Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/353

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329 PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS [KNARESBO ROUGH K.C.M.G. 1894 ;C.B. 1889 ;C.M.G. 188(i.— Horatio Herbert Kitchener, s. of Lieiit.-Col. Henry Horatio Kitcliener, IStli Dragoons, by Aune Frances, dati. of Rev. Dr. Chovallier, of Aspall Hall, Suffolk. B. 24 June, 1850 : ed. at Roy. Mil. Academy, Woolwich; ent. R.E. 1871; cai)t. 1883; inaj. 1884; It. -col. 1885; col. 1888; maj.-gea. 1896; It.-gen. 1899; gen. 1902; field -marshal 1909 ; employed on Palestine Siirvey 1874-8; Cyprus Survey 1878-82; vice- consul Anatolia 1879-80 ; commanded Egyptian Cavalry 1882-4 ; served in Soudan campaign 1883-5; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 1884-5 (frequently mentioned in despatches, medal and clasp, and 3rd class Osmanieh) ; H.M.'s comnnir. for delimita- tion of territory of Zanzibar 1885 ; Pasha in Egyptian Army" 1880 ; Gov. of Suakin 188()-(> ; commanded troops in action of Handoub 1888, severely wounded (2nd class Medjidie), Soudanese troops at action of Gemaizah 1888 (despatches and clasp ) and mounted troops in action at Toski on the Nile 1889 (despatches, clasp, C.B.); A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1888 ; A.G. and 2nd in command of Egyptian Army and inspector-gen. of police 1888-92 ; Sirdar of Egyptian Army 1892-1900 ; commanded the English and Egyptian forces in the Soudan campaigns of 1896 (specially promoted to maj.-gen.. Grand Cordon of the Osmanieh), and of 1898, when he completely routed the Dervisli army at the Atbara, and gained the crowning victory of Omdurman, recaptured Khar- toum, and finally reduced the whole of the Soudan; Gov. -Gen. of the Soudan 1899 ; voted the freedom of the City and a sword of honour by the Cor- poration of London 1898, and received a special grant of £30,000 from Parliament 1899 ; chief of Loi-d Roberts' staff in the S. Africaii war ; and subsequently com.-in-ch. in South Africa until the conclusion of peace, when he was made a Vise, with several remainders, the stamp duty on his patent being remitted, promoted to the rank of gen., and received a grant from Parliament of £50,000 ; commander-in-chief in India 1902-9 ; ap]3td. high commnr. and commdr. -in-chief in the Mediterrtxnean 1910, but resigned that position -without assuming the duties ; memb. of the Committee of Imperial Defence since 1910 ; bearer of the Pointed Sword of Temporal Justice or Third Sword (King's Regalia), and in command of the troops assembled in London on occasion of the Coronation of 1911 ; agent, consul-gen. and minister j^lenipo. in Egypt 1911-4; creat. Baron Denton of Denton, Vise. Broome of Broome, and Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome (with spec, remrs.) 27 July, 1914 ; Sec. of State at war 1914 ; col. commdt. Royal Engineers 1900; col. 7th Gurkha Rifles 1908; hon. col. 3rd Batt. Lancashire Fus. (res. ) ; hon. col. 6th Batt. Roy. Scots ; hon. col. East Anglian Divisional Engrs. (R.E.); High Steward of Ipswich since 1909 ; hon. D.C.L. Oxford, hon. LL.D. Camb. 1898, hon. LL.D. Glas. 1911 ; Knt. of Justice of St. John of Jerusa- lem ; received the Grand Cordon of the Rising Sun (Japan) 1909. Residences — British Agency, Cairo, Egypt ; Broome Park, nr. Canterbury. ■Clubs — United Service ; Junior United Service ; Bachelors'. Heir to Barony (1898), none. Heir Pres. to Viscounty, his bro. Henry Elliott €hevallibr Kitchener, b. 5 Oct. 1846 ; m. 9 Oct. 1877, Eleanor Fanny (d. 1897), o.c.of the late. -Col. Frank- lin Lusliington, C.B. ; formerly It. -col. Duke of Corn- wall's L.I. ; served in Burma 1891 (despatches, medal and clasp), and with Manipur exped. 1891 (despatches, clasp) ; D.A.A.G. Jamaica 1893-8 ; late col. comdg. West India regimental di?pot. Issue — 1. Comm. Henry Franklin Chevallier Kitcliener, R.N., b. 1878. 