Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/601

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577 PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS [WILMOT Intelligence depart, (mention in despatches, medal, clasp) ; J. P., Oxford ; patron of 1 living. This is a branch of the noble house of Willoughby, springing from the Hon. John, s. of 4th Baron Willoughby De Eresby. Tlie 4th Bt., well known for his exertions to suppress infanticide and suttee in Western India, was for many years a menib. of the Bombay Governmeiit, and sub- sequently of the Indian Council at home until his death in 1866 ; he was also some years M.P. for Leominster. Residences — Fulmer Hall, near Slough ; Baldon House, near Oxford ; 2, Down Street, Piccadilly. Clubs — Carlton ; Marlborough ; Orleans ; Turf ; White's ; Hur- lingham. Heir, none. Sir John Pollard! WiLLOTiaHBT, 4th Bt., b. 21 April, 1799 ; m. 1st, 24 July, 1832, Elizabeth (d. 14 Nov. 1852), 0. dau. of Gen. Kennedy, E.I.C.S. ; m. 2nd, 1854, Maria Elizabeth (d. 5 May, 1910), dau. of Thomas Hawkes, of Himley House, Staflordshlre, and d. 15 Sept. 1866. Issue by 2nd m. — 1. Sir John Christopher Willoughby, pres. Bt. 1. Alice Anne. 2. Maria Ciortrude, m. 12 March, 1901, 4th Baron Decies. WILLS, 2ud Bt., of Hazelwood (U.K.). Creat. 19 Aug. 1904. — Sir Edwabd Chaning Wills, s. of 1st Bt. B. 25 AjDril, 1861 ; m. 7 April, 1891, Isabella Sommerville, dau. of late Peter Fabyan Sparke Evans, J. P., of Clifton ; ed. at Camb., M.A. ; is a F.C.S. and director of Imperial Tobacco Co. ; sue. his father 1910. Residence — ■ Harcombe, Chudleigh, Devon. Sir Edward Patson Wills, 1st Bt., K.C.B., J.P., b. 12 June, 1834 ; m. 2 Sept. 1858, Mary Ann (d. 25 Jan. 1891), dau. of late Joseph Chaning Pearce, M.Pv,.C.S., P.G.S., of Montague House, Bath, and d. 13 March, 1910. Issue- — 1. Sm Edward Chaning Wills, pres. Bt. 2. Ernest Salter Wills, Heir Pres. J.P., Somerset, b. 30 Nov. 1869 ; m. 6 June, 1894, Caroline Fanny Maud, dau. of late William Augustine de Winton, of Westbury Lodge, Durdham Down, Bristol. Residence — Kamsbury Manor, Wilts. Issue — • 1. Ernest Edward de Winton Wills, b. 8 Dec. 1903. 2. George Seton Wills, b. 18 May, 1911. 1. Doris Maud de Winton. 2. Margaret Joyce de Winton. 3. Barbara Joan de Winton. 3. Capt. Arnold Stancombe Wills, late 18th Hussars, b. 24 Nov. 1877 ; m. 11 Oct. 1905, Hilda Caroline, dau. of late Edward Lyon, of London and New York. 1. Arnold Cass Lycett Wills, b. 17 July, 1906. 2. .John Lycett WUls, b. 29 May, 1910. 1. Ella Marian, m. 25 Nov. 1905, Francis T. T. Row- croft, B.A. Residence — Lendham, Tilehurst, Berks. 2. Amelia Isabella. 3. Violet Edith. 4. Ethelwyn Annie. WILLS, 2nd Bt., of Northmoor (U.K.). Creat. 15 Feb. 1897. — Sib Gilbert Alan Hamilton Wills, s. of 1st Bt. B. 28 March, 1880 ; ed. at Oxford (M.A.); M.P. for Taunton since 1912; J. P., Somerset ; capt. Roy. N. Devon Yeo. since 1906 ; sue. his father 1909. Residence — North- moor, Dulverton, Somerset. Club — Carlton ; Junior Naval and Military. Sir Frederick Wills, 1st Bt., b. 21 Nov. 1838 ; m. 3 July, 1867, Anne (d. 12 Feb. 1910), dau. of Rev. James Hamilton, D.D., of Stonehouse, Lanark. Issue — 1. The late Arthur James Hamilton Wills, b. 1 May, 1868 ; m. 15 July, 1895. Evelyn McDonald, dau. of late PMlip Albert Myburgh, K.C., and d. 20 Oct. 1905. Issue — Evelyn Irene Hamilton. 2. Sm Gilbert Alan Hamilton Wills, pres. Bt. 3. Frederick Noel Hamilton Wills, Heir Pres., B.A. Oxford, b. 25 Feb. 1887 ; m. 25 April, 1912, Margery Hamilton, dau. of Hugh Fraser. of Stromeferry House, Ross. 1. Edith Anne Hamilton, m. 20 July, 1901, Percy Seymour Douglas Hamilton. 2. Margaret Hamilton, m. 10 June, 1903, Ernest Gaddesden Fellows, late 1st Suffolk Regt. (whom she divorced 1910), and has issue. 