finish, asking pardon that at this present I write so largely. Iesus preserue your Lordship with augmentation of dignities.

Your seruant Robert Thorne, 1527.

THis exhortation to king Henrie the eight, with the discourse to Doctor Ley his Ambassadour in Spaine, was preserued by one master Emmanuel Lucar executour to master Robert Thorne, and was friendly imparted vnto mee by master Cyprian Lucar his sonne an honest Gentleman and very forwarde to further any good and laudable action. And that it may bee knowne that this motion tooke present effect with the king, I thought it good herewithall to put downe the testimonie of our Chronicle that the king set out shippes for this discouerie in his life time. master Hall and master Grafton in their Chronicles write both thus: This same moneth king Henry the eight sente two faire ships, well manned and victualled, hauing in them diuers cunning men, to seeke strange regions: and so they set foorth, out of the Thames the xx. day of May in the xix. yeere of his raigne. In the yeere of our Lorde. 1527.