Page:Documents from the Den of Espionage.djvu/271

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Palestinian Activity In Iran

I. Efforts by the Palestinian Fedayeen to gain influence in Iran reflect the rivalry between the more moderate aloner. Led by PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat and the radical groups, particularly the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

A. Arafat seems to have largely succeeded in having his own organization, Fatah, Dominate Palestinian activities in Iran, and he has helped prevent the radical groups from gaining and important role.

B. The contacts, however that have existed for several years between the radical Palestinian organizations and Iranian leftists are continuing.

C. The PFLP for more than five years has had ties to the Chariks and has trained them at bases in Labanon. Representatives of the two groups have apparently met during the past few months to discuss further cooperation.

1. The PFLP also has contacts with other Iranian leftists, particularly dissidents in Khuzestan, and probably with anti-Kameini elements of the Mujahedin.

2. There are unconfirmed reports that PFLP leader George Habbash met secretly with leftists in Adadan earlier this summer.