1. Norah Frances, m. 17 'Dec. 1908, Capt. Patrick Albert Forbes Winslow a Becket. KLEIN WORT, 1st Bt., of Bolnore (U.K.). -('reat. 29 Nov. 1909. — Sir Alexander Drake Kleinwort. s. of Alexander Frederick Henry Kleinwort. B. at The Glebe, Denmark Hill' 17 Oct. 1858; m. 30 April, 1889, Etiennette, clau. of Etienne Girard, of Hay wards Heath, Sussex; was Belgian. Consul at Louisville, Ken- tucky, U.S.A. ; ed. privately in London, at Karlsruhe, Germany, and at Antwerp ; dep. chrmn. of the London board of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. ; head of the firm of Kleinwort, Sons & Co., merchant hankers, 20, Fenchurch Street, E.G. Residences — Bol- nore, Cuckfield, Sussex ; 105, Marina, St. Leon- ards-on-Sea ; The Glebe, Grove Hill, Denmark Hill, S.E. Clubs — Devonshire ; City Liberal ; Royal Automobile ; British Empire. Issue — 1. Alexander Santiago Kleinwort, Heir b at The Glebe, Denmark Hill, 31 Oct. 1892. 2. Henry Drake Kleinwort, b. 21 May, 1900. 3. Ernest Greverus Kleinwort, b. 13 Sept. 1901 4. Cyril Hugh Kleinwort, b. 17 Aug. 1905. 1. Sophie Louisa. 2. Henrietta Horteuse. ' ' KNAPTON, Baron. See De Vesci. Vise. KNARESBOROUGH, 1st Baron ( U.K. ). Great. 26 Dec. 1905; Bt. (U.K.) 26 March. 1874.— Henry Meysey Meysey-Thojipson, s. of the 1st Bt., who in 1874 assumed the name of Mey- sey before that of Thompson. B. 30 Aug. 1845 ; m. 21 April, 1885, Ethel Adehne, dau. of Sir Henry Pottinger, 3rd and last Bt. ; sue. his father as 2nd Bt. 1 874 ; ed. at Eton and Camb. ; late maj. Yorkshire Hussars Yeo. M.P. for Knaresborough April to July, 1880, when ho was unseated on petition ; unsucees-sfully contested N. Lincolnshire July, 1885 ; M.P. for Lincolnshire (N. Lindsey) 1885-6, and Staffs (Handsworth) 1892-1905; D.L.. Yorks, W.R. Residence — Kirby Hall, York. Clubs — Carlton ; Marlborough ; Bachelors' ; Brooks's ; Turf. Issue — 1. Hon. Claude Henry Meysey-Thompson Heir b. 5 April, 1887 ; Kifle Brig. 1. Hon. Violet Etlicl, m. 3 Nov. 1910, Capt. Alexander Moore Vandeleur, 2nd Life Gds., and has issue. Resi- dence — Kilrush House, co. Clare. 2. Hon. Helen Winifred, m. 28 .Tan. 1914, Hon. Ricliard Legh (see Newton, Baron). 3. Hon. Doris Mary Pottinger. 4. Hon. Gwendolen Carlis. Sir Harry Stephen Meysey-Thojipson 1st Bt b. 11 Aug. 1809 ; m. 20 Aug. 1843, Elizabeth Anne (d. 28 March, 1910), dau. of Sir John .Croft, 1st Bt., and d. 17 May, 1874. Issue— 1. Henry Meysby Meysey-Thompson, 2nd Bt. and pros. Baron Knaresborough. 2. Col. Rioliard Frederick Meysey - Thompson late maj. Rifle Brig., b. 17 April, 1847 ; served in Ashanti war 1873-4 ; m. 14 July, 1879, Charlotte, dau. of Sir James Walker, 1st Bt., of Sand Hutton. Residence — Nuntlioi-pe Court, York. Clubs — Army and Navy ; Yorkshire. Issue — Algar de Clifford Charles Meysey-Thomnsou. b. 9 Nov. 1885 ; B.A. Cambridge. Violet Ilecne Cassandra, m. 17 Oct. 1905, Maj. Cliarles WiUiam Cuffe Knox, Rifle Brig who d 25 Jan. 1910. 3. The late Albert Cliilders Meysey-Tliompsou, Q C , b. 13 July, 1848 ; m. 9 Aug. 1882, Mabel Louisa (Residence— 74, Oxford Terrace, W.), dau. of Rev. the Hon. James Walter LasccUes, and d. 20 March. 1894. Issue— Capt. Hubert Cliarles Meysey-Thompson, 4th Batt. Roy. Berkshire Regt. 1914, b. 9 June, 1883 ; Barr.-at-law ; B.A. Camb. Residence — 74, Oxford Terrace, W. 4. The late Rev. Charles Mawhood Meysey-Thompson, b. 5 Dec. 1849 ; M.A. Camb. : m. 28 April, 1884, Emily Mary (Residence — Hillthorpe House, Scar- borough), dau. of Sir James Walker, Bt., of Sand Hutton, and d. 12 Sept. 1881. Issue — Capt. Harold James Meysey-Tliompison, late Rifle Brig., b. 24 Sept. 1876; m. 22 Dec. 1911, Louise, diui. of F. Peccoud, of Grenoble. Clubs — Bachelors'; Army and Navy. 5. Arthur HcTbert Meysey-Thompson, b. 5 Oct. 1852 ; J. P., Yorksliire; late Yorksliire Hussars; m. 1 June 1896, Horatia Dorotliy, dau. of Sir Hedworth William- son, 8th Bt. Residence — 2, Park Vilias, Roundhay, Leeds. Clubs — Bachelors' ; Yorksliire. Issue — 1. GuyHerbertMeysey-Thompson, b. 21 Sept 1901