Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/664

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ADAMS] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 614 cnt. Army 1876 : capt. 1887 ; maj. 1896 ; It.-eol. 1902 ; col. 1904 ; brig. -gen. 1904 : maj. -gen. 1906 ; served in Afghan war 1879-80 ; Chitral relief force (in command Qnecn's Own Corps of , Guides) 1895 ; north-west frontier 1897 ; com- ' manded troops, Rustam and Persai, in Bnner expedn. ; reed, the V.C. for rescue (vith others) of Lieut. Greaves under liea'y fire 17 Aug. 1897, Upper Swat. Residence — Deraksmail Khan, N.W. Frontier Province, India. Club — E. India United Service. GOOLD- ADAMS, G.C.M.G. Creat. 1907 : K.C.M.G. 1902 : C.B. (civ.) 1898 : C.M.G. 1894.— Maj. Sir Hamilton .John Goold-Adajis, s. of , Richard Wallis Goold -Adams. B. 1858 : m. 4 July, 1911, Elsie, dan. of Charles Riordon, of Montreal, Canada ; ed. training ship " Conway," served as apprentice in mercantile marine 1 874—5 ; ent. 1st Reg. 1878 ; capt. Lothian Regt. 1885, maj. 1895, ret. 1901 ; maj. Res. of Officers, late Roy. Scots ; served with Bechuanaland exped. 1884-5, in Matabeleland 1893-4, and in S. African war, including defence of Mafeking (despatches) ; col. commdt. Bechuanaland Border Police ; em- i ployed by Colonial Office to delimit boundaries of Chiefs Khama and Sebele 1895 ; employed special service under Foreign Office on Portuguese Barotseland boundary 1896-7 ; resident commnr. Beclmanaland 1897-1901 ; It.-gov. Orange River Colony 1901 ; Gov. and Com. -in-Chief 1907-10 ; ; High Commnr. and Commdr. -in-Chief of Cyprus since 1911. Residence — Government House, Nicosia, Cyprus. Club — Army and Xa'3 ADAMSON, K.C.SJ. Creat. 1910 ; Knt. Bach. 1906 ; C.S.I. 1903.— Lt. -Col. Sib Hahvey Adamson, s. of late Rev. Alexander Adamson. of Kinnermit. B. 7 Oct. 1854 ; m. 26 Jan. 1892, Jane Charlotte, dau. of John Leslie, of Corse, Nairn ; ed. at Gymnasium, Old Aberdeen, and at Aberdeen Univ. ; M.A. 1873 ; ent. I.C.S. 1877 ; It. -col. Upjjer Burma Vol. Rifles (medal) ; Com- missioner at Mandalay 1897-1901 ; Judicial Commnr. Upper Burma 1901-5 ; Chief Judge of Chief Court, Lower Burma, since 1905 ; elect. additional memb. of Legislative Council of Viceroy of India 1904, ordinary memb. 1906-10 ; Lt.-Gov. of Burma since 1910. Residence — Government House, Rangoon, Biuma. Club — E.I. United Service. Issue — 1. Son. 2. Son. ]. Dau. Adamson, b. Adamson, b. ADAMSON, Knt. Bach. Great. 1907 ; C.M.G. 1897. — Sir William Adamson, s. of Ebenezer Adamson, of Glasgow. B. 1832 ; m. 1859, Margaret, dau. of Andrew Hamilton, of Glasgow ; is a merchant ; a director of the P. & O. Steam Nav. Co. ; was for some time memb. of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements. Residence — 9. Avenue Road, Highgate, N. Club • — City of London. ADCOCK, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1901 ; C.M.G. 1897. — Sir HroH Adcock, s. of Christopher Ad- cock, surgeon, of London and Hunstanton, Norfolk, and Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of T. Ridley, of Huntingdon. B. 1847 ; m. 1st, 1866, Elizabeth (d. ), dau. of W. Watkins woollen manufacturer, of Newtown, North Wales ; m. 2nd, 14 Nov. 1908, Florence Beatrice, dau. of Col. Manera ; ed. privately in London and Camb.; L.R.C.P. Edin, 18(i9 ; 'M.R.C.S. Eng. 1872 ; practised for some years in Norfolk and London, and then proceeded to Teheran, where he became chief physician to Mouzaffer