Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/485

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461 PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS [REA 1. Henry Geokge Liddell, 2st) Earl of Ravexs- WORTH, b. 8 Oct. 1821 : D.L.. J.P., Northuiuborland and Durham ; M.P. lor S. Xorthunibcrlancl 1852-78 ; m. 1st. 8 Dee. 1852, Mary Diana (d. 8 Dec. 1890), 0. c. of Capt. Orlando Gunning Sutton, E.N. ; m. 2nd, 7 Sept. 1892, EMMA SOPHIA Georgiaxa (ni. 3rd. 30 April. 1904, James William Wadsworth. Besidence — Cresswcll, Morpeth), dau. of Hon. Eichard Denman. and widow of Maj. Oswin Bakcr- Cresswell. of Cresswell. Northumberland, and d. 22 July. 1903. I>sui' 1)V 1st m. — 1. Lady Marv Maud Diana; m. 17 Nov. 1892, Col. George Forestier-Walkcr.E. A., and has issue. Eesidence — Stanley<, Lyinington, Hants. 2. Lady Lilian Maiy Harriet Diana, ni. 26 July, 1906, Capt. the Hon. Gerald Fit/.niaurice Digby, late R.N. (see DiGBY, Baron). 2. Atholl Ch.«les John Liddell. 3rd and last Earl of Rayensworth. h. 6 Aug. 1833; D.L., Durham ; late capt. 60th Rifles ; m. 19 May, 1866, Caroline Cecilia (m. 2nd, 21 April. 1906, William Henry, 4th Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe, and d. 23 Feb. 1909). dau. of Hon. George Edgcumbe, and d. 7 Feb. 1904. when the Earldom of Ravensworth and the Baronv of Eslington became extinct. 1. Lady Elizabeth, m. 3 Feb. 1863, Sir Hedworth Williamson. 8th Bt. 2. Lady Victoria Isabella, m. 29 July, 1874, Capt. Edward Rowe Fisher-Rowe, late 4th Dragoon Gds. who d. 8 Nov. 1909, and has issue. Residence — Thorn- combe. Surrey. RAWLINSON, 2nd Bt. (U.K.). Great. 7 Feb. 1891: C.B. (mil.) 1901: C.V.O. 1906.— Sir Heney' Sey-mour Rawlixson, s. of 1st Bt. B. 20 Feb. 1804 : ni. 6 Nov. 1890, Meredyth, dau. of Coleridge Kennard ; snc. his father 1895 ; ed. at Eton and R.M.C. Sandhurst : late col. Colds. Gds. ; rraj.-gen. 1909 : It. -gen. 1914; brig. -maj. at Aldershot 1895-8 ; A.D.C. to Sir F. Roberts, com.- in-ch. in India. 1886-9: served on Lord Kitchener's staff in Soudan campaign 1898 (despatches, 4th class Medjidie, promotion) ; D.A.A.G. Natal 1899 ; served as A.A.G. in S. African war (des- patches ; C.B. and brev.-col.) ; A.A.G. at head- quarters 1903-4 ; commandant Staff Coll. 1904-(3 ; brig, commander 2nd Infantry Brig. Aldershot Command 1907-9 ; gen. officer commanding .3rd Div. Southern Commnd. 1910-14. Dir. of Re- cruiting War Office Aug. 1914. The 1st Bt. was a most distinguished Anglo-Indian statesman and brilliant oriental scholar, who rendered hiinself especially famous by his dis- covery of the method of deciphering and inter- preting the cuneiform inscriptions of Persia, AssjTia, and Babylonia. Chibs — Travellers' ; Guards' ; Naval and Military. Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Bt., 6.C.B., F.E.S., b. 11 April, 1810 ; memb. of Council of the Sec. of State for India ; M.P. for Reigate 1857-8, Frome 1865-8 ; trustee of Brit. Museum ; ]>olitical agent at Candahar 1840-2 ; Consul-Gen. and Resident Bagdad 1843-55 : envoy extra, and minister plenipo. 1859 ; m. 2 Sept. 1862. Louisa Caroline Harcourt (d. 31 Oct. 1889), dau. of Henry Seymour, of Knoyle, Wilts, and d. 5 March, 1895. Issue— 1. Sir Henry- Seymour Eawlinson. pres. Bt. 2. Alfred Rawlinson, Heir Pees., b. 17 Jan. 1867 ; m. 24 June, 1890, Margarette Kennard (d. 18 Sept. 1907), dau. of William Bunce Greenfield ; late Heut. 17th Lancers. Eesidence — 12. Duke Street Mansions. Grosvenor Square, W. Issue — 1. Alfred Frederick Eawlinson, b. 23 Aug. 1900. 1. Irene Margarette. R AYLEIGH, 3rd Baron ( U.K. ). Creat. 1 8 July, 1821 ; P.C. 1905 ; Order of Merit, 1902.