Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/280

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GORING PEERS. BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS 25& Oxford, and Harvard Univ. : called to the Bar (Inner Temple), 1906 ; sec. to pres. of Probate, etc., division, 1906-10 ; to Covinty Courts Committee 1908-9 : and to Divorce Commn. 1909-12 : maj. 19th Co. of London Batt. R.F.A. Residence — 14, Kensington Park Gar- dens, W. Clubs — Garrick ; Ranelagh. Eight Ho. John Gorell Barnes, 1st Baron Gorell, b. 16 May, 1848 : Judge of High Court of Justice, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty liivision ; m. 20 April, 1881, Mary HrMPSTON(Residcnee — 14, Kensington Park Gardens, W.), dau. of Tliomas Mitchell, of West Arthurlic, and d. 22 April, 1913. Issue — 1. Henry Gorell Barnes, pres. Baron. ■2. Hon. Ronald Gorell Barnes, Heir Pres., b. 16 April, 1884; B.A. O.xford : Barr.-at-la^- (Inner Temple). Residence — 2, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.G. Club— Garrick. I.Hon. Aura Ellida Gorell. GORING, 12th Bt. (E.). Creat. 18 :Sla.y, 1678, with precedence 23 July, 1627. — Sir For- STER GURNEY" GORIXG, s. of 11th Bt. B. 19 June, 1876 : lieut. 1st Roy. Sussex Regt.. ret. pay ; served in S. African war 1900-2 ; sue. his father 1911 : is Captain of Invalids, Roy. Hos- pital, Chelsea. A memb. of this family, which is of antiquity in the county of Sussex, was creat. Baron Goring 1628 and Earl of Norwich in 1644, but these titles became extinct on the death of 2nd Earl in 1672. Residence — Roval Hos- pital, Chelsea, S.W. Sir Harry Dent Goring. 8th Bt., b. 30 Doc. 1801 ; m. 1st, 2 Aug. 1827.Augusta (m. diss. 1841), dau. of John Harvcv. of Thorpe Lodge, Konvich ; m. 2nd, 11 Jlav. 1842. Mary Elizabetli (d. 20 Oct. 18T1). dau. of Jolin Griffith Lewis, of Llanddyfian, Angli sea, and widow of Jones Panton. of Pias Gwyn, and d. 19 April. 1859. Issue by 1st m. — Sir Charles Goring, 9th Bt., b. 2 June, 1828 ; I'ith Lancers : m. 2nd, Eliza (m. 2nd, 22 July, 1885, Col. Robert Ashworth Godolphin Cosby, whose name she assumed in 1893, and is now known as Mrs. Cosby. Residence — Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co.), dau. of Rev. Capel Molyneux, and d. 3 Nov. 1884. Issue by 2nd m. — 1. Margaret, m. 2 Oct. 1873. Albert Edouard Tislier, who d. 1907. 2. Diana, m. 1st. 18 Aug. 1870, Cant. W. Digbv Llovd. who d. 1883. 67th Regt., and lias issue ;" m. 2nd. 22 Nov. 1887. AnUionv Jolin Wriglit Biddulph. wlio d. 1895. R-sidenci. — Burton Park. Sussi^x. Col. Sir Craven Charles Goring. 10th Bt.. wlio siu-. his cousin, h. 24 Oct. 1841 ; m. 14 Dee. 1869. Agnes (d. 16 Nov. 1911). dau. of Charles A. Stewart, of West Hall. High Lcgh. Chesliire. and d. 16 March, 1897. and was sue. by his cousin. Issu Agnes Venetia, ni. 27 April, 1896, Edwin Hohler. and has issue Residences — Stettriugton Cottage, Chichester : 10, Cadogau Place, S.W. Forster (roring, s. of 7th Bt.. h. 9 April. 1810 : m. 19 July. 1839, Hon. Eloise Yelverton (d. 1:i March. 1883). dau. of 3rd Vis.-, .vonmore, and d. 8 Dec. 1893. Issue — 1. Sir Harry Yelverton Goring, 11th Bt., b. l9Julv. 1840 :m. 19 July, 1875. Sarah Anui<(d. 20 Aug. 1904), dau. of John Hickin. of Lii'littcld, andd. 20 Aug. 1911. 1. Sir Forster Gi-knev (iouixG, pres. Bt. 2. Barry Heneage Goring, Heir Pres., b. 26 June. 1880. Residence— 1, Park Street, Tamworth, Stafford- shire. 3. Craven Charles Goring, b. 21 Oct. 1881 ; in. 15 Feb. 1908, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John Conlou. Resi- dence — 1, Park Street. Tamworth. Issue — Beryl Elizabetli. 4. John Caton Goring, 1). 25 Aug. 1883. 5. Frederick Yelverton Goring, ta. 15 Oct. 1893 : ed. at R.M.C. Sandhurst ; 2nd Lieut. Roy Suss.^x Regt. 1. Ida Augusta, m. 16 July, 1904, Frederick Charles Cooper. Residence — Avonmore Cottage, Hampton in Arden, Warwickshire. 2. Agnes Bervl. Residence — Highden, Awahuri. N.Z. 2. Lt.-Col. Forster Y'elverton Goring, b. 23 July, 1846 : late Roy. N.Z. Artillery : m. 26 June, 1880," Bertha Virginia, dau. of Maj. Herbert Dobbie. Residence — Twineham, Hastings, N.Z. 3. Barry Yelverton Goring, h. 24 April, 1851 ; m. 1893, Marion Hazlewood (d. 1898), dau. of Cliarles Pitt Pynsent. Issue — 1. Dorothy Edith. 