3. Kathleen Mary Christina Hamilton, m. 21 Sept. 1909, Edward Henry Douty, M.A.. M.D., of Cannes, 1 who d. 11 May, 1911. I D.P. MAXWELL- WILLSHIRE, 2nd Bt. (U.K.). Creat. 22 May, 1840. — Sib Arthur Reginald Thomas Maxwell- Willshire, s. of 1st Bt. B. 23 Nov. 1850 ; m. 22 July, 1891, Frederica (d. 27 July, 1912), dau. of Sir Sanford Freeling, K.C.M.G. ; sue. his father 1862; formerly capt. and It. -col. Scots Gds. ; assumed the additional surname of Maxwell 1911. The 1st Bt. was so creat. for his services in Afghanistan, at the siege of Ghuznee, and the capture of Khelat. Resi- dences — 61, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. ; Tubbeu- dens Manor, Orpington, Kent. Clubs — Guards' ; Wellington. Issue — Gerard Arthto Maxwell-Willshire, Heir, b. 21 Aug. 1892 ; m. 10 May, 1912, Lilian, dau. of Henry Birtles, of Putney, Surrey. Gen. Sir Thomas Willshire, 1st Bt., G.C.B., b. 24 Aug. 1789 ; col. 51st Regt. ; served in Peninsular war, in Walcheren exped., and at the Cape of Good Hope ; m. 11 April, 1848, Annette Lsetitia (d. 23 March, 1901), dau. of Capt. Berkeley Maxwell, R.N., of Tuppendence, Kent, and d. 31 May,"l862. Issue — Sir Arthur Reginald Thomas Maxwell-Willshire, pres. Bt. Alice Mary, m. 16 Aug. 1881, Rev. James Williams Adams, V.C., who d. 20 Oct. 1903, rector of Ashwell, Rutland ; chaplain-in-ordinary to H.M. King Edward, and has issue. Residence — 32, Drayton Court, S.W. WILMINGTON, Baron. See Northajipton , Marq. of. EARDLEY-WILMOT, 4th Bt., of Berkswel! (U.K.). Creat. 23 Aug. 1821. — Sir John Eard- LEY-Wilmot, s. of 3rd Bt. B. 14 Oct. 1882 ; sue. his father 1896 ; ed. at Eton ; Rifle Brig. Residence — 83, Cromwell Road, S.W. Sm John Eardley E.rdley-Wilmot. 2nd Bt., b. 16 Nov. 1810 ; Countv Court Judge at Bristol 1854-63 ; at Marj'lebone 1863-74 ; M.P. for S. Warwickshire 1874- 85 ; m. 27 April, 1839, EUza Martha (d. 23 Oct. 1887), sister of Sir Richard Bulkeley WiUiams-Bulkeley. 10th Bt., and d 1 Feb. 1892. Issue— 1. Sm William Assheton Eardley- Wilmot. 3rd Bt., b. 16 May, 1841 ; m. 12 Dec. 1876, Mary (Residence — 83, Cromweh Road, S.W.), dau. of David Watts Russell, of Biggin, Oundle, Northampton. Issue — 1. Sm John Eardley- Wilmot, pres. Bt. 2. Lieut. Frederick Neville Eardley-Wilmot, Heir Pres.. R.N., b. 27 Jan. 1885. 3. Stephen Eardley- Wilmot, b. 11 Aug. 1887. 1. Cicely Marguerite. 2. Sylvia Mary, m. 24 June, 1913, Geoffrey Green- wood Pearson. Residence — 90, Lexham Gardens, S.W. 2. Maj.-Gen. Revell Eardley-Wilmot, C.B,, b. 29 Aug. 1842 ; Bengal Infantry ; late col. comdg. i4th Bengal Lancers ; served in Bhootan and Jowaki expeds. and Afghan war; m. 23 July, 1906, Elizabetli. dau. of J. W. Toone-Smith, M.D. 3. The late Edward Parry Eardley-Wilmot, b. 23 Doe. 1843 ; ni. 4 May, 1912, Justine (Residence — 10, St. Lawrence Road, W.), dau. of M. Klein, of Lorraine, and d. 27 June, 1898. Issue — Gilberta Adeline. 4. Rear-Adm. Sir Sydney Marow Eardley-Wilmot, Knt. Bach, {see Knightage). 5. His Hon. Hugh Eden Eardley-Wilmot, b. 7 Nov. 1850 ; Barr.-at-law ; Coimty Court Judge of Nerfolk and Suffolk since 1891. Residence — 2, T)ie Avenu •, Colchester. Club — Reform. 1. Mona Annette. 2. Selina Anne Mary, m. 1st, 19 April, IST^'i (m. diss. 26 Oct. 1886). Capt. St. Aubyn Henry Player, InniskiUing Dragoons, who d. 1891, and has issue; m. 2nd, 18 Nov. 1886, Chaloner Chute Ellis, and has issue. WILMOT, 6th Bt., of Chaddesden (G.B.). Creat. 15 Feb. 1759. — Sir Ralph Henry Saohe- verel Wilmot, s. of Rev. Arthur Alfred Wilmot. B. 8 Jime, 1875 ; m. 12 Dec. 1906, Lady Ada Maitland, dau. of 13th Earl of Lauderdale ; sue. his uncle 1901 ; capt. Reserve of Officers ; late capt. Colds. Gds. ; formerly lieut. 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt. (M.); served in the S. African war (2 medals, 8 clasps). The 1st Bt. was physician to George II, and subsequently to George III ; he also filled the office of phy- sician-general to the forces. Residence— Win- U