Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/592

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WEMYSS] PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRI^ COUNSELLORS 568 Wells. 1st Bt., D.L., b. 3 Feb. 1818; Pres. Roy. Coll. of Surgeons; m. 16 July. 1853, Elizabeth Lucas (d. 20 April, 1880). dau.of James Wright, of Sydenham, and d. 31 Jan. 1897. Issue — 1. Sir Arthur Spencer Wells, 2nd and last Bt., b. 25 .Tunc, 1866 ; d. uiim., 1 April, 1906. 1. Ida Hflon. 2. Thcodosia Mary. Club — Park Lane, C'urzon Street, W. 3. Elizabeth Marian, m. 2 Jv^ov. 1899. John Castlenian Swinbunie-Haiihani. J.I'., Recorder of Favershani, of 9. King's Bench Walk. Temple. E.C.. and has issue. Eesidenci's— 106, Goldliurst Terrace, X.W.; Manston House, Dorset. 4. Alice Barbara. 5. Evelyn Margaret. C'hib — Alexandra, 12, Grosvenor Street, W, WEMYSS, 11th Earl of. Great. 25 June, 1033 ; Earl of March and Vise, of Peebles, 20 April, 1097 ; Baron Wemyss of Elcho, 1 April, 1628 ; Lord Elcho and Methel, 25 June, 1633 ; Lord Niedpath, Lyne, and Munaid, 20 April, 1097 (S.) ; Baron Wemyss. 17 July. 1821 (U.K.), by which last title lieiioldshis seat in the House of Lords. — Hugo Richard Wemyss-Chabteris-Douglas, s. of 10th Earl. B. 25 Aug. 1857 ; m. 9 Aug. 1883, Mary Constance, dau. of Hon. Percy Wyndham, M.P. ; ed. at Harrow and Oxford ; M.'P. for Haddingtonshire 1883-5, and for Ipswich 1886-95, when he insuccessfully con- tested the seat ; D.L. Peebles ; lion. col. late 7th Vol. Batt. Roy. Scots ; L.C.C. The 1st Earl of Wemyss, though raised to the peerage by Charles I, was engaged during the subseciuent •civil wars on the side of the Parliament ; the present Peer's grandfather succeeded to the Earldom of right of his great-great- grandmother, Lady Anne Douglas, who was the 1st wife of the 3rd Earl of Wemyss, dau. of the 1st Duke of Queensberry, and sister of the Hon, William Douglas, created Earl of March in 1697. Residences — 02, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Gosford House, East Lothian ; Amisfield House, Haddington ; Stanway, Gloucestershire : Nied- path Castle and Haves Lodge, co. Peebles ; Elcho Castle, Perth. Club.s— Carlton ; White's. Issue — ■ 1, Hugo Francis Wemyss-Ch.rteri<:. Lord Elcho, b. 28 Dec, 1884- : m. 1 Feb., 1911, Lady Violet Catherine, 2nd dau, of the 8th Duke of Rutland ; ed, at Eton ; liiHit. Gloucestershire Y. Residence — 32, Montagu Square. W, Issue — 1, Hon, Francis David, b, 19 Jan, 1912, 2, Hon, Martin Jlicliael Charles Weniyss-Charteris, b, 7 Sept, 1913, 2, Hon, Guy Lawrence, b. 23 May. 1886 ; ed, at Eton and Oxford ; ra, 23 July. 1912, Frances Lucy, dau. of Francis John Tennant, of Lviupne Castle, Kent ; 2nd lieut. 3rd Batt. Shrop- sl'iire L,I, 1914, Residence — 26, Catherine Street, Buckingham Gate, S.W. Issue — A dau, 3, Hon, Ivo Alan Wemyss-Charteris, b, 6 Oct. 1896, 1, Lady Cynthia Mary Evelyn, m. 28 July, 1910, Herlter't Asquith {see Asqcith, P,C,), 2, Lady Mary, 3, Ladv Irene Corona, Francis 'Wemyss-Charteuis-Douglas, 9th Earl of Wemyss, b. 14 Aug. 1796 ; m, 22 Aug, 1817, Lady Louisa Bingham (d. 16 April, 1882), dau. of 2nd Earl of Lucan, and d. 1 Jan. 1883. Issue — 1. Francis Wemyss-Charteris-Dottglas, 10th Earl of Wemyss, b, 4 Aug, 1818; m, 1st, 29 Aug. 1843, Lady Anne Frederica Anson (d, 22 July, 1896), dau, of the 1st Earl of Lichfield ; m, 2iid, Dec, 1900, Grace (Residence — 23, St, James's Place, S,W,), dau, of Maj^ Blackburn; ed. at Eton and Oxford, B,A, 1841 ; was a lord of the Treasury 18.53-5, M,P, for East Gloucestershire 1841-6, and for Haddington- shire 1847-83 ; D,L,. Haddington and Selkirk, capt. Royal Companv of Archers ; hon. col, London Scot- tish R,V, ; A",D,C, to King George V and to King Edward VII ; d, 30 Juni 1914, Issue — 1, Hugo Richard Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, pres. Earl, 2. The Hon, Evan Edward Charteris Wemyss- Charteris, b. 29 Jan, 1864 ; Barr,-at-law ; a trustee of the Nation.Tl Potrait Gallery, late lieut. Colds, Gds. Chambers — 4. Elm Court, Temple, E.G. 1, Lady Evelyn, m, 4 June, 1872, 4th Vise, de Vesci. wlio d, 6 July, 1903, and has issue. Residence — 28, Bruton Street, W, 2, The late Lt,-Col, the Hon. Richard Charteris, Scots Gds., b. 25 July, 1822 ; m. 2 Aug. 1858, Lady Margaret Butler (Residence — 17, Grosvenor Square, W.), dau. and heiress of the last Earl of Glengall, and d. 16 March. 