Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/394

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MACKENZIE] PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS. PRIVY COUNSELLORS 370 PhildiiicMia, dau. of James Parkes, of Londonderry, and d. 1883. Issue living — 1. Isabella Jane, ni. 30 March. 1869. Lumt.-Col Ed- ward John Burton-Mackeuzie. who d 13 leb. 19U1, and has issue. Kcsidcnce-Kilcoy Castle. Killearnau, "."EditirMiUicnt. Rrsid.-uce-West Mall. Clifton. Bristol. , . -,-, Ti , 1 ..-.I T ; ,,t 3. Eva Mary Marjory Erskme, m. 22 I-elj. Is ,_. Lieut - Col Kod(>riek C4rof;an Mackenzie, wno d. 13 (Jet. i»y.:., and has issue. Residence— Elowerburn, Eoss-shire. 4. 8;irah Anna Philoniena. Eesidenoe— ^^est Mall, Clifton. Bristol. MACKENZIE, Lord of Session (S.). Great 1905. —Charles Mackenzie,s. of late Alexan- der Kincaid ]Macl<enzie, of Ravelrig, Midlothian, bv Grace, dan. of the late Henry Bennett Wood, of 8t Christopher's. B. 1857 : m. 1881, Lily, dau. ' of Bt. Hon. Lord Yoinig, P.O., LL.D.. aLord of Session • Rcpton and Oxford : B.A. 1880; called to Scottish Bar 1881 : Q.C. 1900 ; counsel for Board of Trade 1892-1900 : advocate depute 1890-1901; interim Slieriff of Dumfries and C4allowav 1899-1900; Sheriff of Fife audi Kinross 1901-5 : LL.D., and formerly chan- cellor's assessor at St. Andrews Univ. ; appointed a senator of the College of Justice Dec. 1905; Railway Commissioner since 1909 ; unsuccess- | fully contested Mid. Div. of Lanark (C.) 1895 and 1900. Residence — 47. Heriot Row. Edin- burgh. Chihs— Carlton : Wellington : New (Edmi)urgli). MUIR - MACKENZIE, 4th Bt., of Delvine (U.K.). Creat. tlXo-. 1805. SiR PvOBEET Smythb Muir-Mackenzie. s. of 2nd Bt. B. 27 Nov. 1841 ; m. 17 Oct. 1872, Anne Elizabeth Augusta. dau. of Capt. Chas. K. Johnstone-Gordon, of . Craig, CO. Aberdeen : ed. at R.M.A. Woolwich : hon."lieut.-col. R.A. (ret.): sue. his bro. 1909. The 1st Bt., Alexander ]Iuir, assumed the name of Maclcenzie. Residence — Marldon. Paignton, j Devon. Club — Army and Navy. Issue — 1. KoBERT Cecil Mtjir-Mackbnzie. Heir, b. 17 Oct. 1 CccUy Ennneline, m. 14 Sept. 1908. Eev. Theofiore ! Catton, 'M.A., Cambridge, and has issue. Residence The 'Rectory, Deene, Northamptonshire. 2. Sophia Helen. I Sir JoHx William Pitt Muir-Mackenzie, 2nd Bt., b 1806 • m. 28 Aug. 1S32. Sophia Matilda (d. 29 Jan. ; 1900), dau. of James Raymond Johnstone, of Alva, Clackmannan, and d. 1 Feb. 1855. Issue— : 1 Sm ALEX.4NDER MUIR - MACKENZIE, 3RD BT.. b'. 6 Julv, 1840 ; B.L.. Berth ; m. 21 Feb. 1871, Fr.NCIS rose (Residence — Kennacoil, Dunkeld, Perthshire), dau. of Sir Thomas Moncrieffe, 7th Bt., of Moncrieffe, and d. 25 June, 1909. 2. Sir Robert Smythe Mvir- Mackenzie, pres. Bt., 3 Sir Kenneth Augustus Muir-Mackenzie, G.C.B. (s^e Knightage). 4. Montague Johnstone Muir-Mackenzie, b. 29 Sept. 1847; J.P-. Gloucester; official referee of the Supreme Court of Judicature ; late recorder of Sand- vich and Deal ; Barr.-at-law and bencher. Middle Temple : B.A. 0.x:ford : m. 17 Aug. 1888, Hon. Sarah Napier Bruce, dau. of 1st Baron, Aberdan-. Resi- liences — Pen Pole, Sliirehampton. Bristol ; 21, Hyde Park Gate, S.W. Clubs— University ; National ; Ranelagh. Issue — Enid. 5. Sir John William Pitt Muir-Mackenzie. K. C.S.I. (see Knightage). MACKENZIE RIVER, 3rd Bishop of. Founded 1884. — Rt. Rev. James Richard Lucas, D.D., s. of Obadiah Lucas, of Tadworth, Surrey, by Sarah, dau. of Richard Anderson, of Brighton. B. at Brighton 20 Aug. 1867 ; m. 18 July. 1893, Maria, dau. of Charles Hatley, of Islington, Middx. ; ed. at Church Miss. Coll. ; D.D. (hon.) Manitoba ; incumbent of St. Paul's Mission, Chipe^^'A'an, Athabasca, 1892-9, and of St. David's Mission, Fort Simpson, 1900-13; Archdeacon of Mackenzie River 190G-12, Bishop since 1913. Residence — Chipewyan, Alta, Canada. Issue. 1. Arthur Percy Lucas, b. at Chipewyan 28 Aug. 1894 ; ed. at St. Lawrence Coll., Ramsgate. Address — Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto. 2. Frederick Ernest Lucas, li. 20 Jime, 1896. 3. Cyril Hatly Lucas, 21 Feb. 1899. MACKWORTE, 7th Bt. (G.B.). Great. 16 Sept. 1770. — Sir Humphrey Mackworth, s. of 6th Bt. B. 11 July, 1871: capt. late Roy. Monmouthshire R.E. : sue. his father 1914; m. 9 July, 1908, Margaret Haig, o. c. of D. A. Thomas, of Llanwren Park, Newport. The family is of great anticjuity in Derbyshire ; one member of it was esc^uire to James, Lord Audley, at the battle of Poictiers. Seat — Glen I^sk, near CaerJeon, ^Monmouthshire. Sm DiGBY Francis Mackworth, 5th Bt., b. 7 July, 1817 ; 111. 1840, Mathilde Eleanor Eliza, dau. of Lt.-CoL Peddle, K.H.. 90th Regt. Issue— 1 Sir Arthur William Mackworth, 6th Bt. b. at Chatham 5 Oct. 1842 : ni. 18 Oct. 1865. Alice Kate, dau. of Joseph Cubitt, of Great George Street, Westminster; gazetted lieut. R.E. 1861, capt. 1873, maj.1881, It.-col. 1882, col. 1886; col. R.E. 1889; ret. 1899; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (des- patches, brevet lieut.-col., medal and clasp, and Medjidie, 3rd class) ; commanded R.E. South Wales district 1883-8, in West Indies 1888-9, and at Alder- shot 1894-9 : hon. col. 1st Batt. the Monmouthshire Regt. ; chrmn. Monmouth Terr. Force Assocn., and I d. 8 March, 1914. Issue— i 1. Sir Humphrey Mackworth, pres. Bt. 2. The late Capt. Francis Julian Audley Mackworth, R F -V b 15 Sept. 1876 ; served in France 1914 i (despVt'ches) ; m. 4 Aug. 1910. Dorothy Conran, dau. j of late Arthur- Hastings Lascelles ; killed in action Nov. 1914. Issue — Cecily Joan. 3 Capt Harry Llewellyn Mackworth, D.S.O., HEIR Pres., R.E., b. 17 March, 1878; director of rmv Signals, Australia ; served in S. Africa 1899- 19027 despatches twice. Queen's medal with 6 clasps. Kino's medal with 2 clasps) ; in East Africa 1903-4 (medal with 2 clasr«) ; m. 8 Oct. 1913, Leonie Geor- gette, dau. of Professor Frankhu Peterson, Mus.B. Oxford, of Melbourne T^niversity. I 4 Geoffrey Mackworth. It. coinm.R.N., b. 20 June, 1879 ; in.'26 April, 1910, Noel Mabel, dau. of W. T. ! Langford. of Plymouth. Issue— ,,,,,., David Arthur Geoffrey Mackworuh, b. 1.3 July, i 1912. Betty Mabel. 5. Arthur Cristopher Paul Mackworth, b. 24 Jan. 1886 : B.A. Oxford. 6 Capt John Dolben Mackworth. R.W. Surrey Rest • flying officer Royal Flying Corps 1912 ; b. 20 June 'l887 ; B.A. Oxford ; m. 8 April, 1913, Mari- anne' Annette, dau. of H.W. Sillem, of The Pmes, I Horsell. , ^ , , „ 1 Gjnieth, m. 26 June, 1894, Col. Gwynnedd Conway

