Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/680

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BAYLEYJ KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 63 m. 18 Dec. 1880, Sarah Constance, dau. of Maj.- Gen. AicIkI. E. Campbell, I.A. ; ed. at Harrow and at Heidelberg ; Barr.-at-law (Lincoln's Inn) 1877 ; ent. I.C.S. 1877 ; has been assist, magis- trate Bengal ; assist, sec. to chief commnr. of Assam ; nnder-sec. to govts, of Bengal and India ; assist, commnr. of Ajmer 1880-8 ; political agent in Bikaner 1888-94 : gen. snpt. of operations for the suppression of Thagi and Dakaiti 1894-1900 ; agent to gov. -general in Central India 1900-5 ; res. at Hyderabad 1905-11 ; officiated as lieut.- gov. of Eastern Bengal and Assam May to Nov. 1908; lient.-gov. 1911-12; lieiit. -gov.' of Bihar and Orissa since 1912. Addresses — Government House, Dacca. E. Bengal ; Government House, Bankipore, India. Clubs — E.I. United Service ; Bengal United Service (Calcutta) : United Service (Simla) : Royal Bombay Yacht (Bombay). Issue — 1. Archibald Stciiart Butterworth Baylcy, b. 1885 : assist. CoinptrolkT Ind. Finance Dept. Residence — Nagpur, Central Prov., India. 2. Charles Daniel Bayley, b. 1895. 1. Florence Tcmpe, ni. 1905, Edward Herbert Kealy, I C S 2'. Ethel Hermione, m. 2 Jan. 1908, Capt. Lionel Forbes Ashburner, M.V.O., D.S.O., Roy. Fus., late Durham L.I. (Club — Army and Navy), who served in S. Africa 1899-1902 (despatches tliriee). 3. Alice Mary, m. 24 Dec. 1912, Alan Arthur Fowler, Lieut. Q.O. Cameron Highlanders (see Peerage, Fowler OF Braejiore, Bt.). BAYLEY, G.C.S.I. Creat. 1911 : K.C.S.I. 1878; C.S.I. 1875; CLE. 1882. — Sni Steuaet Colvun Bayley, s. of William Butterworth Bayley and Anne Augusta, dau. of Wm. Jackson (Registrar of the Supreme Coiu't, Calcutta). B. 26 Nov. 1836 ; m. 21 Nov. 1859, Anne, dau. of R.N. Farcjuharson, Bengal Civil Service ; ed. at Eton and Haileybury College ; ent. the Bengal Civil Service 1856 ; was commissioner of Patna division during Bengal famine of 1873-4 ; secre- tary to Government of Bengal 1877 ; on special duty in connection with JMadras and Mysore famine 1877 ; secretary to Government of India, Home Department, and officiating chief commis- sioner of Assam, 1878 ; menib. of the council of Governor-General of India, 1882-7 ; lieut.-gov. of Bengal 1887-90 ; chief of the Political r.nd Secret Department of the India Office 1890-5 ; when he was apptd. memb. of the Indian Council ; ret. Sept. 1905. Residence — Club — AthensBum Issue — 1. Stcuart Farquharsou Bayley, b. 1863 ;" officiating Resident at Jaipur, Rajputana. 2. William Eden Stcuart Bayley, b. 1869. Resi- dence — Calcutta. '.'>. Capt. Lionel Seton Bayley, R.A., b. 1S75. " 4. Charles Butterworth Bayley, C.V.O., b. 7 Sept. 1876 ; priv. sec. to the Licut.-Gov. of Bibar and Orissa; M.V.O., 1906; Club— Bengal (Calcutta). 5. Capt. Lytton Cecil Lambert Bayley, Ind. Army, b. 1879. 1. Ethel Augusta, m. 6 Dec. 1888, Sir EUiofc Graham Colvin. K.C S.I. 2. Alicia Sidney, m. 1890, "Wilham B. Gladstone. 3. Jfarion HamiK on, ui. 1892, Lindsay Daniell. BAYLY, K.C.B. (mil.). CreaL 1911: C.B. 1900 ; C.S.I. 1909 ; D.S.O. 1887.— Maj.-Gex. Sir Alfeed AVilliam Lambaht Bay"LY', s. of late Major George Bayly, 35th Regt., and Eliza, dau. of late Lt.-Gen. Savage, R.E. B. at Paisley, 18 Feb. 1866 ; m., 1st, 1877, Ada Margaret (d. 1880), dau. of late Maj.-Gen. S. Thacker, Bom. S.C. ; m. 2nd, 1889, Eva. dau. of late John Naylor, of Leighton Hall, Mont- gomeryshire ; ed. at Wellington Coll. ; P. S.C. ; entd. Ai-my 1874, capt. Bo. S.C. (now I.A.) 1885, maj. 1894, It. -col. 1900, brev.-col. 1902, col. 1903, maj.-gen. since 1906 ; served in Afghan War 1879-80 (medal, clasp) ; Soudan expedn. 