Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/47

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PRECEDENCE 23 THE 1. 7. The Gentlemen Usher of the Green Rod. MOST ILLUSTRIOUS 'ORDER OF 'ST. PATRICK. The Sovereign. Grand Master, H.E. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for the time being. The Members of the Royal Family. Knights according to seniority. The Chancellor. Ulster King of Arms and Registrar. The Secretary. The Genealogist. Usher of the Black Rod. Dublin Herald. Cork Herald. Athlone Pursuivant. KNIGHTS BACHELOR. Knights Bachelor, whether created by the Sovereign (personally or by patent), or by the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, rank amongst each other according to seniority of creation. 9. 10. 11. 12. THE 1. MOST HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. The Sovereign. Members of the Royal Family. Military and Civil Knights Grand Cross, intermingled according to seniority of appointment. Honorary Knights Grand Cross, according to seniority of appointment. Military and Civil Knights Commanders, intermingled according to seniority of appointment. Honorary Knights Commanders, in the same succession. Military and Civil Companions, intermingled according to seniority of appointment. Honorary Companions, in the same succes- sion. The Dean. The Bath King of Arms. The Registrar and Secretary. The Genealogist. The Gentlemen Usher of the Scarlet Rod. THE MOST EXALTED ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. 1. The Sovereign. 2. The Grand Master. 3". The Knights Grand Commanders. 4. The Honorary Knights Grand Commanders. 5. The Knights Commanders. 6. The Companions. 7. The Secretary. 8. The Registrar. THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. 1. The Sovereign. 2. The Grand Master. 3. The Knights Grand Cross. 4. The Honorary Knights Grand Cross. 5. The Knights Commanders. 6. The Honorary Knights Commanders. 7. The Companions. 8. The Prelate. 9. The Chancellor. 10. The Secretary. IL The Registrar. 12. The Officer of Arms. THE MOST EMINENT ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. 1. The Sovereign. 2. The Grand Master. 3. The Knights Grand Comniaiiders. 4. The Knights Commanders. 5. The Companions. 6. The Secretary. 7. The Registrar. THE ROYAL VICTORIAN ORDER. 1. Tlie Sovereign. 2. The Chancellor. 3. The Knights Grand Cross. 4. The Knights Commanders. 5. The Commanders. 6. The Members of the 4th Class. 7. The Members of the 5th Class. 8. The Chancellor. 9. The Secretary. JUDICIAL AND LEGAL PRECEDENCE. Except as stated below, personal or hereditary distinctions are not recognized as titles to prece- dence in the profession of the law. One barrister does not lead, or enjoy pre-audience over another in right of being a peer, privy counsellor, knight, baronet, or the son of a peer. The following table presents the only ranks acknowledged by the courts of justice in England as conferring official precedence, with the exception of special patents, which the Crown may grant to any mem- ber of the profession. 1. The Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. 2. Peers entitled to hear appeals in the House of Lords, and the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary. 3. The Lord Chief Justice of England. 4. The Master of the Rolls. 5. The Lords Justices of Appeal, and the Presi- dent of the Probate, Admiralty, and Divorce Division of the High Court accord- ing to seniority of appointmeiit. G. The Judges of the High Court of Justice, according to seniority of appointment. 7. The Judge Advocate-General. 8. The King's Attorney-General. 9. The Lord Advocate of Scotland. 10. The King's Solicitor-General. n. Judges of County Courts. 12. Serjeants. 13. King's Counsel. 14. The Recorder of London. The Common Sergeant of London. The Attorney-General of the Duchy of Lancaster. Masters in Chancery. 18. Masters in Lunacy. 19. Doctors of the Civil Law. 20. Barristers having Patents of precedence. 21. Barristers according to date of call. 22. The King's Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer. 23. Proctors. 24. Solicitors. 25. Notaries. 15. 16. 17. CLERICAL PRECEDENCE. 1. Archbishop of Canterbury. 2. Archbishop of York. 3. Archbishop of Armagh. 4. Archbishop of Dublin. 5. Bishop of London. 6. BishoiD of Durham. 7. Bishop of Winchester. 8. English Diocesan Bishops, according to their dates of Consecration. 9. Irish Bishops, in a similar order of succession. 10. The Bishop of Sodor and Man. 11. Colonial Bishops, according to date. 12. Bishops Suffragan, Retired, Assistant, and Missionary Bishops, according to date. 13. Deans, according to date. 14. Archdeacons, according to date. 15. Rectors being of the degree of D.D. Rectors not of that degree. Vicars of the degree of D.D. Vicars not of that degree. Curates. Irish prelates before the disestablishment of the Church in Ireland were entitled to the precedence accorded to them in this table, and by the Irish Chvirch Act, section 13, it was enacted that every Archbishop, etc., then living should, during his life, enjoy the same title and precedence. Pre- lates of the Protestant Episcopalian and of the 16. 17. 18. 19.