2. Barbara Yelverton. 1. Ida Julia, m. 1st, 23 Xov. 1861, Capt. T. B. Richards. 40th Regt. m. 2nd, 6 Feb. 1878, A. Cudleigli Wilmer. 85th Regt.. wlio d. 1882 and ha? issue. Residence — Willow Vale House, Frome, Somerset. 2. Cecilia Augusta, m. Feb. 1868, Hon. Walter Woods Johnston, of Wellington, N.Z., who d. 1907, and has issue. Residence — Highden, Awahuri, N.Z. 3. Sydney Ehzabeth, m. 8 Aug. 1866, Capt. Joha Castell Robson, R.A., who d. 1880. Residence — Silcroft. Yati'li'y, Hants. Sister of lOtli Bart. — Frances Elizabeth. GORMANSTON, 15th Vise. Creat. 7 Aug. 1478 ; Baron Lauudres ; Baron Birmingham of Kells (Irel.) 1370 ; Baron Gormanston (U.K.) 8 Dee. 1868. by which last title he holds a seat in the House of Lords. — Jenico Edward .Joseph Preston, eld. s. of 14th Vise. B. 16 July, 1879 ; m. 26 Oct. 1911. Eileen Alice, dau. of late Lt.-Gem the Rt. Hon. Sir William Francis Butler, P.C, G.C.B. ; sue. his father in 1907 ; is lieut. Res. of OfHcer.s : late 5th Batt. P.W.O. Leinster Regt. (Roy. Canadians), formerly lieut. Manchester Regt. : D.L. co. Meath 19091 The 1st Peer filled the offices of deputy to the Lord Chancellor in Ireland, and deputy to the Duke of York (youngest s. of Edward IV), M'hen that prince, a minor, was Lord-Deputy of Ireland. The 7th Vise, liaving adhered to James II, was outlawed; liis .successors' titles were not acknowledged till the present peer's grandfather, in 1800, obtained a reversal of the outlawries. Seats — Gormanston Castle, Balbriggan ; and Whitewood House, Nobber, co. Meath. Clubs — Carlton ; Sackville Street (Dub.). Issue— Hon. jenico William Edward Preston, b. 7 Oct.l914. Hon. Eileen Antoinette Mary. Edw.uid Anthony John Preston, 13th Vise. Gor- manston, b. 3 Juno, 1796 : m. 19 July, 1836, Lucretia. (d. 5 Feb. 1891), dau. of William Charles Jerningham, and d. 28 Sept. 1876. Issue — 1. Jenico William Joseph Preston, 14th Vise. Gormanston, G.C.M.G., b. 1 June, 1837 ; l.ate 60th Rifles ; tlov. of Leeward Islands 1885-7 ; of British Guiana 1887-93 : of Tasmania 1893-1900 ; m. 2nd, 29 Oct. 1878, Georgina Jane (Residence — Gorman- ston Castle, Balbriggan, co. Dublin), dau. of Peter Conuellan, of Coolmore, co. Kilkenny, and d. 29 Oct. 1907. Issue— 1. Jenico Edward Joseph Preston, pres. Vise. 2. Maj. Hon. Rich.ird Martin Peter Preston, Heir Pres., late R.F.A. , b. 12 Aug. 1884 : Hon. Art. Co. ; m. 23 July, 1908, Belle, dau. of late Frederic Hareourt Hamblin. Residence — Woburn lllll, Addlestone, Surr 'V. Issue — 1. Jruieo Itieliard Anthony Preston, b. 27 Jan.1910. 1 . Ismay Elizabeth. 2. Diana Jlary Bruce. 3. Hon. Herbert Anthonv John Preston, b. 20 Dec. 1885. 1. Hon. Ismay Lucretia Mary, m. 16 June, 1906, Lord Ninian Crichton-Stuart (s«e Bute, Marq. of.). 2. The late Capt. Hon. Edward Francis John Preston, b. 3 Marcli, 1845 : m. 21 Jan. 1891, Anns Geneviere, dau. of Samuel Grimshawe, of Errwood, Cheshire, and d. 1 March, 1901. 1. Hon. Lucretia Pauline, m. 19 July, 1860, John Arthur Farrell, who d. 27 Nov. 1904, and has issue. Residence — Waterstown, Moynalty, Kells, co. Meath. 2. Hon. Charlotte Agnes Mary, m. 21 June, 1870, Col. Richard Donaldson, who d. 27 May, 1898. Resi- di'uee — Hartsland, Clonmellon, co. Moath. GORST, Privy Counsellor. — Rt. Hon. Sir .John Eldox Gorst, Knt. Bach. {s::e Knightage). GORT, 6th Vise. Creat. 16 Jan. 1816; Baroa Kiharton. 15 May, 1810 (Irel.) ; M.V.O. 1910. — John Stand tsh Surtees Prendergast Verekeb, s. of 5th Vise. B. 10 July, 1886 ; m. 23 Feb. 1911. Corinne, dau. of George MedlicottVereker, of Abbeyfeale, co. Limerick : .sue. his father 1902 ; capt. Gren. Gds. ; served in France 1914 (des- patches). The 2nd Vise, in this family was highly distinguished in opposing the French invasion at Coloony in 1798. The 1st Peer was John Prendergast Smyth, M.P., Limerick, whose honours were granted with special remainder to his nephew, the ancestor of the present Vise. Residences — East Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight ;