Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/682

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BELFIELD] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 63i of Manchester ; dep. chnnn. of Union Bank of Manchester, Ltd. ; partner in firm of Sir Jacob Behrens & Sons, Manchester, Bradford. Glasgow, London, and Calcutta. Residence — Holm-Acre, Altrincham, Cheshire. Clubs — Reform ; Claren- don; Reform (Manchester). Issue — 1. Emily Doris, m. 1911, George Hill Hiifrhes. Resi- dence— Kingsbury Croft, Jlarlborough, Wilts. 2. Alice Muriel.

. Norali Clare, ni. 1909, Assheton Nevile Clegg.

Kcsidence — Brackendene, Dunham INIassey, and Cile- hrook, Tarporley, Chcsliire. BELFIELD, K.C.M.G. Great. 1914 ; C.M.G. 10O9. — Sir Henry Conway Belfield, s. of late John Finney Belfield, J.P., of Primley Hill, Devon. B. '29 Nov. 1855 ; m. 1884, Florence, dau. of Rev. James Rathborne, rector of West Tytherley, Hants : Barr.-at-law, Inner Temple, 1880 ; commnr. of lands and mines, Federated INlalay States, 1896 ; acting British Resid., Se- laiigor, at various periods from March, 1897, to Sept. 1901 ; Br. Resid., Negri Sembilan, April, 1901, and Selangor, Aug. 1902; Gov. of East. Africa Protectorate since 1912 : High Commissr. for Zanzibar Protectorate 1914 ; J. P., Devon. Residences — Govt. House, Nairobi, East Africa ; Primley Hill, Paignton, Devon. Clubs — Jvmior Carlton ; Ranelagh. Issue — 1. Son. 1. Dau. 2. Monica, m. 1913, Harold Edmund Franklyn {See I'RANKLYK, K.C.B.) BELL, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1908; C.M.G. 1903.— Sir Henry Hesketh J. Bell, eldest s. of Henry A. J. Bell. B. Dec. 1804 ; ed. in Brussels and Paris ; ent. Colonial Civil Service, West Indies, 1882 ; Senior Assist. Treasurer Gold Coast, 1891 ; Receiver-General and Treasiu-er Bahamas, 1894; Administrator of Dominica, 1899-1905; Govr. and f'ommr. -in-chief, Uganda Protectorate, 1905-9 ; Govr. of the Pl-otectorate of Northern Nigeria 1909-12 ; Govr. and Commr. -in-chief, Leeward Islands, from 1912 ; author of " Obeah," "A Witch's Legacy," etc. Residence — Govern- ment House, Leeward Isles. Clubs — Conser- -ative ; Sports. BELL, Knt. Bach. Great. 1911. — Sir James Bell, s. of William Bell, of Preston, Lanes, M.D., by Jane, dau. of William Owens, of Wick- low, Ireland, M.D. B. at Preston, 26 March, 1866 ; m. 2 Sept. 1893, Eveljai Clifford, dau. of Stephen Aveling, of Rochester ; ed. at Preston gram. sch. and Univ. Coll. Sch. London ; admitted a solicitor (1st cl. honours) 1888 ; asst. town clerk of Biriuingham 1891—4 ; town clerk of Leicester 1894-1902, and clerk and solicitor to the Derwent Valley Water Board ; town clerk oi London since 1902 ; a lieut. of the City of London; has the 1911 Coronation Medal, and holds many foreign Orders. Residence — Hill Place, Farnham Royal, Bucks. Club — New. Issue — James Clifford Aveling Bell, li. 1894. Evelyn Jlary Joyce Avelin<i. BELL, K.C.V.O. Great. 1911.— Major-Gens ■Sir James Alexander Bell, s. of late Col. Jame. Giberne Bell, Ind. Army, and dau. of C. Bushby, I.C.S., memb. of Govr.-Genl.'s Council. B. 28 Jan. 1856 ; m. 1880, Edith E., dau. of late Col. Robertson, Warwicks Regt. ; ed. at Harrow ; entd. Ind. Army 1875 ; capt. 1886 ; maj. 1896 ; ilieut.