Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/254

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FEILDEN] PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS 230 SIR JOSEPH Favrer, 1st Bt., K.C.S.I., F.E.S., M.D., b 6 Dec. 1824 ; ni. i Oct. 1855, Bethia Mary (Resi- dence— Bclflcld, Woodlano, Falmouth), dau. of late Maj.- Geu. Andrew Spoils, Bengal Army, and d. 21 May, 1907. Issue — 1. Sir Joseph Fayrer, pres. Bt. 2 Lt -Col. James Outram Speiis Fayrer, late 5th Goorkha Rifles, b. 20 Feb. 1861 ; m. 31 Aug. 1892, Katlierine, dau. of Frederick Steward. Club— Juii. United Service. Issue — 1. Joseph Steward Fayrer, b. 30 April, 189*. 1. Evelyn Betliia. 2. Winyfred Georgiaua Joselyn. 3. Henry Wadham Spens Fayrer, b. 12 Aug. 1862 ; Ueut. late K.O.R. Lancashire Regt. 4. Frederick Uurand Stirling Fayrer, b. 28 Oct. 1869 ; Ind. Med. M. Service ; M.A. Camb. : M.R.C.S. ; m. 3 Feb. 1898, Amy Gertrude, dau. of Thomas Wilkin- son Tetley, of Cl'oughton, Chesliire. Residcnct — The Agency, Sutna, India. Issue — 1. Frederick Wilkinson Spens Fayrer, b. 26 Oct. 1903. 2. Colin Robert Fayrer, b. 28 Feb. 1907. 1. Bethia Maude. 1. Diana Acnes, m. 19 April, 1888, Rev. Richard Arnold Edgell, M.A. Oxford. Residence— The Rec- tory, Beckli'V, Sussex. 2. Bethia Marion, in. 15 April, 1891, William Dobree Hcrries, B.A. Camb., who d. 26 March, 1892. Bcsidcncc — Spottes, Eirkcudbriglitshire. FEILDEN, 4th Bt. (U.K.). Great. 21 July, 1846. — Sir William Henby Feilden, s. of 3rd Bt. B. 8 March, 1860 ; m. 22 April, 1891, Evelyn Mary, dau. of Sir Morton Manningham- Bnller, Bt. "; sue. his father 1912 ; late maj. 3rd Batt. Roy. Lancaster Regt. ; served in S. African war (medal and clasps): J.P., Staffs. This family is descended from Randle Feilden, b. 1610, who was one of the original governors of Blackburn Grammar School, under roval charter. The 1st Bt. was M.P. for Black- burn from 1832-47. Residences — Feniscowles, near Blackburn : Feniscowles House, Scar- borough. Club — Junior United Service. Issue — 1. WILLIA5I Morton Buller Feilden, b. 1893. 1. Beatrice Ida. 2. Cvnthia Kvelvn. Sir William Henry Feilden, 2nd Bt., b. 15 Nov. 1812 ; m. 15 Jan., 1835, Mary Elizabeth (d. 23 June, 1890), dau. of Col. James Balfour Wemyss of Wemyss, and d. 12 Jan., 1879. Issue— 1. Sir William Leyland Feilden, 3rd Bt., b.5Nov. 1835; m. 16 Feb. 1860, Catherine Jane (d. 15 July, 1913), dau. of Edward Pedder,of Ashton Park, Lancaster, and d. 9 June. 1912. Issue — 1. Sir William Henry Feilden, pres. Bt. 2. Ca])t. Edward Leyland Cooke Feilden, late H.L.I. b. 19 June, 1868 ; lii. 5 Feb. 1907, Hon. Marjorie Graham Murray, dau. of Andrew, 1st Baron Dunedin. Residence — 97", Gloucester Terrace, W. Club — Army and Navy. Issue — 1. Iris Blanch Julie Edith. 2. Esin6 Mary Graham. 3. Lt.-Col. Weinyss Gawne Cunningham Feilden, Army I'avDept., late LancasMreFus.,b. 9 Aug. 1870. 4. Maj. Randle Montague Feilden, b. 17 July, 1871 : late Oxfor.lshire L.I. ; Governor of Bahr-el-Ghazal Prov. Soudan. Club — Army and Navy. 5. Capt. Rodolph Feilden, b. 7 March. 1876; ed. at Radley Coll. Served in S. African War, 1900—1, (medal. 3 clasps) : late Durham L.l. ; m. 16 May, 1903, Eos.> Christina, dau. of late Col. H.C.Ryder. Resi- denci — 'Tique Cottage, Shepperton-on-Thames. Club — Junior Naval and Military. Issue — 1. Erlith Houghton Wemyss. 1 . Ada Isabel, m. 24 Feb. 1903, Darcy Assheton Gray. Residence — Linton Cottage, Witherby, Yorksliire. 2. Col. Henry Wemyss Feilden. b. 6 Oct. 1838: C.B. (1900) ; late cliief paymr. Annv Pay Dept. ; J .P. Norf.; m. 27 Oct. 1864, Julia, dau.'of David McCord, of S. Carolina. Rcsidenci' — Roppynden. Burwash, Sussex. Club — Jun. United Service. 1. Mary Elizabeth, m. 1st, 23 Oct. 1860, Capt. Richard Newsham Redder, who d. 1863 ; m. 2nd, 27 June, 1867, Sir Musgrave Horton Brisco (4th Bt.). 