e-Din, afterwards Shah of Persia ; has the order of the Lion and Sun and other Persian orders, the Legion of Honour, Iron Crown of Austria, St. Saba of Serbia, Leopold of Belgium. Public Merit of Bulgaria, Orange of Holland, and the Medjidie Residence — Nymet House, Nymet Rowland, Lajiford, Devon. Issue by 1st m. — 1. Daisy Grace, m. 7 Sept. 1904, William King- Wood, CLE., off. directing Persian Sec. of Indo-European Telegraph Dept., who served in S. Africa (Club — Jun. Naval and Military). Residence — Teheran, Persia. Issue by 2nd m. — 1. Snn. 2. Son. ADDERLEY, Lady (Knt."s widow). — L.etitia Anxik. dau. i.f the Hon. W. H. Hall, :I.L.C. : m. 1857, Sir Augustus .John Adderley, K.C.M.G., who d. 2 Nov. 1905. Residence — 2, Southwell Gardens, S.W. ADDIS, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1 9 1 3.— Sir Ch.ables Stewart Addis, s. of Rev. Thomas Addis, D.D.. of ]Morningside, Edinburgh. B. 23 Nov. 1861 ; m. 6 June, 1894, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of James Mclsaac, of Parkend, Saltcoats, Ayrshire ; ed. at Edin. Acad. ; is a director of the Chinese Central Railways, and of the British and Chinese Corporn. ; London manager of the Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporn. ; censor of the State Bank of Morocco. Residence — 6a, Prim- rose Hill Road, N.W. Issue — 1. Thomas Addis, b. 3 April, 1895. Charles Thorburn Addis, b. 2 July, 1898. William Addis, b. 5 Sept. 1901. George Herbert Addis, b. 22 Oct. 1904. Jolin Mansfield Addis, h. 11 June, 1914. Elizabeth. llobina Scott. Susan. Henrietta Mary. Jiargaret Katlileen, Jean Ellison. llachael Forrester. ADKINS, Knt. Bach. Great. 1911.— Sm William Ryland Dent Adkins, s. of William Adkins, of Northampton. B. 11 May, 1862; ed. at Mill Hill Sch., and Univ. Coll. London (B.A.), and Oxford (exhibitioner) ; Barr.-at-Iaw (Inner Temple) 1890; M.P. Middleton div. of Lanes since 1906 ; recorder of Nottingham since 1911; J. P. boro' of Northampton ; vice-chrm. Northants C.C. Residences — Milton Manor, Northampton ; 5, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.G. Clubs— Reform, Bath. AFFLECK, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— See Jajies ()r:m[ston Affleck; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. (M.D. 1869, M.B., CM. 1867) ; F.R.C.P. Edin. 1875, F.R.C.S. Edin. 1869 ; cons, physcn. Edinburgh Roy. Infirm, and Roy. Edinburgh Hospital for Incurables ; lion. LL.D. Edinburgh. Residence — 38, Heriot Row, Edinbiu'gh. AGH& KHAN, G.C.S.I. Creat. 1911 ; G.C.I.E. 1902. — H.H. Aoha Sir Sultan Muh.ammad Shah . Residence — Bombay. AGNEW, K.C.B. (civ.). Great. 1895; C.B. (ci-.) 1885. — Sir Stair Agnew, s. of Sir Andrew Agncw, 7th Bt., of Lochnaw, Wigtownshire, and Madeline, dau. of Sir D. Carnegie, of South- esk. B. 6 Dec. 1831 ; m. 1 Dec. 1870, Georgina. dan. of George IMore Nisbett, of Cairnhill, Lanark- .shire : ed. at Camb. (rowed in the Univ. eight) ; B.A. 1855, M.A. 1859 ; lieut. 9th Regt., ret. 1858 : Barr.-at-law Scot. 1860 ; legal sec. to Lord Advocate for Scotland 1861-6 and 1868-70 ; Queen's Remembrancer for Scotland 1870-81 : registrar-general for Scotland 1881-1909; J.P.. Wigtownshire. Residence — 22, Buckingham Ter- race, Edinburgh. Clubs — Reform ; New (Edin- burgh). Issue — 1. Stair Carnegie Agnew, M.A., LL.B. Camb., Barr.-at law, b. 10 Jan. 1872. 2. Capt. Herbert Charles Agnew. Il.E.,b. 20 Nov. 1880. 1. Mabel Mary. 2. (icorgina Constance, m. 25 April, 1913, Maj. Dennis