1885 (medal, clasp, bronze star) ; Burmah expedn. 1886-7 (despatches, medal, 2 clasps, D.S.O.) ; in S. Africa 1899-1900, as D.A.A.G. (despatchesj Queen's medal, 5 clasps, C.B.) ; sometim D.A.A.G. and A.A.G. Bombay, and A.Q.M.G. headquarters, India ; A.D.C. to King Edwar(' VII, 1903-6 ; D.A.G. Punjab, 1904 ; 1st commdt Indian Staff Coll. 1905-6 ; sec. of Army Dept India 1906-9 ; col. 126th Baluchistan Inf. sine 1907, ret. 1912. Residence — Fishley Rectory Acle, Norfolk. Club — United Service. Issu by 2nd m. — Eric Bayly, b. 1391. ' BAYLY, K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. Jan. 13, 1914 C.V.O. 1907 ; C.B. 1912.— Vice-Adm. Sir Lewi Bay'LY. B. 28 Sept. 1857 ; m. 1892, Yve Henrietta Voysey Stella, dau. of ent. R.N. 1870," commr. 1894, capt. 1899, rear adm. 1911 ; vice-adm. 1914; served in Ashant (medal), in Congo 1875, Egyptian war 1882 (medal Khedive's bronze star) ; A.D.C. to King Edwan VII 1908;.commd. 1st cruiser squadron 1911-13 comdg. .3i'd battle squadron since 1913. Addres — H.M.S. " King Edward VII," Portsmouth. BEACHCROFT, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1904.- SiR Richard Melvill Beachcroft, s. of Richart Beachcroft, and Henrietta, dau. of late Si James Cosmo Melvill. K.C.B. B. 22 Jan. 1846 m. 18 July, 1877, Charlotte Emily, dau. o late Robert M. Bonnor-Maurice, of Bodynfoc Hall, Montgomeryshire ; ed. at Harrow ; ad mitted solicitor 1868 ; partner in Beachcroft Thompson & Co. ; solicitor to Christ's Ho.spita since 1873 ; master, 1913—14 ; memb. of court o the Clothworkers' Company ; an original memb of the L.C.C., elect, alderman 1892, clep. chrmn 1896. vice-chrnm. 1897, chairman 1909-10 was first chairman of Metropolitan AVater Boan 190.3-8. Residences — 24, Palace Court, W. Littlemount, Cookham Dean. Clubs — Conser A'at ivo ; Alpine. BEATSON, K.C.B. (civ.). Creat. 1907 ; C.B (civ.) 1902. — Sir George Thomas Beatson, s. o; the late George Stewart Beatson, M.D., C.B. surgeon-gen. Army Med. Dept., and hon. physiciar to Qvieen Victoria, of Campbeltown, Argyleshire and Mary Jane, dau. of the late Col. Georg«  Cochrane, of Colombo, Ceylon. B. at Trincoma- lee, Ceylon, May 26, 1848 ; ed. at King William's Coll., I. of Man, Camb., and Edinburgh Univ. B.A. (Camb.) ; graduated M.B., CM., L.R.CS.E, 1874 ; M.D. (Edin.) 1878 : joined 1st Lanark V.A. July, 1879 ; transferred to comd. of Glasgow cos. R.A.M.C (Vol.) June, 1891 ; late It.-col. and hon. col. commanding Glasgow cos. R.A.M.C. (Vol.) ; civilian memb. city of Glasgow Ten-. Force Assocn., senior president Roy. Med. Soc, Edinburgh 1874 ; exmnr. in surgery, Edin. Univ. 1889-92 ; chairman of Cotmcil of Scottish Branch, British Red Cross Society ; member of CounciJ Red Cross Society ; con. surg. Glasgow Western Infirmary and Cancer Hospital ; hon, assoc. of Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; D.L, CO. of the city of Gla.sgow since Oct. 1908. Resi- dence — 7, Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. Clubs — Junior Constitutional ; Scottish Conservative (Edin.) ; Western (Glasgow). BEATSON, (Knt.'s widow). — Edith Cecil, dau. of Major-Gen. Sir William KidstonEUes, K.C.B. ; m. 2Nov., 1889, Sir Stuart Brownlow Beatson, M^io served in Jowaki exped. 1877—8 (medal and clasp), Afghan war 1878-9-80, present at captm-C' of Ali Musjid (medal and clasp), Egyptian expi-d. 1882 as A.D.C (medal, bronze star), Burma!' exped. 1886-7 as mil. sec. (desp., clasp, bt.-maj.; with Malakand field force (at relief and defence of Malakand and relief of Chakdara Fort) and Mohmund field force 1897-8 (despatches thrice, medal, 2 clasps, C.B.), and in S. Africa 1901-2 as brig. -gen. in command of mobile column (desp.) : military sec. to the King, when Prince of Wales,