Gordon, A.S.C., and has issue.

2. Helen.

3. Mary Josephine.

4. Beryl Katherine. 5. Dorothy. 2. William Mackworth, b. 10 .Ian. 1846. ! McLAREN. Lady (widow of Lord of Session). Ottilie Augusta, dau. of late H. L. Schwabe, of Glasgow; m. 1808, Lord McLaren, Lord Advocate of Scotland 1880. and a Judge of the Court of Session w-ith the courtesy title Lord McLaren 1881. who d. 6 April, 1910. Residences 8, Hereford Gardens, [Marble Arch, W. : Check- endon Court. Reading. MACLAY, 1st Bt. Creat. 20 July, 1914.— Sir Joseph Paton Maclay, s. of Ebenezer Maclay. of Glasgow, and Janet, dau. of Joseph Paton". of Paisley. B. in Glasgow 6 Sept. 1857 ; ed. at Glasgow'; is a steamship owner: J.P. Glasgow, and Town Councillor : memb. of the Clyde Trust ; m. 18 April, 1889, Martha, dau. of William Strang, of Glasgow. Residence — 17, Park Terrace, Glasgow. Clubs — New, and Liberal (Glasgow). Issue — 1. Ebenezer Maclay, b. 1892. 2. Maclay, b.'| 3. Maclay, b. 4. Maclay, b. 5. Maclay, b. 1. Dau. 2. Dau. MACLEAN. 10th Bt. (S.). ^^eat 3 Sept. 1631: K.C.B. (Civil) 1904; C.B. 1897— Sm FiTzROY Donald Maclean, s. of 9th Bt. B. 18 :May, 1835; m. 17 Jan. 1872. Constance