2. Frances Maria Caroline, iii. 19Marchl863,Ecv. Ed- mund Juxton Wemyss Whittakcr, chaplain of St. Mary MagdaJen, Bath, and has issue. 3 Blanche Hariiet'Juancta Georgina, ni. 27 April, 1S71, Sir William Ridley Charles Cooke, 9th Bt. FEILDING, Vise, and Baron. Eael of. See Denbigh, FELLOWES, Privy Counsellor. — Rt. Hon. Sie AiLWYN Edward Fellowes, K.C.V.O. {see Knightage). FENTOUN, Vise. See Mar and Kellie, Eard of. FENWICK, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1911.— Rt. Hon. Charles Fenwick, s. of late John Fenwick. B. at Cramlington, Northumberland, 1850 ; m. 1879, Jane, dau. of Henry Gardner, of Old Cramlington ; a working miner 1860-85 ; miners' representative at the Trades L'nion Con- gress 1884 ; pari. sec. to the Trades Union Con- gress 1890-4 ; M.P. Wansbeck div. of North- umberland since 1885 ; memb. of Royal Commn. on Coal Dust, on Secondary Educn.,andon Rail- way Accidents ; and memb. Departmental Com- mittee on Electricity in Mines. Residence — 14, Tankerville Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Club — National Liberal. FERENS, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1912. — Rt. Hon. Thomas Robinson Ferens, s. of Geo. W. Ferens, of Bishop Auckland, by Anne, dau. of Michael Jackson. B. at New Shildon, Dur- ham, 4 Mav, 1847; m. 11 Sept. 1873, Esther Ellen (Ettie), dau. of WiUiam Field, of Hull; ed. priv. ; M.P. Kingston-upon-Hull from 1906 ; High Steward of the City of Hull : has been presid. Hull Chamber of Commerce ; is dir. Reckitt and Sons, Ltd., and a dir. of the Star Assurance Soc. ; J. P. Residences — Holderness House. Hull ; 62, Whitehall Court, S.W. Club — National Liberal. MUNRO-FERGUSON, Privy Counsellor. — The Rt. Hon. Sir Ronald Cbaufurd IMunro- Ferguson, G.C.M.G. (see Ivirightage). JOHNSON-FERGUSON, 1st Bt. of Springkel (U.K.). Crcat. 18 July. 1906. — Sir Jabez Edward Johnson-Ferguson, s. of Jabez John- son, J.P., of Kenyon Hall, Lancashire, by Mary, dau. of John Johnson, of Manchester. B. 27 Nov. 1849; m. 15 April, 1874, Williamina Mar- garet Ellen, dau. of W. A. Cunningham, of Man- chester ; ed. priv. and at Camb. (scholar) ; B.A. 1872 (32nd Wrangler); M.A. 1875; called to the Bar 1875, but does not practise : M.P. Loughborough div. Leicestershire 1885—6 and 1892-1900; J.P. Lanes, Lanarkshire, and Dum- friesshire ; assumed additional name of Ferguson bj' roy. lie. 1881. Residences — Springkell, Ecclefechan, N.B. ; 55, Cadogan Sciuare, S.W. Clubs — Brooks's and Reform. Issue — Maj. Edward Alexander James Johnson-Fer- guson, Heir; Lanark Yeo.; b. 3 Marcli, 1875; m. 28 April, 1904, Hon. Elsie Dorothea, dau. of Charles, 1st Baron Aberconway, P.C. ; ed. at Har- row and Camb.; J.P. Lanarksliire andDumfriessliire. Club — Bachelors'. Issue — 1. Neil Edward Jolmson-Ferguson, b. 2 May, 1905. 2. Brian Charles Johnson-Ferguson, b. 1 Dec. 1908. 3. Ravmond Patrick Johnson-Ferguson, b. 9 Oct. 1912. " FERGUSSON, 7th Bt. of Kilkerran (Scot.), Creat. 30 Nov. 1703; C.B. (mil.) 1911: D.S.O. 1895: M.V.O. (4th cl.) 1906. — Sir Charles Fergusson, s. of 6th Bt. B. 17 Jan. 1865; j in. 18 July, 1901, Lady Alice Mary, dau. of David, 7th Earl of Glasgow ; sue. his father 1907 : ed. at Eton and R.M.C. Sandhurst ; ent. the Army 1883; served with Egyptian Army 1896-1903; in Soudan campaign 1896-9 (severely wounded at Rosaires), and in France 1914, commdg. 5th Div. (despatches) ; brevets of maj., It. -col. and col. 1900 : Medjidie 2nd class 1903 ; was adj.- I gen. Egyptian Army 1901-3 ; comd. 3rd Batt. Gren. Gds. 1904-7 : brig. -gen. gen. staff Ireland I 1907-8 ; maj. -gen. 1908; lieut.-gen. 1914; inspector

of Infantry 1909-13 ; hon. col. Lowland Divi-

sional Transport and Supply Column ; D.L., J. P., Ayrshire. Residences — Kilkerran, Dailly ; Ladyburn, Maybole, Ayrshire. Clubs — Carlton ; Guards'. Issue —