1874. Issue — 1. Richard Butler Charteris, b, 12 Oct. 1866, maj. and hon. It-col. Warvvickshire Yeo. (TD.) ; served with Imp, Yeo. in S, Africa, 1900-1 ; A,D,C,, to Insp.- Gen. of Cavalry, 1907-8 ; m, 8 Aug, 1890, Pamela, dau, of late Robert Dyer, of Laykam, Suffolk. Resi- dence — 27. C'urzon Street. .Maytair. W. 2, Capt, Edmund Butler Charteris, late Roy, Horse Gds,, b. 28 Sept, 1870. Residence — 90, Wigmore Street, W. 1. Elinor Margaret, m, 12 July, 1888, Maj, -Gen, Inigo Richmund Jones, C,V,0,, C,B., Scots Gds., who d, 15 July. 191 4, and has issue. Residence — Kelston Park. Somerset, 2, Maud Emily, m. 29 Oct. 1889, Lt,-Col, Charles Arthur Wvnne-Finch, who d, 4 Dec, 1903, and has issue, Eesidenei — 11, Bruton Street, W. 3, The late Capt, the Hon, Frederick William Charteris, R.X,, b. 28 Feb, 1833; m, 30 Nov, 1864, Lady Louisa Keppel f Residence — 1. Sloane Gardens, S,W,), dau. of 6th Eari of Albemarle, and d, 10 Oct. 1887. Issue— 1. Capt. Nigel Keppel Charteris, Royal Scots, b, 10 March, 1878; adjt, 8th Batt, Roy, Scots; ni, 6 Jan, 1904, Katharine Margaret, dau, of Sir John Buchanan-Riddell, 11th Bt, Residence— 15. Hill- side Street. Hythe, Sussex. Issue — 1, John Douglas Charteris, b, 6 May. 1914, 1, Margaret Olive, 2, Mary Louisa, 2, Ronald Louis Charteris, b, 24 Sept, 1879 ; lieut, Norfolk Imp, Yeo, ; m. 27 June. 1907. Edith Augusta Muriel, o, child of Capt, Henry Tryon, of Rowdeford House, Devizes, 1, Clare Susan, m, 18 Nov, 1909, Capt, Sidney R, Drurv-Lowe, R,N,, and has issue, 1, Lady Louisa, m, 7 Dec. 1854, William Wells, of Holmewood. Huntingdonshire, who d, Mav. 1889, Residence— 12. Nortli Audloy Street, W, WENDOVER, Vise. Marq. of. See Lixc'OLxsHiRE, WENLOCK, 4th Baron (U.K.). Great. 13 May, 1839; Bt, Ki Aug. 1641 (Eng.); G.B. (Mil.) 1902. — RicH.VRD Thompsox Lawley, s. of 2nd Baron. B. 21 Aug. 1850 ; m. 31 .July, 1909. Rhoda Edith, dau. of Rev. Canon Knox Little, of The College, Worcester ; sue. his bro. 1912 ; capt. 7th Hussars 1885; maj. 1893; It. -col. comdg. 1899 : col. 1903 ; It. -col. Res. of Officers ; late mil. sec. to Gov. of Madras ; served in Nile exped. 1884 (medal), and in S. African war 1901. The present Peer's grandfather assumed the name of Thompson only in 1820, but in 1839 he resumed his jiatronymic Lawley before the name of Thompson, while his children retained the name of Lawley only ; his elder bro. had been created Baron Wenlock in 1831, but dying with- OTit issue, that title became extinct, and the present was creat. under a fresh patent. Residences — Monk Hopton, Bridgnorth. Club.s — Army and Navy ; Travellers'; Yorkshire (York). Beilby Richard Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock, b, 21 April. 1818 ; m. 28 Nov. 1846, Lady Elizabeth Grosvenor (d, 16 Dec, 1899), dau, of 2nd Marquess of Westminster, and d, 6 Nov, 1880, Issue — 1, Beilby Lawley. 3rd B..ron Wenlock, P.C, G,C,SJ., G,C,I,E„ K.C.B,, b, 12 May, 1849; Gov, of Madras 1891-6. Lord of the Bedchamber to Prince of Wales, 1901-10, Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen, 1910-12 ; ed. at Camb., B.A. ; High Steward of Hull, 1909-12 ; J,P,, Yorks. E, and N,R, ; ni. 14 May, 1872, Lady Constance Mary Lascelles (Residences — 50, Portland Place. W. ; Escrick Park, Yorks), Lady of Imp 'rial Order of Crown of India, dau, of 4th Earl of Harewood, Issue — Hon, Irene Constance, Residence — Escrick Park, Yorks. 2, Richard Thompson Lawley, pres. Baron. 3, Rev, the Hon, Algernon George Lawley, Heir Pres,, b, 25 Dec, 1857 ; preb, of St, Paul's from 1907 ; vie, of St, Peter's, Eaton Square, from 1913 ; Hon, Chaplain to the King from 1913 ; late rec, of Hackney ; 1897-1911. M.A, Camb, ; m, 16 July, 1896, May Ethel, dau, of late Sir Stuart A, Donaldson, vice-i>res, of the first