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- Unless the higher degree which is the spiritual is opened in man, he becomes natural and sensual (n. 248-255)
- The natural degree of the human mind regarded in itself is continuous, but by correspondence with the two higher degrees it appears when it is elevated as if it were discrete (n. 256- 259)
- The natural mind, since it is the covering and containant of the higher degrees of the human mind, is reactive; and if the higher degrees are not opened it acts against them, but if they are opened it acts with them (n. 260-263)
- The origin of evil is from the abuse of the capacities proper to man, that are called rationality and freedom (n. 264-270)
- Evils and falsities are in complete opposition to goods and truths, because evils and falsities are diabolical and infernal, while goods and truths are divine and heavenly (n. 271-276)