— John William Strutt, s. of 2nd Baron. B. at Lang- ford Grove 12 Nov. 1842; m. 19 July, 1871, Evelyn Georgiana Mary, dau. of late James Maitland Bal- four, of Whittinghame ; sue. his father 1873 : ed. at Camb. (senior wrangler and 1st Smith's prizeman 1865) ; hon. Sc.D. Camb., Dub., and Leeds, and hon. D.C.L. Oxford and Din-ham ; LL.D. Toronto Univ. and Birmingham LTniv. ; hon. Prof, of Natural Philosophy, Roy. Institu- tion, 1888 : past pres. Roy. Soc. ; .scientific adviser to the Trinity House ; chancellor of Camb. LTniv. since 1908 : late Prof, of Experi- mental Physics, Camb., and formerly Lord- Lieut. Essex ; was awarded Nobel prize for physics 1904 ; has Prussian Order " Pour le merite " for sciences and arts. The late Baroness was raised to the peerage in consideration of the military services of her husband, in command of different regiments of Essex IMilitia : he was said to be descended from Sir Godfried Strutz de Winkelred, of Under Walden, who lived in 1240. Seat — Terling Place, Witham, Essex. Lssue — 1. Hon. Robert John Strutt. Heir. b. 28 Aug. 1875 ; m. 6 Julv, 1905. Ladv (Marv) Hilda Clements, dau. of 4th Earl'of Leitnm ; ed. at Eton and Camb. (scholar), B.A. (double 1st class) 1897, fellow 1900 ; F.E.S. 1904 ; hon. Sc.D. Dublin 1913. Residence— 69, Cadogan Square, S.W. Issue — 1. John Arthur Strutt, b. 12 April, 1908. 2. Charles Richard Strutt. b. 25 May, 1910. 1. Daphne. 2. Comm. the Hon. Arthur Charles Strutt. R.N.. b. 2 Oct. 1878. John James Strutt. 2nd Baron Eayleigh. b. 30 .Jan. 1796; m. 3 Feb. 1842. Clara Elizabeth La Touch (d. 4 March, 1900), dau. of Capt. Richard Vicars, E.E. Issue — 1. John William Strutt, pres. Baron. 2. Hon. Eichard Strutt. b. 29 Feb. 1848 ; M.A. Oxford ; m. 24 April. 1879. Hon. Augusta (d. 22 Jan. 1903), o. c. of 5th Baron Bravbrooke. Residences — Ravleigh House, Chelsea Embankment. S.V'.; The Court, St. Catharine, Bath. Issui — 1. Richard Neville Strutt. b. 22 July. 1886; m. Vera. dau. of Lieut. Gordon. A.S.C. Issue — Richard Strutt. b. 3 Aug. 1910. 2. Geoffrey St. John Strutt, b. 28 March. 1888 ; m. 25 April. 1912, Sybil Evre, dau. of Sir Walpole Llovd Greenwell, " 1st Bt. Residence— 39, Tite Street, Chelsea. S.W. Club— Bath. Issue- Anthony Geoffrey Strutt, b. 15 Jan. 1913. 1. Olivia Maude, m. 17 July. 1913. Granville Edward Bromley Martin. 3. Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt, b. 18 April, 1849 ; B.A. Camb. ; J. P., C.A. ; chhnn. of Quarter Sessions, Essex ; M.P. for E. Essex 1883-5, and 1895-1906. Residences —Blunts Hall. Witham, Essex ; 90, Onslow Gardens, S.W. Club— Carlton. 4. Hon. Edward Gerald Strutt. b. 10 April, 1854 ; B.A. Camb. ; m. 29 Oct. 1878, Maria Louisa, dau. of late John Jolliffe Tufnell. of Langlevs, Essex. Residence — Whitelands, Hatfield Peverel, Essex. Club— United University. Issue — 1. Gerald Murray Strutt, b. 9 Oct. 1880 ; m. 14 July, 1910. Rhoda. dau. of Collingwood Hope. K.C.. of Hatfield Peverel. Residence — New House. Terling, Witham. Essex. Club — Union. Issui — James Hedley Strutt, b. 30 April, 1913. Pamela. 2. John James Strutt. b. 26 Oct. 1881 ; m. 24 Feb. 1914, Agnes Eoger, dau. of Sir John Dewar, Bt. Residcncs — 2, Cadogan Terrace, S.W. Club — Union. 3. Edward Jolliffe Strutt, b. 4 Jan. 1884 : m. 7 Nov. 1912, Amelie. dau. of late Frederick Devas. Eesi- dence— 30, Walpole Street, S.W. Club— Union. Issue — Mark Frederick Strutt, b. 24 Sept. 1913. 1. Emily Norah. 2. Evi'lyn Mary. m. 17 July. 1906, Claude Henry Tritton,' and lia^ issue. 3. Clara Helen. 5. The late Hon. Hedlev Vicars Strutt. b. 17 July, 1864 ; m. Sept. 1885. EUzabeth (d. 1888), dau. of J. Knight, and d. 22 Jan. 1891. Issue — Hilda Elizabeth, m. 17 July, 1912. Francis Deverell. Residence — 7, Glendower Place, S.W. RAYNHAM, Vise. See. Townshend, M.a.rq. REA, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1909.— Rt. Hon. Russell Rea, 3rd s. of late Daniel K. Rea, of Eskdale, Cmuberland, and Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Russell, of Liverpool, .shipbuilder. B. 11 Dec. 1846: m. 1872, Jane Phillip, dau. of P. L. Mactaggart, of Liverpool : ed. privately ; is a shipowner and merchant ; founder and head of the firm of R. & J. H. Rea : late deputy chrmn. Taff Vale Railway : chrmn. of the Depart. Comm. apptd. to consider the economic effect of an Eight Hour Day for Miners 1906 ; of the Joint Comm. on Port of London Bill 1908 : of the Departmental Comm. on Railway Amalgs. 1909;