Page:Divine shepherd, or, The good minister's care over the flock of Jesus Christ.pdf/18

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him his heart's blood they have cost his his life and can I be too much concerned, or can I be concerned enough, for the ſalvation of thoſe ſouls, which have coſt my Lord, my God, and my ſaviour Christ who was crucified; ſo much! I warn you all in God's Name, and in Chriſt's Name, that, as you value your ſalvation of your ſouls, and of them that hear you ſo be you ſure, not to find fault with the Holy Ghost who has commanded me upon pain of damnation, warn you all againſt all thoſe ſins: Nor yet to find fault with me, who, according to the meaſure of grace and faithfulneſs he has given me, have conſcienciously obeyed his command, and incurr'd your diſpleaſure for the good of your ſouls: But lay all the faults you are guilty of any faults; where it ought to be laid, even upon your own ſelves. And reſolve, to ſolve immediately, upon a fail and perfect amendment of life, from this very day, from this very hour, from this very moment. For we do not know, whether any of us ſhall live a moment longer. We do not know, whether you or I ſhall live to go out of the Church, or even to come into it again, to be told and ſtirred up to, the conſciencious Diſcharge of Miniſterial offices, thus plainly, thus impartially, thus convincingly, and I heartily pray to God, effectually.

Oh theſe eyes of mine have ſeen, how poor Country people ſit in darkneſs and ſhadow of death, are as ignorant of Chriſtianity, as if Chriſt had forever been purchaſed to them! And I am verily perſuaded, that if you who have great and rich people in the country, would but do as Chriſt did; would but go and ſee how the multitudes committed to the charge, do faint and are tired; and wearied, and down, and are ſcattered abroad, as ſheep having no ſhepherd; you would not poſſibly chuſe but be now with pity and compaſſion on them, unleſs your 'hands are all ſtone, and your bowels are all braſs, and yourſelves are more barbarous than ſea monſters which draw out the breaſt and give ſuck to their young Lam.iv.3.