-col. 1900; col. 1904; maj. -gen. 1911; Brigade Commdr. and Political Resident, Aden, since 14 Nov. 1910. Residence — Aden. BELL, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Bertha Diana, dau. of G. Torr, of Garbrand Hall, Ewo-11, Surrey ; m. 1882, Sir William James Bell, LL.D., J. P., D.L., alderman London C.C. 1903-7, who d. 2 April, 1913. Residence — 37-8, St. James's Place, S.W. BELL AIRS, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Blanche St. John, dau. of F. A. Moschzisker, Ph.D. ; m. 1807, Lieut. -Gon. Sir William Bellairs, K.C.M.G., C.B., who d. 24 July, 1913 ; is authoress oi Gossips with Maidens,' Clevedon, Somerset. etc. Residence — : BELLAMY, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1904.— Sib Joseph Arthur Bellamy, s. of Joseph Bellamy, of Plvmouth. B. 6 Sept. 1845 ; m. 26 Aug. 1868, Susan Mill (d. 8 Aug. 1908), dau. of the late Wm. Saull Wills ; is a shipowner ; Mayor of Plymouth 1901-2 ; J.P., Plymouth ; chrmn. Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Co.; chairiuan Sutton Har- bour Co., and commnr. Cattewater Harbour ; has taken an active part in the promotion of sanitary reforins and the advocacy of technical education. Residence — Yalta, Mannamead, Ply- mouth. Issue — 1. Arthur Bellamy, b. 1869 ; Lieut.-Col. Devon R.G.A. ; m. 1898, Edith, dau. of William Thomas Madge, of Broughton Lodge, Putney Hill, S.W. Resi- denci — Yelverton. Chartfleld Avenu- , Putney, S.W. 1. EUn, m. 18 , William King Pitts. Residence — Thornhill Road, Mannahead, Plymouth. 2. Jessie, m. 18 , Arthur Leslie Body, of Lloyd's Bank, St. Mary Church, Torquay. BELSEY, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Kate Morri- son Foster, of New York, U.S.A. M. 1897, Sir Francis Flint Belsey ; Mayor of Rochester 1879 and 1885 ; for 10 years co-opted memb. Kent Education Committee ; chairman Council Sun- day Sch. Union for 20 yrs. ; J. P. Kent ; who d. 25 May, 1914. Residences — Abbotsley, Deal, Kent ; 43, Avenue Mansions, Hampstead, N.W. BENARES, Raja of, G.C.I.E. Creat. 1898.— H.H. Maharaja Sir Prabhu Naray'an Singh Bahadur. B. 26 Nov. 1855 ; sue. his uncle 1889 ; is entitled to a salute of 13 guns. Resi- dences — Rumnagar, Benares ; Chakya, Mirzapur. BENBOW, K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 1902 ; D.S.O. 1891. — Sir Henry Benbow, s. of James Benbow, of Thornton Heath, Surrey, and Caroline, dau. of Benjamin Parrey, of London. B. 6 Sept. 1838 ; m. 1892, Elizabeth Jean, dau. of Henry Bird, of LTxbridge ; ed. privately ; entered R.N. as assist, engineer 1861, chief engineer 1879 (special promotion for gallantry in action), inspector of machinery 1885, chief inspector of machinery 1888, retired 1893 : served in Nile exped. 1884—5, and was specially mentioned for having repaired, under a heavy fire, the boiler of the "Safia" when disabled by a shot (inedal, bronze star). Residence — Osborne House, East- bourne. Issue — Caroline Murii'l. BENGOUGH. K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 1908 ; C.B. (mil.) 188<;.— Maj.-Gen. Sir Habcoubt jMortimer Bengough, s. of the late George Bengough, of the Ridge, Glos, and Anne, dau. of Capt. J. C. Carpenter, K.H., R.N. B. 25 Nov. 1837; m. 22 Dec. 1876, Christina, dau. of H. Mavbery, of Brecon, S. Wales ; ed. at Rugby; ent. 77th Regt. 1855, col. 1883, maj. -gen. 1894, ret. 1898 ; served in the Crimea, the Zulu cam- paign 1878-9 (despatches, medal, brev.-lt.-col.), and Burma expedition 1885—6 (despatches, C.B.) ; A.A.G. Madras 1882-7 ; in command 2nd class dist. Madras Army 1887-91 ; commdg. troops in Jamaica 1893-4, and first infantry Brig, at Aldershot 1894-7. Residence — Hyde Brae, Chalford, Gloiicestershire. Issue — Two sons. One dau. BENNETT, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1914; CLE. 1900. — Sir Courtenay Walter Bennett, s. of