Page:Documents from the Den of Espionage.djvu/288

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nbx Y`¤·•y····%` ·-···. F gnu. `5W~·- * u k..\s.. •~·*· ° a` ’ Im 25 Duztchar 1.270 P·-lam N3-70 umsmnuuu mn: Pulxtxnn suction THIN : ms svnmci : muru ax no P:-an Autumn at me sown: muy, syroyemkxn, nu Inn-Suvxnc rouuons The following information ima A muohio source xs I0: your infomation nad use and and no: ba ntnhutcd ¤¤ us: * ¤ ¢ o uno ram xm.: me Soviet Un un. Bm stronzly critioizmi ine propaganda pouczu nt the Iranuua Quvormmt and nid: The Irnzuan llxnwtrsr of Infornuon xs autnnuy n Iarnmn of uw ¤·S~ intonation Saxton, and thu gnnonl ixnos at tim promznnca pahclos at chu nnxwtry nn nun; dnqnuo ny Irnnnn otticints we-king; n cna USM, Hams xmas connmtna vnu nm Sana: Union no ¤eu¤·n1 cuuntrdian na nung pmsxxsnou nn broadcast in A pvngum. und malicious ny, uhurou un new usnung with tha ILS. nd intnrn cauntrxns nu nds public: nun "np•r:xa1 doc¤ratx¤n¤". Syroyaznkxn nutad that recently nn muwbonanumst conlunce um nsw an ’mty¤ 1.n much lrnu ns rupnnnnd by Hlhit zoncnn Fwd. tn• autor oi nndoynn Aznrbni nn. nm mother pornn- The Etulvnt nswpnpoi Kn! ii•.:'E%‘f¤hn¢ lhs ntatuneotn nulc by H.’h'K ($¤ix·¤'¤ unter nt uu connnucc in which nhs had Lnpummtly attnckaxi Gnnuunnr Dna cnnoni. he continued. unéuntand tha purpose ni Immun nwannvem than may gunman muh pz-cvocntxvn Luna--except no mink mn 1: as pn: ot me mk nqcunnkxnma by Aneraun snnwwms nhs pay nanny to naman nuvwlpern an hue such nrnclnn nad nun pusblnum. Syxcyuzhnn than •••¤ti.¤n•¢ the puhnenuon as n. nook an the situation ot Immun vuhgunu. But the twain nn banned and tha ntacr arrntad. Author uu-knnrn autor, vnon pun una in Ban-Aziin and rmi nan in lhhnd Ttsud- udan. had Ln an uncle: night; ucnnmnod tna mtnnrfn work. qonzsrning nn contents. Rs, mo, nn arrested. -